Unrealized Turtles 1967 - Joseph Grigely
Unbuilt Roads
Basically, a short history about why I never became an illustrator of turtles - of wild animals - or of anything else At Birchland Park School, Mrs. Donahue taught art and Mrs. Corliss taught music. The art classes were okay because I drew turtles all ...
Basically, a short history about why I never became an illustrator of turtles - of wild animals - or of anything else At Birchland Park School, Mrs. Donahue taught art and Mrs. Corliss taught music. The art classes were okay because I drew turtles all ...
Niemandsland - Hans Haacke
Unbuilt Roads
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Kay Swiss
This work was proposed for a group show I was slated to be in at a university art gallery which will remain unnamed. Ultimately this work was not allowed to be installed in this form because the gallery directors were concerned the work might offend guest ...
This work was proposed for a group show I was slated to be in at a university art gallery which will remain unnamed. Ultimately this work was not allowed to be installed in this form because the gallery directors were concerned the work might offend guest ...
This project was never realized. My work is close to theory, so the idea was to work in a temporary research institute in the exhibition context. I wanted to invite fellow researchers to work together. Finally, after the show ended, we would publish our r ...
This project was never realized. My work is close to theory, so the idea was to work in a temporary research institute in the exhibition context. I wanted to invite fellow researchers to work together. Finally, after the show ended, we would publish our r ...
"Blue Plaque Portraits" [Working Title] - Jill Chong
Dear Resident of __________________________________, My name is Jill Chong and I am a second year student of fine art at Goldsmiths College. I am writing to you because I am currently doing a project based on English Heritage’s Blue Plaques scheme. M ...
Dear Resident of __________________________________, My name is Jill Chong and I am a second year student of fine art at Goldsmiths College. I am writing to you because I am currently doing a project based on English Heritage’s Blue Plaques scheme. M ...
The Children of the Divine Understanding of All (1914-?): Documentation of a Forgotten Religion - Kevin Swenson
NEW COMERS Welcome, and do not be nervous, for you will soon broaden your understandings on every aspect of this life you have been given. Children of All do things very differently. We do not focus or dwell upon the wrong things we have done; instead, w ...
NEW COMERS Welcome, and do not be nervous, for you will soon broaden your understandings on every aspect of this life you have been given. Children of All do things very differently. We do not focus or dwell upon the wrong things we have done; instead, w ...
National Address, Art Education for the public 1985  - Julianna Balogh
Concept Educating the public about the arts, all arts! With the help of the most powerful medium, mainstream television. Medium Projection of images from the history of art, starting with Nike of Samothrace. Location Highly visible location, pref ...
Concept Educating the public about the arts, all arts! With the help of the most powerful medium, mainstream television. Medium Projection of images from the history of art, starting with Nike of Samothrace. Location Highly visible location, pref ...
Attitudine Diplomatica - Hermann Pitz
Unbuilt Roads
§79 Proceeding from this in 1983 Pitz negotiated with representatives of the foreign ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. The attitudine diplomatica project was intended to find out to what point the government was interested in admitting Pi ...
§79 Proceeding from this in 1983 Pitz negotiated with representatives of the foreign ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. The attitudine diplomatica project was intended to find out to what point the government was interested in admitting Pi ...
School of Pharmacy in Sevilla - Taller Basico de Arquitectura [TBA]
School of Pharmacy in Sevilla (2011) We propose to build a new public space, a place opened to students and visitors, a room for the city. This room recreates an enclosed space, a courtyard. The new public space is affected by movements and pedestrian ...
School of Pharmacy in Sevilla (2011) We propose to build a new public space, a place opened to students and visitors, a room for the city. This room recreates an enclosed space, a courtyard. The new public space is affected by movements and pedestrian ...
Structures of Deceit - Julianna Balogh
Address to the Art World 2000 "Art has been defined over and over as man's highest spiritual expression, and in one respect superior to religion in that it is the only activity that does not lead to killing; it is in fact the redeemer of an otherwise e ...
Address to the Art World 2000 "Art has been defined over and over as man's highest spiritual expression, and in one respect superior to religion in that it is the only activity that does not lead to killing; it is in fact the redeemer of an otherwise e ...
“Disposable Mine Detector”  - Momoyo Torimitsu
“Disposable Mine Detector” EXPLORING HOW TO CREATE AN ECONOMIC EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN MANUFACTURING LAND MINES AND MANUFACTURING MINE DETECTORS When art projects take place in public, and involve society outside of the white cube, the final ar ...
“Disposable Mine Detector” EXPLORING HOW TO CREATE AN ECONOMIC EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN MANUFACTURING LAND MINES AND MANUFACTURING MINE DETECTORS When art projects take place in public, and involve society outside of the white cube, the final ar ...
M6 EXAM: Exhibition/Residency as A School - Sylvain Breton
Event Description - M6 EXAM: Exhibition/Residency as A School Examen M6 propose un retour à l'école d'art. Par son concept de résidence/exposition d'un mois, les artistes sont invités à une table ronde avec l'Estonie sur le thème d'une esth ...
Event Description - M6 EXAM: Exhibition/Residency as A School Examen M6 propose un retour à l'école d'art. Par son concept de résidence/exposition d'un mois, les artistes sont invités à une table ronde avec l'Estonie sur le thème d'une esth ...
Curricula vitae - Joseph Redwood-Martinez
Curricula vitae Elective ethnic studies programs throughout the state of Arizona have been under intense scrutiny since 2010, when Governor Jan Brewer signed HB 2281 into law, forbidding public or charter schools from offering at any grade level course ...
Curricula vitae Elective ethnic studies programs throughout the state of Arizona have been under intense scrutiny since 2010, when Governor Jan Brewer signed HB 2281 into law, forbidding public or charter schools from offering at any grade level course ...
Nicole Mortiboys
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
Sp@rt - Mo Abd-Ulla
Sp@rt is a multifaceted programme set within inspiration of London 2012 Olympic games. It consists of urban interventions within the city of London, exhibition, performances, lectures, discussions, and new techniques for mediating the public’s reactions ...
Sp@rt is a multifaceted programme set within inspiration of London 2012 Olympic games. It consists of urban interventions within the city of London, exhibition, performances, lectures, discussions, and new techniques for mediating the public’s reactions ...
Polo Picasso - Matthew Britton
After catching the revamped Art Attack series on the Disney Channel, I came across the character ‘Vincent Van Coconut’. I felt that this was a poor parody and wanted to create a better teaching aid. So I built a maquette for a character called ‘Polo ...
After catching the revamped Art Attack series on the Disney Channel, I came across the character ‘Vincent Van Coconut’. I felt that this was a poor parody and wanted to create a better teaching aid. So I built a maquette for a character called ‘Polo ...
University of Toledo
Centennial Mall Legacy - Stephen Canneto
Progney, Competition winning proposal the the University of Toledo, Ohio's public art program. Progeny is inspired by the University of Toledo’s Legacy program. The sculpture’s site engendered forms, materials, location and functions reflect the U ...
Progney, Competition winning proposal the the University of Toledo, Ohio's public art program. Progeny is inspired by the University of Toledo’s Legacy program. The sculpture’s site engendered forms, materials, location and functions reflect the U ...