Festival du film de famille - Pierre Huyghe
Unbuilt Roads
Le Festival du film de famille est un événement qui séted sur 3 jours, c'est le pant de dipart d'une dénie partagée qui peut se répéter sur plusieurs [arnisé?]. Une communanté affactive [illisible] son [basan?] d'histories par sa propre producti ...
Le Festival du film de famille est un événement qui séted sur 3 jours, c'est le pant de dipart d'une dénie partagée qui peut se répéter sur plusieurs [arnisé?]. Une communanté affactive [illisible] son [basan?] d'histories par sa propre producti ...
PROJEKT - Ulrich Rückreim
Unbuilt Roads
13 Kuben Granit Rosa Porrino, jeweils horizontal und vertikal gespalten jeweils ca. 300 x 200 x 200 cm davon jeweils ca. 90 cm in die Erde eingelassen 120 Bäume jeweils in lOer Gruppen gepflanzt Gesamtareal: 100 x 100 m Dreize ...
13 Kuben Granit Rosa Porrino, jeweils horizontal und vertikal gespalten jeweils ca. 300 x 200 x 200 cm davon jeweils ca. 90 cm in die Erde eingelassen 120 Bäume jeweils in lOer Gruppen gepflanzt Gesamtareal: 100 x 100 m Dreize ...
654 THINGS from The United States - Edward Ruscha
Unbuilt Roads
This was a proposal for the Defense Urban Development area in the city of Paris. The work, which takes on the appearance of a monument, would consist of stone or marble plates, bolted together to create a weather proof box-shaped container, housing shelve ...
This was a proposal for the Defense Urban Development area in the city of Paris. The work, which takes on the appearance of a monument, would consist of stone or marble plates, bolted together to create a weather proof box-shaped container, housing shelve ...
No title, as the project only reached proposal stage - Rikrit Tiravanija
Unbuilt Roads
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...
Unbuilt Roads
AUSSICHTSTURM Auf der höchsten Erhebung einer Landschaft einen 33 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm in einer offenen Konstruktion (Stahlskelettbauweise) bauen. Mit standigen Offnungszeiten. HOLZHAUS (WOHNHAUS) In einer Gegend mit wenigen oder keinen Hau ...
AUSSICHTSTURM Auf der höchsten Erhebung einer Landschaft einen 33 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm in einer offenen Konstruktion (Stahlskelettbauweise) bauen. Mit standigen Offnungszeiten. HOLZHAUS (WOHNHAUS) In einer Gegend mit wenigen oder keinen Hau ...
WATERWORKS - Mona Hatoum
Unbuilt Roads
Extracts from an unpublished interview with Michael Archer for Phaidon press: ...Around the same period I made a proposal for the New Contemporaries exhibition which was going to be held at the ICA. In those days the toilets were on either side of the ...
Extracts from an unpublished interview with Michael Archer for Phaidon press: ...Around the same period I made a proposal for the New Contemporaries exhibition which was going to be held at the ICA. In those days the toilets were on either side of the ...
Ruderaltisch, 1994/95 Kunst am Bau - Projekt - Lois Weinberger
Unbuilt Roads
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Uncompleted 1966 - and on  - John Armleder
Unbuilt Roads
I have not kept track of most of my umcompleted projects (and many of the completed ones - ) I believe this is quite alright - Most of what has never been done was either to boring, inconvenient, incorrect, or whatever - no regrets. Some projects made h ...
I have not kept track of most of my umcompleted projects (and many of the completed ones - ) I believe this is quite alright - Most of what has never been done was either to boring, inconvenient, incorrect, or whatever - no regrets. Some projects made h ...
Brücke Wein-Kanal Arch. Hermann Czech, Wein - Franz West
Unbuilt Roads
Denen, die in dieselben Flüsse steigen, fließen immer neue Wasser zu , und (immer neue) Seelen entsteigen der Feuchtigkeit. Heraklit, Fragment 12[1] Linkes Brückenauflager Ansicht Nordwest M 1:33 ...
Denen, die in dieselben Flüsse steigen, fließen immer neue Wasser zu , und (immer neue) Seelen entsteigen der Feuchtigkeit. Heraklit, Fragment 12[1] Linkes Brückenauflager Ansicht Nordwest M 1:33 ...
Projekt für die Landschaft des Mont-de-Sene (Burgund) im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Auftrags des französischen Kultusministeriums - Markus Raetz
Unbuilt Roads
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
Project for the Initiative Mahnmal Homosexuellenverfolgung, Frankfurt  - Jeff Wall
Unbuilt Roads
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
Memorial - Ilya Kabakov
Unbuilt Roads
Kabakov "MEMORIAL" Short description of the project The Concept of the Project "Memorial" The Russian revolution which established the "era of Socialism" is considered to be a most important event of the twentieth century. The end of ...
Kabakov "MEMORIAL" Short description of the project The Concept of the Project "Memorial" The Russian revolution which established the "era of Socialism" is considered to be a most important event of the twentieth century. The end of ...
The Rosetta Garden - Gary Simmons
Unbuilt Roads
In collaboration with Brooklyn Technical High School and Andrea Claire The Rosetta Garden Proposal for a vacant lot, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Gary Simmons' proposal is both a reclamation of vacant land and the physical embodiment of philosophical pu ...
In collaboration with Brooklyn Technical High School and Andrea Claire The Rosetta Garden Proposal for a vacant lot, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Gary Simmons' proposal is both a reclamation of vacant land and the physical embodiment of philosophical pu ...
The World Record - General Idea
Unbuilt Roads
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...
Messages to the Public - Nancy Spero
Unbuilt Roads
Dear Hans-Ulrich, Thank you for inviting me to participate in "Unbuilt Worlds - unrealized artist-projects". Sounds terrific. In 1986 I was invited to participate in a program called "Messages to the Public". The invited artists would be given a 30- ...
Dear Hans-Ulrich, Thank you for inviting me to participate in "Unbuilt Worlds - unrealized artist-projects". Sounds terrific. In 1986 I was invited to participate in a program called "Messages to the Public". The invited artists would be given a 30- ...
Notebook Page: Home in the Form of a Banana with Garage,  - Claes Oldenburg
Unbuilt Roads
Pencil and watercolor on paper, 5 3/4 x 4 in. (14.6 x 10.2 cm) ...
Pencil and watercolor on paper, 5 3/4 x 4 in. (14.6 x 10.2 cm) ...
Prima del 73 - Fabio Mauri
Unbuilt Roads
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
Ceinture - Huang Ping Yong
Unbuilt Roads
Ce Projet était fait pour la vitrine (galerie) qui se situe autour de la salle principal et d'un autre côte vers las rues, la piece est un tuyau transparent de 75M longeur, 40 cm diamétre, delans mettre les plus sortes d'insecte = sorpion, lézards, ar ...
Ce Projet était fait pour la vitrine (galerie) qui se situe autour de la salle principal et d'un autre côte vers las rues, la piece est un tuyau transparent de 75M longeur, 40 cm diamétre, delans mettre les plus sortes d'insecte = sorpion, lézards, ar ...
Grand Concours International D'Architecture  - Mahe Gilles
Unbuilt Roads
Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lamarée descendante + montante un batiment a l'aide des seuls materials trouvés sur la plage Nature Des ...
Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lamarée descendante + montante un batiment a l'aide des seuls materials trouvés sur la plage Nature Des ...
PROPOSALl + VOORSTEL - Guillame Bijl
Unbuilt Roads
An abstract sculpture is standing on an ellipse pavement platform, surrounded by city lights, a city seal and a small flower arrangement. Een buitenaards stalen abstract object (±7m) is midden in de stadskem geland. Er zijn balustraden rond gebouwd. ...
An abstract sculpture is standing on an ellipse pavement platform, surrounded by city lights, a city seal and a small flower arrangement. Een buitenaards stalen abstract object (±7m) is midden in de stadskem geland. Er zijn balustraden rond gebouwd. ...
A House of Dust - Alison Knowles
Unbuilt Roads
The House of Dust was first a computer poem using fortran language. The quatrains are all different, each line randomly connected. The form shifting categories for the house are: the material of manufature, the locations the light source and the inhabitan ...
The House of Dust was first a computer poem using fortran language. The quatrains are all different, each line randomly connected. The form shifting categories for the house are: the material of manufature, the locations the light source and the inhabitan ...
Der New-Babyloner - Constant
Unbuilt Roads
Die Automation verspricht uns eine Produktion, die die Bedürfnisse aller Menschen ohne menschliche Arbeitsleistung zufriedenstellt. Die Arbeit des Menschen ist nicht länger ein unumgängliches Produktionsmittel. Der Mensch steht erste. malig vor der Tat ...
Die Automation verspricht uns eine Produktion, die die Bedürfnisse aller Menschen ohne menschliche Arbeitsleistung zufriedenstellt. Die Arbeit des Menschen ist nicht länger ein unumgängliches Produktionsmittel. Der Mensch steht erste. malig vor der Tat ...
Placid Earth: A Project for the Meeting of Millennia - Cai Guo Quiang
Unbuilt Roads
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...
The insurer - Fabrice Hybert
Unbuilt Roads
Monsieur l'Abbe Pierre, il y a sans doute d'autres points que je n'ai pas imagines mais une conversation permettrait sans doute d'apporter des rectifications. Je sollicite votre bienveillance et votre engagement pour pouvoir m'autoriser a vous rencontr ...
Monsieur l'Abbe Pierre, il y a sans doute d'autres points que je n'ai pas imagines mais une conversation permettrait sans doute d'apporter des rectifications. Je sollicite votre bienveillance et votre engagement pour pouvoir m'autoriser a vous rencontr ...
Unrealized Projects - Jonas Meckas
Unbuilt Roads
Dear Hans Ulrich: Tonight I am thinking about my unrealized projects. I have many of them. One is: To publish a book of IDEAS. I consider that ideas are the cheapest thing in the world. I have about 10,000 of them. But I have no time to put them all in ...
Dear Hans Ulrich: Tonight I am thinking about my unrealized projects. I have many of them. One is: To publish a book of IDEAS. I consider that ideas are the cheapest thing in the world. I have about 10,000 of them. But I have no time to put them all in ...
Projet pour la Place Saint Léger à Chambery  - Erik Dietman
Unbuilt Roads
Projet pour la Place Saint Léger à Chambery à l'occasion de l'exposition pour la préfiguration du Musée de sculptures de Buisson-Rond organisée par Françoise Guichon en 1982. Comme toutes Jes places publiques, la Place Saint Léger est peuplée ...
Projet pour la Place Saint Léger à Chambery à l'occasion de l'exposition pour la préfiguration du Musée de sculptures de Buisson-Rond organisée par Françoise Guichon en 1982. Comme toutes Jes places publiques, la Place Saint Léger est peuplée ...