Dog Jaw Monument - A Futurist Tele-introject - Leon Golub
Unbuilt Roads
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
119. PROJET DE DESTRUCTION DU MUSEE 1970 - 1971 - Jef Geys
Unbuilt Roads
Plan pour devoir Musée o'anu[?]s avec autorisation et aide de ministères contactes (Eventuellement raisons pour lesquelles le travail n'a pu etre realise) Refus ministères de la defense etc. Publications: Kempens informatieblad Contact ...
Plan pour devoir Musée o'anu[?]s avec autorisation et aide de ministères contactes (Eventuellement raisons pour lesquelles le travail n'a pu etre realise) Refus ministères de la defense etc. Publications: Kempens informatieblad Contact ...
Eislandschaft - P. Fischli und D. Weiss
Unbuilt Roads
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
Projekt für die Landschaft des Mont-de-Sene (Burgund) im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Auftrags des französischen Kultusministeriums - Markus Raetz
Unbuilt Roads
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
2 Architecture Towers - Robert Irwin
Unbuilt Roads
A competition won in 1989 Tower One: was proposed to sit in a roundabout next to the Chicago river .. 65' (feet) in height, the base an octagonal cast iron construction stands on a slightly mounded cast rubber base ... eight triangular beams thrust upw ...
A competition won in 1989 Tower One: was proposed to sit in a roundabout next to the Chicago river .. 65' (feet) in height, the base an octagonal cast iron construction stands on a slightly mounded cast rubber base ... eight triangular beams thrust upw ...
den anonymen Tod ausstellen - Gregor Schneider
Unbuilt Roads
Ich wache auf Eine Junge Frau liegt neben mir. Das licht fällt auf ihren blassen körper. Sie at mit nicht. Ich warme sie. sie sieht wunderschön und glucklich aus. Rhydt 1995 Ein toter Mensch liegt auf dem Boden. Licht fällt auf den blassen Körp ...
Ich wache auf Eine Junge Frau liegt neben mir. Das licht fällt auf ihren blassen körper. Sie at mit nicht. Ich warme sie. sie sieht wunderschön und glucklich aus. Rhydt 1995 Ein toter Mensch liegt auf dem Boden. Licht fällt auf den blassen Körp ...
Art and Ourselves: A Proposal for the city of Nordhorn - Allen Rupperssberg
Unbuilt Roads
see my catalog from the Magazine. The complete text is there. (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Political Previous Publications (?) Catalog from where art Magazine 1996 Exisiting Documents: to be requested from No ...
see my catalog from the Magazine. The complete text is there. (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Political Previous Publications (?) Catalog from where art Magazine 1996 Exisiting Documents: to be requested from No ...
Jake and Dinos Chapman's five proposals for an empty plinth situated on central londons trafalgar square - Jake and Dinos Chapman
Unbuilt Roads
commissioned by liberal daily broadsheet newspaper ironically suggesting the most unsuitable artists possible to produce the most unsuitable public sculpture never to be realized: ha ha ha, very funny we suggest one of the following: project 'Hawki ...
commissioned by liberal daily broadsheet newspaper ironically suggesting the most unsuitable artists possible to produce the most unsuitable public sculpture never to be realized: ha ha ha, very funny we suggest one of the following: project 'Hawki ...
Project tor the Veterans Administration Hospital--Bay Pines, Florida. - Robert Morris
Unbuilt Roads
13 Feb 97 Att: Hans Ulrich Obrist From: R. Morris (fax:914-255-2781) Re: Unbuilt Roads Dear Hans Ulrich Obrist, Thanks for you recent fax inviting me to participate in your project. I send along some information about a project that might be ...
13 Feb 97 Att: Hans Ulrich Obrist From: R. Morris (fax:914-255-2781) Re: Unbuilt Roads Dear Hans Ulrich Obrist, Thanks for you recent fax inviting me to participate in your project. I send along some information about a project that might be ...
Unbuilt Roads
I propose that a typical working fisherman's boat 30 to 50 feet in length be attached to the side of the new Seattle Art Museum building. The boat's bow would point skyward, it's keel resting along one side of the building . A cable from the roof to the b ...
I propose that a typical working fisherman's boat 30 to 50 feet in length be attached to the side of the new Seattle Art Museum building. The boat's bow would point skyward, it's keel resting along one side of the building . A cable from the roof to the b ...
Invitation Space No.1 - Tania Mouraud
Unbuilt Roads
1 carré en béton dimension 150 cm epaisseur 15 cm, accroché au flauc d 'une monVague Publications: Galerie "Ben donte de tout" 1971 (Invitation à l'exposition Mouraud) feuille volaute Galerie LP 220, Turin, Milan "Paysage sonore urbain" Be ...
1 carré en béton dimension 150 cm epaisseur 15 cm, accroché au flauc d 'une monVague Publications: Galerie "Ben donte de tout" 1971 (Invitation à l'exposition Mouraud) feuille volaute Galerie LP 220, Turin, Milan "Paysage sonore urbain" Be ...
Relatum (Iron Plate and Stone) - Lee Ufan
Unbuilt Roads
Four natural stones are evenly places around an iron plate, facing each other. As the iron plate is buried one meter below the ground, only the four stones are visible to the viewer. The absence of the iron plate is indicated by a title sign which ind ...
Four natural stones are evenly places around an iron plate, facing each other. As the iron plate is buried one meter below the ground, only the four stones are visible to the viewer. The absence of the iron plate is indicated by a title sign which ind ...
Eight Days a Week - Joe Scanlan
Unbuilt Roads
In 1994, after several years of studying the history of calendars and their basis in the solar system, I designed a new calendar that was more "in tune" with my personal rhythms. Although it contained the same 365 days, the calendar was divided into 15 In ...
In 1994, after several years of studying the history of calendars and their basis in the solar system, I designed a new calendar that was more "in tune" with my personal rhythms. Although it contained the same 365 days, the calendar was divided into 15 In ...
"Ileana, I love you" - Maurizo Cattelan
Unbuilt Roads
1996 progetto "ilana, I love you" per la galleria Stefano Basilico di New York. Molte persone che conoscono Stefano Basilica per la sua galleria, conoscono anche che Stefano e' stato collaboratore per circa dieci anni alla galleria Sonnabend. Questo ...
1996 progetto "ilana, I love you" per la galleria Stefano Basilico di New York. Molte persone che conoscono Stefano Basilica per la sua galleria, conoscono anche che Stefano e' stato collaboratore per circa dieci anni alla galleria Sonnabend. Questo ...
Square Depression - Bruce Nauman
Unbuilt Roads
Geplanter Standort: Naturwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Westfälischen Wilhelmsuniversität, Münster Material: Betonguß Maße: Tiefe 2,30 m, Breite 25,0 m, Länge 25,0 m Note The piece is a rhomboid square depres­sion with the p ...
Geplanter Standort: Naturwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Westfälischen Wilhelmsuniversität, Münster Material: Betonguß Maße: Tiefe 2,30 m, Breite 25,0 m, Länge 25,0 m Note The piece is a rhomboid square depres­sion with the p ...
Financial Times Millennium Bridge Competition - Richard Serra and Frank Gehry
Unbuilt Roads
Design Intent: The main purpose of a footbridge across the Thames should be more than to transport people most efficiently from point A to point B. We propose, instead, a bridge where sociality becomes the dominant practical purpose, a structure which ...
Design Intent: The main purpose of a footbridge across the Thames should be more than to transport people most efficiently from point A to point B. We propose, instead, a bridge where sociality becomes the dominant practical purpose, a structure which ...
Unbuilt Roads
WOOD, PLASTIC, 2 CHAIRS ca 180 x 150 x 170 cm PIECE OF THE SHOW "CANCELLED PROJECTS" IN MUSEUM FRIEDERICIANUM KASSEL SUMMER 95 Previous Publications (?) NO Existing Documents (photos, drawings, models): ENCLOSED ...
WOOD, PLASTIC, 2 CHAIRS ca 180 x 150 x 170 cm PIECE OF THE SHOW "CANCELLED PROJECTS" IN MUSEUM FRIEDERICIANUM KASSEL SUMMER 95 Previous Publications (?) NO Existing Documents (photos, drawings, models): ENCLOSED ...
Project pour le parc de sculpture de Vassiviére - Paul-Armand Gette
Unbuilt Roads
Un bloc de granite choisi dans la partie boisée de l'île sera considéré comme étant le centre d'une circonférence de 25m. de rayon, qui, sans que cela soit indiqué sur place d'aucune façon, restera vierge de toutes interventions (aménagements, co ...
Un bloc de granite choisi dans la partie boisée de l'île sera considéré comme étant le centre d'une circonférence de 25m. de rayon, qui, sans que cela soit indiqué sur place d'aucune façon, restera vierge de toutes interventions (aménagements, co ...
Grand Concours International D'Architecture  - Sol Lewitt
Unbuilt Roads
TITRE DU PROJET: Grand Concours D'International D'architecture ANNEE: 1993/1994 DESCRIPTIF: Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lama ...
TITRE DU PROJET: Grand Concours D'International D'architecture ANNEE: 1993/1994 DESCRIPTIF: Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lama ...
Unbuilt Roads
Vito Acconci & Studio (Luis Vera, Jenny Schrider, Charles Doherty; with James Harrison, Jennifer Zackin, Jean Hahn) COMMUNITY CENTER, AVENUE DES NARCISSES, CHENOVE, FRANCE 1994 (To be built, 1998) Grass, trees, concrete, asphalt, steel, glass, lights, ...
Vito Acconci & Studio (Luis Vera, Jenny Schrider, Charles Doherty; with James Harrison, Jennifer Zackin, Jean Hahn) COMMUNITY CENTER, AVENUE DES NARCISSES, CHENOVE, FRANCE 1994 (To be built, 1998) Grass, trees, concrete, asphalt, steel, glass, lights, ...
Nicht realisierte Projekte - Stefan Demary
Unbuilt Roads
Lieber Hans - Ulrich! Nochmals Danke für die nette Einlandung. In dem Buch, Meine normale Arbeitsweine mit meine künstlerischen Ideen for laufend auf listen zu schreiben. Diese werden zum Teil Jahre später erst realisiert, allendings zählt als jah ...
Lieber Hans - Ulrich! Nochmals Danke für die nette Einlandung. In dem Buch, Meine normale Arbeitsweine mit meine künstlerischen Ideen for laufend auf listen zu schreiben. Diese werden zum Teil Jahre später erst realisiert, allendings zählt als jah ...
Unrealized Projects - Jonas Meckas
Unbuilt Roads
Dear Hans Ulrich: Tonight I am thinking about my unrealized projects. I have many of them. One is: To publish a book of IDEAS. I consider that ideas are the cheapest thing in the world. I have about 10,000 of them. But I have no time to put them all in ...
Dear Hans Ulrich: Tonight I am thinking about my unrealized projects. I have many of them. One is: To publish a book of IDEAS. I consider that ideas are the cheapest thing in the world. I have about 10,000 of them. But I have no time to put them all in ...
d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. - Christian Boltanski
Unbuilt Roads
Il y a quelques années, j'ai éte invité à réfléchir à la réalisation d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. Ce monument devait être installé en face du Reichstag à Berlin. J'avais répondu alors que je pensais que les monuments étaient ...
Il y a quelques années, j'ai éte invité à réfléchir à la réalisation d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. Ce monument devait être installé en face du Reichstag à Berlin. J'avais répondu alors que je pensais que les monuments étaient ...
Brücke Wein-Kanal Arch. Hermann Czech, Wein - Franz West
Unbuilt Roads
Denen, die in dieselben Flüsse steigen, fließen immer neue Wasser zu , und (immer neue) Seelen entsteigen der Feuchtigkeit. Heraklit, Fragment 12[1] Linkes Brückenauflager Ansicht Nordwest M 1:33 ...
Denen, die in dieselben Flüsse steigen, fließen immer neue Wasser zu , und (immer neue) Seelen entsteigen der Feuchtigkeit. Heraklit, Fragment 12[1] Linkes Brückenauflager Ansicht Nordwest M 1:33 ...
La Guerra De Los Simbolos - Victor Grippo
Unbuilt Roads
Una larga mesa, no necesariamente recta adaptada a las condiciones del espacio de exhibición, de 30 cm de ancho y longitud variable sobre la que estarà una larga "maqueta" construida con yeso blanco, de "paisa jes" urbanos conteniedo, edificios y simbol ...
Una larga mesa, no necesariamente recta adaptada a las condiciones del espacio de exhibición, de 30 cm de ancho y longitud variable sobre la que estarà una larga "maqueta" construida con yeso blanco, de "paisa jes" urbanos conteniedo, edificios y simbol ...
Unbuilt Roads
A global network of simultaneously transmitting and receiving " TV Arcades." Open to the public twenty-four hours a day, like any washerette. An arcade in every big city of the world. Each equipped with a hundred or more monitors of different sizes from a ...
A global network of simultaneously transmitting and receiving " TV Arcades." Open to the public twenty-four hours a day, like any washerette. An arcade in every big city of the world. Each equipped with a hundred or more monitors of different sizes from a ...