Cruzeiro Do Sul, (Southern Cross) (Crucero del Sur) 1969-70* - Cildo Meireles
Unbuilt Roads
A cube with a side measurement of 9 mm, consisting of two transverse sections: one of pine and the other of oak, trees that represented mythical beings in the cosmology of the Tupi Indians, beings whose correlation (mistakenly interpreted by the Jesuits a ...
A cube with a side measurement of 9 mm, consisting of two transverse sections: one of pine and the other of oak, trees that represented mythical beings in the cosmology of the Tupi Indians, beings whose correlation (mistakenly interpreted by the Jesuits a ...
The pyramids...to be seen to be believed - Jonathan Monk
Unbuilt Roads
Glasgow 1990 Cultural Capital of Europe 5 February 1990 Mr Jonathan Monk 22 Cecil Street Hillhead Glasgow G12 8RH Dear Jonathan Monk Thank you very much for your exciting letter concerning your proposed project for this year namely ...
Glasgow 1990 Cultural Capital of Europe 5 February 1990 Mr Jonathan Monk 22 Cecil Street Hillhead Glasgow G12 8RH Dear Jonathan Monk Thank you very much for your exciting letter concerning your proposed project for this year namely ...
654 THINGS from The United States - Edward Ruscha
Unbuilt Roads
This was a proposal for the Defense Urban Development area in the city of Paris. The work, which takes on the appearance of a monument, would consist of stone or marble plates, bolted together to create a weather proof box-shaped container, housing shelve ...
This was a proposal for the Defense Urban Development area in the city of Paris. The work, which takes on the appearance of a monument, would consist of stone or marble plates, bolted together to create a weather proof box-shaped container, housing shelve ...
Prima del 73 - Fabio Mauri
Unbuilt Roads
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
Entwurf für einen erneuerten Malkasten 1992 - 1994 - Ulrike Holthöfer
Unbuilt Roads
„Entwurf für einen erneuerten Malkasten" 1992 - 1994 Gemeinschaftsprojekt Jacobischer Garten/ Malkasten Düsseldorf: 22000 m2 großer historischer Garten und Gebäudesubstanz (Jacobihaus, Hentrichbau, Randgebäude) im Zentrum der Stadt Düsse ...
„Entwurf für einen erneuerten Malkasten" 1992 - 1994 Gemeinschaftsprojekt Jacobischer Garten/ Malkasten Düsseldorf: 22000 m2 großer historischer Garten und Gebäudesubstanz (Jacobihaus, Hentrichbau, Randgebäude) im Zentrum der Stadt Düsse ...
Unbetitelt, Gänse-Projekt + Noch unbetitelt , " Durch den Mund sehen " + Kartoffeln  - Carsten Holler
Unbuilt Roads
Unbetitelt, Gänse-Projekt 1996 Junge Graugänse werden auf einen ferhgesteurten Flugdrachen geprägt, indem sie im Moment des Schlüpfens mit diesem Objekt konfrontiert werden. Der Flugdrachen übernimmt die Rolle der Mutter. Später, wen ...
Unbetitelt, Gänse-Projekt 1996 Junge Graugänse werden auf einen ferhgesteurten Flugdrachen geprägt, indem sie im Moment des Schlüpfens mit diesem Objekt konfrontiert werden. Der Flugdrachen übernimmt die Rolle der Mutter. Später, wen ...
Unrealized Turtles 1967 - Joseph Grigely
Unbuilt Roads
Basically, a short history about why I never became an illustrator of turtles - of wild animals - or of anything else At Birchland Park School, Mrs. Donahue taught art and Mrs. Corliss taught music. The art classes were okay because I drew turtles all ...
Basically, a short history about why I never became an illustrator of turtles - of wild animals - or of anything else At Birchland Park School, Mrs. Donahue taught art and Mrs. Corliss taught music. The art classes were okay because I drew turtles all ...
Catwalk - Sylive Fleury
Unbuilt Roads
An outdoor concrete sculpture, yet uncompleted. This minimal sculpture is to be built using the traditional catwalk runway model, as in use for most fashion shows. Although adaptable, it should be constructed according to standard proportions, in a ...
An outdoor concrete sculpture, yet uncompleted. This minimal sculpture is to be built using the traditional catwalk runway model, as in use for most fashion shows. Although adaptable, it should be constructed according to standard proportions, in a ...
Project for the Initiative Mahnmal Homosexuellenverfolgung, Frankfurt  - Jeff Wall
Unbuilt Roads
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
Uncompleted 1966 - and on  - John Armleder
Unbuilt Roads
I have not kept track of most of my umcompleted projects (and many of the completed ones - ) I believe this is quite alright - Most of what has never been done was either to boring, inconvenient, incorrect, or whatever - no regrets. Some projects made h ...
I have not kept track of most of my umcompleted projects (and many of the completed ones - ) I believe this is quite alright - Most of what has never been done was either to boring, inconvenient, incorrect, or whatever - no regrets. Some projects made h ...
d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. - Christian Boltanski
Unbuilt Roads
Il y a quelques années, j'ai éte invité à réfléchir à la réalisation d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. Ce monument devait être installé en face du Reichstag à Berlin. J'avais répondu alors que je pensais que les monuments étaient ...
Il y a quelques années, j'ai éte invité à réfléchir à la réalisation d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. Ce monument devait être installé en face du Reichstag à Berlin. J'avais répondu alors que je pensais que les monuments étaient ...
Electronic Theater - Laurie Anderson
Unbuilt Roads
Dear Hans-Ulrich Obrist, I'm sending some images to you on disk. There are four stills of a theater set. (et 1 and et 2 on the first disk and et 3 and et5 on the second disk.) These are printable using Photoshop 3.0. Here is the text you asked for ...
Dear Hans-Ulrich Obrist, I'm sending some images to you on disk. There are four stills of a theater set. (et 1 and et 2 on the first disk and et 3 and et5 on the second disk.) These are printable using Photoshop 3.0. Here is the text you asked for ...
Post Photographic apparatus - Steven Pippin
Unbuilt Roads
Description: The impetus came from , or was initially inspired by the endless stream of monotonous images created by the exponential growth in the amount of photographic apparatus. In an effort to counteract this mediocre use of such a powerfull medium ...
Description: The impetus came from , or was initially inspired by the endless stream of monotonous images created by the exponential growth in the amount of photographic apparatus. In an effort to counteract this mediocre use of such a powerfull medium ...
Ruderaltisch, 1994/95 Kunst am Bau - Projekt - Lois Weinberger
Unbuilt Roads
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Jake and Dinos Chapman's five proposals for an empty plinth situated on central londons trafalgar square - Jake and Dinos Chapman
Unbuilt Roads
commissioned by liberal daily broadsheet newspaper ironically suggesting the most unsuitable artists possible to produce the most unsuitable public sculpture never to be realized: ha ha ha, very funny we suggest one of the following: project 'Hawki ...
commissioned by liberal daily broadsheet newspaper ironically suggesting the most unsuitable artists possible to produce the most unsuitable public sculpture never to be realized: ha ha ha, very funny we suggest one of the following: project 'Hawki ...
The bridge according to Jeong-a's dream - Koo Jeong
Unbuilt Roads
round bridge in the middle of the sea to be approached by boat ...
round bridge in the middle of the sea to be approached by boat ...
Project 1 + Project 2 - Simryn Gill
Unbuilt Roads
Project 1 Title: untitled. Seeding the Indian Ocean (between Europe and S. E. Asia) with text-coconuts. Year: 1995 Description: Coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) inhabit the entire tropical belt. They were the only palms common to both the Old and t ...
Project 1 Title: untitled. Seeding the Indian Ocean (between Europe and S. E. Asia) with text-coconuts. Year: 1995 Description: Coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) inhabit the entire tropical belt. They were the only palms common to both the Old and t ...
The Rosetta Garden - Gary Simmons
Unbuilt Roads
In collaboration with Brooklyn Technical High School and Andrea Claire The Rosetta Garden Proposal for a vacant lot, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Gary Simmons' proposal is both a reclamation of vacant land and the physical embodiment of philosophical pu ...
In collaboration with Brooklyn Technical High School and Andrea Claire The Rosetta Garden Proposal for a vacant lot, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Gary Simmons' proposal is both a reclamation of vacant land and the physical embodiment of philosophical pu ...
Unbuilt Roads
WOOD, PLASTIC, 2 CHAIRS ca 180 x 150 x 170 cm PIECE OF THE SHOW "CANCELLED PROJECTS" IN MUSEUM FRIEDERICIANUM KASSEL SUMMER 95 Previous Publications (?) NO Existing Documents (photos, drawings, models): ENCLOSED ...
WOOD, PLASTIC, 2 CHAIRS ca 180 x 150 x 170 cm PIECE OF THE SHOW "CANCELLED PROJECTS" IN MUSEUM FRIEDERICIANUM KASSEL SUMMER 95 Previous Publications (?) NO Existing Documents (photos, drawings, models): ENCLOSED ...
Projets non réalisés: - Daniel Buren
Unbuilt Roads
La liste non exhaustive qui suit correspond une á série de projets qui n'ont pas abouti. Ils sont de plusieurs types et les raisons de leur non aboutissement sont également différentes. Tout d'abord, tous sont liés des situations précises et dict ...
La liste non exhaustive qui suit correspond une á série de projets qui n'ont pas abouti. Ils sont de plusieurs types et les raisons de leur non aboutissement sont également différentes. Tout d'abord, tous sont liés des situations précises et dict ...
Engel-Detektor - Jakob Gautel & Jason Karaïndros
Unbuilt Roads
"Looking into the heart of light, the silence . . . " - T. S. Eliot «Un agne passe» - „Ein Engel schwebt durch den Raum" - ein Moment due Ruhe, der selten geworden ist in unserer Gesellschaft, die vom visuellen und sonoren horror vacui verflogt wir ...
"Looking into the heart of light, the silence . . . " - T. S. Eliot «Un agne passe» - „Ein Engel schwebt durch den Raum" - ein Moment due Ruhe, der selten geworden ist in unserer Gesellschaft, die vom visuellen und sonoren horror vacui verflogt wir ...
Monument to Democracy - Kounellis
Unbuilt Roads
La scultura doveva essere posata davanti alla nuova ala del parlamento olandese di Den Haag. Sono partito dalla struttura ampia, di grande presenza, degll fumaioli che si vedevano sui tetto del vecchio parlamento. Questa strutture architectonica era diven ...
La scultura doveva essere posata davanti alla nuova ala del parlamento olandese di Den Haag. Sono partito dalla struttura ampia, di grande presenza, degll fumaioli che si vedevano sui tetto del vecchio parlamento. Questa strutture architectonica era diven ...
A FAIRLY TALL TOWER, 48,000 Miles High -  - Siah Armajani
Unbuilt Roads
Location: Outer Space Status: Theoretical study Proposal to build a self-supporting tower suspended in space but anchored at one point to the earth (U. S. ). All synchronous satellites of the earth are located at the synchronous altitude. This al ...
Location: Outer Space Status: Theoretical study Proposal to build a self-supporting tower suspended in space but anchored at one point to the earth (U. S. ). All synchronous satellites of the earth are located at the synchronous altitude. This al ...
No title, as the project only reached proposal stage - Rikrit Tiravanija
Unbuilt Roads
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...
Social Resource Project For the Munich Olympics - Stephen Willats
Unbuilt Roads
The social resource project for the Munich Olympics is specifically directed at members of athletic clubs and the audience of athletic fixtures. The project aims to get participants to articulate the rules and perceptual structure of the athletic social e ...
The social resource project for the Munich Olympics is specifically directed at members of athletic clubs and the audience of athletic fixtures. The project aims to get participants to articulate the rules and perceptual structure of the athletic social e ...
The World Record - General Idea
Unbuilt Roads
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...