Monuments to Real Life - Inga Burrows
Monuments to Real Life Monument 2. Twins Digital Video installation research phase began Autumn 2008 in Nuertingen Germany and was aborted in May 2009. Monument 2. ‘Twins’ is the unrealized sibling to Monument 1 ‘Well I Never…’ 2007(www.w ...
Monuments to Real Life Monument 2. Twins Digital Video installation research phase began Autumn 2008 in Nuertingen Germany and was aborted in May 2009. Monument 2. ‘Twins’ is the unrealized sibling to Monument 1 ‘Well I Never…’ 2007(www.w ...
Children of the Enemy - Edward Walsh
Children of the Enemy is a sculpture dedicated to the children on either side of any conflict down through history. Stand before them and become the attacker. Stand behind them and become the attacked. "Children of the Enemy", model for bronze, 55" h ...
Children of the Enemy is a sculpture dedicated to the children on either side of any conflict down through history. Stand before them and become the attacker. Stand behind them and become the attacked. "Children of the Enemy", model for bronze, 55" h ...
Lolita Lebron - Llaima Sanfiorenzo
LOLITA (Erste Fassung) Regie und Idee Llaima Suwani Inhaltsangaben Llaima Suwani und Eyerí Cruz Drehbuch Eyerí Cruz Innen Betriebshalle einer Näherei – Vormittags Eine mit industriellen Nähmaschinen vollgestellte grosse Halle, wo viele uniformierte ...
LOLITA (Erste Fassung) Regie und Idee Llaima Suwani Inhaltsangaben Llaima Suwani und Eyerí Cruz Drehbuch Eyerí Cruz Innen Betriebshalle einer Näherei – Vormittags Eine mit industriellen Nähmaschinen vollgestellte grosse Halle, wo viele uniformierte ...
Spiti - Maria Karametou
In recent times, as the urban landscape changes under the socioeconomic impact of migration and the breaking down of borders, and as uniformity precipitates a loss of individual identity and character, there is a continual process of definition and redefi ...
In recent times, as the urban landscape changes under the socioeconomic impact of migration and the breaking down of borders, and as uniformity precipitates a loss of individual identity and character, there is a continual process of definition and redefi ...
General Valeriano Weyler - Daniela Ortiz in collaboration with Xose Quiroga
GENERAL VALERIANO WEYLER by Daniela Ortiz & Xose Quiroga The Spanish nation constantly recognises as national pride personalities as Christopher Columbus, Francisco Pizarro, Diego de Almagro or Hernan Cortés; diverse streets, plazas and monuments re ...
GENERAL VALERIANO WEYLER by Daniela Ortiz & Xose Quiroga The Spanish nation constantly recognises as national pride personalities as Christopher Columbus, Francisco Pizarro, Diego de Almagro or Hernan Cortés; diverse streets, plazas and monuments re ...
Anca Benera + Arnold Estefan
We wanted to cut 0,892 cm² of soil from the Serpent Island - former Romanian territory, occupied by USSR in 1948 - a minuscule territory located in the northwestern Black Sea, which belongs now to Ukraine. ...
We wanted to cut 0,892 cm² of soil from the Serpent Island - former Romanian territory, occupied by USSR in 1948 - a minuscule territory located in the northwestern Black Sea, which belongs now to Ukraine. ...
William Livingstone house Detroit Project 2010 submitted to United States Artists Projects - Vincent Johnson
The project I am engaged in is the production of a three-foot tall sculpture on a table-top of the collapsed William Livingstone house in Detroit. This is important to me as it represents a metaphorical revisiting of my past, as this Detroit home represen ...
The project I am engaged in is the production of a three-foot tall sculpture on a table-top of the collapsed William Livingstone house in Detroit. This is important to me as it represents a metaphorical revisiting of my past, as this Detroit home represen ...
Live Baghdad Live London - Mo Abd-Ulla
With the beginning of the Blitz, the ‘home front’ became an important subject…two civilians were soon instigated to record the events in order not to forget. Live Baghdad Live London is a long-term project, conceptually and structurally based on ...
With the beginning of the Blitz, the ‘home front’ became an important subject…two civilians were soon instigated to record the events in order not to forget. Live Baghdad Live London is a long-term project, conceptually and structurally based on ...
Flâneur - konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu®
PROJECT [video]Flâneu® The artist walks like a „Flâneur“ through the city. He does not have a turtle with him (as the original Parisian Flâneur of the 1830‘s used to); later, he does not write stories (as Edgar Allan Poe or Hans Christian Ande ...
PROJECT [video]Flâneu® The artist walks like a „Flâneur“ through the city. He does not have a turtle with him (as the original Parisian Flâneur of the 1830‘s used to); later, he does not write stories (as Edgar Allan Poe or Hans Christian Ande ...
A PROPOSAL BY RICK DOBLE FOR AN UNREALIZED ART PROJECT BASED ON PROCESSING THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION (CMB) FROM THE BIG BANG In 2003 I proposed an art project (see my submitted copy of my proposal to the Exploratorium in San Francisco ...
A PROPOSAL BY RICK DOBLE FOR AN UNREALIZED ART PROJECT BASED ON PROCESSING THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION (CMB) FROM THE BIG BANG In 2003 I proposed an art project (see my submitted copy of my proposal to the Exploratorium in San Francisco ...
the candy cottage - Marisa Dipaola
As a child fascinated by storybook worlds, I found the Brothers’ Grimm “Hansel and Gretel” to be one of the most enchanting tales, especially the children’s discovery of the woodland candy cottage. Although built by a witch, as a sculptor, I have ...
As a child fascinated by storybook worlds, I found the Brothers’ Grimm “Hansel and Gretel” to be one of the most enchanting tales, especially the children’s discovery of the woodland candy cottage. Although built by a witch, as a sculptor, I have ...
Project 1 + Project 2 - Simryn Gill
Unbuilt Roads
Project 1 Title: untitled. Seeding the Indian Ocean (between Europe and S. E. Asia) with text-coconuts. Year: 1995 Description: Coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) inhabit the entire tropical belt. They were the only palms common to both the Old and t ...
Project 1 Title: untitled. Seeding the Indian Ocean (between Europe and S. E. Asia) with text-coconuts. Year: 1995 Description: Coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) inhabit the entire tropical belt. They were the only palms common to both the Old and t ...
The Circumference is Everywhere - Daniel R Small
The Circumference is Everywhere, 2011 100 miles Northeast of Los Angeles in the Mojave Desert lies a city abandoned in advance of itself, a ruin that is an aerial monument to misguided optimism that was conceived of by Nat Mendelsohn and intended to r ...
The Circumference is Everywhere, 2011 100 miles Northeast of Los Angeles in the Mojave Desert lies a city abandoned in advance of itself, a ruin that is an aerial monument to misguided optimism that was conceived of by Nat Mendelsohn and intended to r ...
Remembering Imagination - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
“Orgone Tanks” - Urssa Severa
“Orgone Tanks” Artistic action by Urssa Severa As an artistic action, a legion of tanks (about 50 tanks) loaded with “orgone” cannons instead of war cannons, makes a journey around the world all in a row at 40 km per hour. They are on a mission ...
“Orgone Tanks” Artistic action by Urssa Severa As an artistic action, a legion of tanks (about 50 tanks) loaded with “orgone” cannons instead of war cannons, makes a journey around the world all in a row at 40 km per hour. They are on a mission ...
Spiral Monument - Lux Geier
Monument: Debussy’s La Mer: SPIRAL MONUMENT – an unrealized project SPIRAL MONUMENT intends to drop visitors into the grooves of a recording of Debussy’s famed orchestral work La Mer. This structure, which replicates the surface of a vinyl recor ...
Monument: Debussy’s La Mer: SPIRAL MONUMENT – an unrealized project SPIRAL MONUMENT intends to drop visitors into the grooves of a recording of Debussy’s famed orchestral work La Mer. This structure, which replicates the surface of a vinyl recor ...
Unrealized Project: Town Square  - Rebecca Herman and Mark Shoffner
Town Square is comprised of several sculptural elements: a tall, narrow, guillotine‐like structure in wood (without a blade); a series of steps leading up to the guillotine from the back; a basket on the floor in front of the guillotine; and two halves ...
Town Square is comprised of several sculptural elements: a tall, narrow, guillotine‐like structure in wood (without a blade); a series of steps leading up to the guillotine from the back; a basket on the floor in front of the guillotine; and two halves ...
Art at the service of … Short history - Alina and Jeff Bliumis
2010-present “Art at the service of …,Short history”- a series of 5-7 sculptures represents monuments that were destroyed at various times around the world. Each sculpture consists of a scaled down replica of a monument on a pedestal. A short not ...
2010-present “Art at the service of …,Short history”- a series of 5-7 sculptures represents monuments that were destroyed at various times around the world. Each sculpture consists of a scaled down replica of a monument on a pedestal. A short not ...
The Geese of Feliferhof - Esther Shalev-Gerz with Jochen Gerz
Graz, Austria In 1996, Esther Shalev-Gerz and Jochen Gerz won an international competition launched by the Austrian government to pay tribute to those who opposed the Nazi regime. The artists proposed installing four white flags carrying red inscriptio ...
Graz, Austria In 1996, Esther Shalev-Gerz and Jochen Gerz won an international competition launched by the Austrian government to pay tribute to those who opposed the Nazi regime. The artists proposed installing four white flags carrying red inscriptio ...
The Boston Corbett Project - Anna Bruinsma
THE BOSTON CORBETT PROJECT Location: San Francisco to Concordia Filmed by Anna Bruinsma, Performed by Lauren Kronemyer The Boston Corbett Project is an unrealized collaborative experimental documentary. The subject was a nineteen-year-old girl (Kron ...
THE BOSTON CORBETT PROJECT Location: San Francisco to Concordia Filmed by Anna Bruinsma, Performed by Lauren Kronemyer The Boston Corbett Project is an unrealized collaborative experimental documentary. The subject was a nineteen-year-old girl (Kron ...
Protest in Abstract - John O'Hare
Protest in Abstract: Proposal Introduction It is increasingly common for protests to occur against historical and iconic backdrops, inserting a voice of resistance that, too, takes on the qualities of iconography and history. With its carnival atmosph ...
Protest in Abstract: Proposal Introduction It is increasingly common for protests to occur against historical and iconic backdrops, inserting a voice of resistance that, too, takes on the qualities of iconography and history. With its carnival atmosph ...
A passage, London 1999 (project, with Sergison Bates architects) - Mark Pimlott
Sutton-walk is a special place poised between two differently proposed versions or conceptions of London. One is chaotic, the other has an idea of itself as ideal, a fantasy about how London could be. Both are London, both are legitimate, both are produ ...
Sutton-walk is a special place poised between two differently proposed versions or conceptions of London. One is chaotic, the other has an idea of itself as ideal, a fantasy about how London could be. Both are London, both are legitimate, both are produ ...
cat.rais - Jake Morton
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...