119. PROJET DE DESTRUCTION DU MUSEE 1970 - 1971 - Jef Geys
Unbuilt Roads
Plan pour devoir Musée o'anu[?]s avec autorisation et aide de ministères contactes (Eventuellement raisons pour lesquelles le travail n'a pu etre realise) Refus ministères de la defense etc. Publications: Kempens informatieblad Contact ...
Plan pour devoir Musée o'anu[?]s avec autorisation et aide de ministères contactes (Eventuellement raisons pour lesquelles le travail n'a pu etre realise) Refus ministères de la defense etc. Publications: Kempens informatieblad Contact ...
The bridge according to Jeong-a's dream - Koo Jeong
Unbuilt Roads
round bridge in the middle of the sea to be approached by boat ...
round bridge in the middle of the sea to be approached by boat ...
Grand Concours International D'Architecture  - Sol Lewitt
Unbuilt Roads
TITRE DU PROJET: Grand Concours D'International D'architecture ANNEE: 1993/1994 DESCRIPTIF: Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lama ...
TITRE DU PROJET: Grand Concours D'International D'architecture ANNEE: 1993/1994 DESCRIPTIF: Concours de plage ouvert surinvitation a des equipe D' Architectes de renomíe internationale. Objet = construire en untemps limiteé entre lama ...
Square Depression - Bruce Nauman
Unbuilt Roads
Geplanter Standort: Naturwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Westfälischen Wilhelmsuniversität, Münster Material: Betonguß Maße: Tiefe 2,30 m, Breite 25,0 m, Länge 25,0 m Note The piece is a rhomboid square depres­sion with the p ...
Geplanter Standort: Naturwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Westfälischen Wilhelmsuniversität, Münster Material: Betonguß Maße: Tiefe 2,30 m, Breite 25,0 m, Länge 25,0 m Note The piece is a rhomboid square depres­sion with the p ...
The World Record - General Idea
Unbuilt Roads
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...
A commission for the SkyDome sports stadium in Toronto, Canada. "General Idea's World Record takes the form of an Illuminated sign suspended overhead and running for the complete circumference of the SkyDome's circular interior street. It will display ...
Art and Ourselves: A Proposal for the city of Nordhorn - Allen Rupperssberg
Unbuilt Roads
see my catalog from the Magazine. The complete text is there. (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Political Previous Publications (?) Catalog from where art Magazine 1996 Exisiting Documents: to be requested from No ...
see my catalog from the Magazine. The complete text is there. (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Political Previous Publications (?) Catalog from where art Magazine 1996 Exisiting Documents: to be requested from No ...
Double Exposure 1995-6  - Dan Graham
Unbuilt Roads
This pavilion is enterable through a sliding 2-way mirror door in one side, is sited in a landscape with some trees, a large visible vista. The 4m x 4m x 4m pavilion has two 2-way mirror sides. The third side is a cibachrome transparency which shows th ...
This pavilion is enterable through a sliding 2-way mirror door in one side, is sited in a landscape with some trees, a large visible vista. The 4m x 4m x 4m pavilion has two 2-way mirror sides. The third side is a cibachrome transparency which shows th ...
Theater der Leere - Werner Ruhnau and Yves Klein
Unbuilt Roads
Sehr geehrte Frau Sabolewski, auf Veranlassung von Herrn Obrist übersende ich Ihnen anbei die Kataloge " Yves Klein/Werner Ruhnau" und "Baukunst" . Dort finden Sie Zeichnungen, Modellfotos etc. , die Sie gern verwenden können. Das "Feuer-Wasser-Lu ...
Sehr geehrte Frau Sabolewski, auf Veranlassung von Herrn Obrist übersende ich Ihnen anbei die Kataloge " Yves Klein/Werner Ruhnau" und "Baukunst" . Dort finden Sie Zeichnungen, Modellfotos etc. , die Sie gern verwenden können. Das "Feuer-Wasser-Lu ...
Memorial - Ilya Kabakov
Unbuilt Roads
Kabakov "MEMORIAL" Short description of the project The Concept of the Project "Memorial" The Russian revolution which established the "era of Socialism" is considered to be a most important event of the twentieth century. The end of ...
Kabakov "MEMORIAL" Short description of the project The Concept of the Project "Memorial" The Russian revolution which established the "era of Socialism" is considered to be a most important event of the twentieth century. The end of ...
PROPOSALl + VOORSTEL - Guillame Bijl
Unbuilt Roads
An abstract sculpture is standing on an ellipse pavement platform, surrounded by city lights, a city seal and a small flower arrangement. Een buitenaards stalen abstract object (±7m) is midden in de stadskem geland. Er zijn balustraden rond gebouwd. ...
An abstract sculpture is standing on an ellipse pavement platform, surrounded by city lights, a city seal and a small flower arrangement. Een buitenaards stalen abstract object (±7m) is midden in de stadskem geland. Er zijn balustraden rond gebouwd. ...
Dog Jaw Monument - A Futurist Tele-introject - Leon Golub
Unbuilt Roads
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
Projets non réalisés: - Daniel Buren
Unbuilt Roads
La liste non exhaustive qui suit correspond une á série de projets qui n'ont pas abouti. Ils sont de plusieurs types et les raisons de leur non aboutissement sont également différentes. Tout d'abord, tous sont liés des situations précises et dict ...
La liste non exhaustive qui suit correspond une á série de projets qui n'ont pas abouti. Ils sont de plusieurs types et les raisons de leur non aboutissement sont également différentes. Tout d'abord, tous sont liés des situations précises et dict ...
Placid Earth: A Project for the Meeting of Millennia - Cai Guo Quiang
Unbuilt Roads
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...
Ruderaltisch, 1994/95 Kunst am Bau - Projekt - Lois Weinberger
Unbuilt Roads
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Die Arbeit besteht aus einem Betontisch im Freien / auf dem erdgefüllte / allgegenwärtige Behälter / wie entleerte Öldosen / leere Farbkübel / „unverwüstliche Plastiksäcke" stehen. Eine Bepflanzung wird nicht vorgenommen / da die im Freiland ...
Projekt für die Landschaft des Mont-de-Sene (Burgund) im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Auftrags des französischen Kultusministeriums - Markus Raetz
Unbuilt Roads
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
Das Projekt bestand aus der Aushöhlung einer Felswand und einer in den Fels gehauenen Treppe, die zu ihr hin führte. ...
The pyramids...to be seen to be believed - Jonathan Monk
Unbuilt Roads
Glasgow 1990 Cultural Capital of Europe 5 February 1990 Mr Jonathan Monk 22 Cecil Street Hillhead Glasgow G12 8RH Dear Jonathan Monk Thank you very much for your exciting letter concerning your proposed project for this year namely ...
Glasgow 1990 Cultural Capital of Europe 5 February 1990 Mr Jonathan Monk 22 Cecil Street Hillhead Glasgow G12 8RH Dear Jonathan Monk Thank you very much for your exciting letter concerning your proposed project for this year namely ...
Project tor the Veterans Administration Hospital--Bay Pines, Florida. - Robert Morris
Unbuilt Roads
13 Feb 97 Att: Hans Ulrich Obrist From: R. Morris (fax:914-255-2781) Re: Unbuilt Roads Dear Hans Ulrich Obrist, Thanks for you recent fax inviting me to participate in your project. I send along some information about a project that might be ...
13 Feb 97 Att: Hans Ulrich Obrist From: R. Morris (fax:914-255-2781) Re: Unbuilt Roads Dear Hans Ulrich Obrist, Thanks for you recent fax inviting me to participate in your project. I send along some information about a project that might be ...
Merci, Thank you, Danke: Les 2 sujets  - Thomas Hirschorn
Unbuilt Roads
Pour les affichés 4x3 devant l'immeuble Valois/Saint-Honoré je propose deux sujets issus de la serie "merci, Thank you, Danke". Ces sujets sont deux collages sur carton d'un format assez petit (eviron 20x40 pour l'un et 20x40 pour l'autre) Cette serie j ...
Pour les affichés 4x3 devant l'immeuble Valois/Saint-Honoré je propose deux sujets issus de la serie "merci, Thank you, Danke". Ces sujets sont deux collages sur carton d'un format assez petit (eviron 20x40 pour l'un et 20x40 pour l'autre) Cette serie j ...
Making for Art - 100 Unsucceeded Presentation - 1995, 1996,  - Yutaka Sone
Unbuilt Roads
In this project, I visit one hundred curators individually who work at contemporary museum or make shows by their own style to present my works But in this project, all my presentations must be rejected by all curators, which means each of them will en ...
In this project, I visit one hundred curators individually who work at contemporary museum or make shows by their own style to present my works But in this project, all my presentations must be rejected by all curators, which means each of them will en ...
Electronic Theater - Laurie Anderson
Unbuilt Roads
Dear Hans-Ulrich Obrist, I'm sending some images to you on disk. There are four stills of a theater set. (et 1 and et 2 on the first disk and et 3 and et5 on the second disk.) These are printable using Photoshop 3.0. Here is the text you asked for ...
Dear Hans-Ulrich Obrist, I'm sending some images to you on disk. There are four stills of a theater set. (et 1 and et 2 on the first disk and et 3 and et5 on the second disk.) These are printable using Photoshop 3.0. Here is the text you asked for ...
My House - Uri Tzaig
Unbuilt Roads
Like initiation, one has to build his own house, as shown to him in his own dreams. Useing the colors he likes, the shapes he fells, the distances his own body needs, giving names to things, functions, in his language. This house, that was built in my min ...
Like initiation, one has to build his own house, as shown to him in his own dreams. Useing the colors he likes, the shapes he fells, the distances his own body needs, giving names to things, functions, in his language. This house, that was built in my min ...
Catwalk - Sylive Fleury
Unbuilt Roads
An outdoor concrete sculpture, yet uncompleted. This minimal sculpture is to be built using the traditional catwalk runway model, as in use for most fashion shows. Although adaptable, it should be constructed according to standard proportions, in a ...
An outdoor concrete sculpture, yet uncompleted. This minimal sculpture is to be built using the traditional catwalk runway model, as in use for most fashion shows. Although adaptable, it should be constructed according to standard proportions, in a ...
Monument to Democracy - Kounellis
Unbuilt Roads
La scultura doveva essere posata davanti alla nuova ala del parlamento olandese di Den Haag. Sono partito dalla struttura ampia, di grande presenza, degll fumaioli che si vedevano sui tetto del vecchio parlamento. Questa strutture architectonica era diven ...
La scultura doveva essere posata davanti alla nuova ala del parlamento olandese di Den Haag. Sono partito dalla struttura ampia, di grande presenza, degll fumaioli che si vedevano sui tetto del vecchio parlamento. Questa strutture architectonica era diven ...
La Guerra De Los Simbolos - Victor Grippo
Unbuilt Roads
Una larga mesa, no necesariamente recta adaptada a las condiciones del espacio de exhibición, de 30 cm de ancho y longitud variable sobre la que estarà una larga "maqueta" construida con yeso blanco, de "paisa jes" urbanos conteniedo, edificios y simbol ...
Una larga mesa, no necesariamente recta adaptada a las condiciones del espacio de exhibición, de 30 cm de ancho y longitud variable sobre la que estarà una larga "maqueta" construida con yeso blanco, de "paisa jes" urbanos conteniedo, edificios y simbol ...
Chen H.V.O + G.T. - Bertrand Lavier
Unbuilt Roads
J'ai [illegible] de [illegible] un faux [?]drome vous l' echangeur automatic à l'etui de la ville du Hare. [Illegible] monde itait d'accord, c'ert la virou [illegible] [?]quelle cela ne it[?] pas fuit. [illegible] 5.2.97 ...
J'ai [illegible] de [illegible] un faux [?]drome vous l' echangeur automatic à l'etui de la ville du Hare. [Illegible] monde itait d'accord, c'ert la virou [illegible] [?]quelle cela ne it[?] pas fuit. [illegible] 5.2.97 ...
No title, as the project only reached proposal stage - Rikrit Tiravanija
Unbuilt Roads
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...
Proposal No. 1 (a) In the exhibition space, in proximation (as precisely as possible) to actual space. Replicate (Reconstruct) in architectural scale, space and in specific: detail, the office of the director of the museum. (b) All contents (in deta ...