Downriver - Jonathan Parsons
proposal for the 2010 Spitalfields Sculpture Prize Downriver further develops my established practice of making ‘dissected’ map sculptures. Previously, I have taken actual source maps and cut away everything from them except one particular visual e ...
proposal for the 2010 Spitalfields Sculpture Prize Downriver further develops my established practice of making ‘dissected’ map sculptures. Previously, I have taken actual source maps and cut away everything from them except one particular visual e ...
STRESS - Fred Perie
STRESS is fictitious industrial construction, whose only aim is to draw a perfectly straight red line that strikes through a wide landscape on the banks of Loire river estuary. It is drawn over 2 km between an oil refinery and some isolated grove, where i ...
STRESS is fictitious industrial construction, whose only aim is to draw a perfectly straight red line that strikes through a wide landscape on the banks of Loire river estuary. It is drawn over 2 km between an oil refinery and some isolated grove, where i ...
Notes Toward a Temple - The Legacy
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
We Might Be Snowmakers - Glacial Risk Management Institute (GRMI): Angela Ellsworth and Leigh McCarthy
Glacial Risk Management Institute (GRMI): Angela Ellsworth and Leigh McCarthy Title: We Might Be Snowmakers In order to slow or reverse the retreat of glaciers, the GRMI proposes setting up large-scale snow blowers to increase the size of Europe’s la ...
Glacial Risk Management Institute (GRMI): Angela Ellsworth and Leigh McCarthy Title: We Might Be Snowmakers In order to slow or reverse the retreat of glaciers, the GRMI proposes setting up large-scale snow blowers to increase the size of Europe’s la ...
Eislandschaft - P. Fischli und D. Weiss
Unbuilt Roads
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
Mapping Obscura - a Proposal for a Memorial to Partition Mapping obscura is a mobile memorial, a camera obscura that travels through landscape and into communities. Visitors are invited to enter the camera to compose photograms, arranging objects of pe ...
Mapping Obscura - a Proposal for a Memorial to Partition Mapping obscura is a mobile memorial, a camera obscura that travels through landscape and into communities. Visitors are invited to enter the camera to compose photograms, arranging objects of pe ...
Process - Aglae Cortés
Process Landscape as the primary space entity appreciation. Abstracting the main elements like the horizon, the accumulation of matter. There are a play on the scale, and light elements to reveal landscapes that remain invisible in the everyday. The ...
Process Landscape as the primary space entity appreciation. Abstracting the main elements like the horizon, the accumulation of matter. There are a play on the scale, and light elements to reveal landscapes that remain invisible in the everyday. The ...
Trespassing - Ole Brodersen
The series “Trespassing” explores encounters between human and nature. Human-made objects are placed into a landscape, where their interactions with the natural elements are recorded. The photographer harnesses the forces of wind, currents and wave ...
The series “Trespassing” explores encounters between human and nature. Human-made objects are placed into a landscape, where their interactions with the natural elements are recorded. The photographer harnesses the forces of wind, currents and wave ...
APOTHEOSIS - Kristin Jones / Andrew Ginzel
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL APOTHEOSIS, 1994 Proposal for Pier 32, Hudson River, New York City ,Urban Paradise: Gardens in the City, Public Art Fund, Paine Webber Gallery, New York, NY (catalogue) Project Description: We are ch ...
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL APOTHEOSIS, 1994 Proposal for Pier 32, Hudson River, New York City ,Urban Paradise: Gardens in the City, Public Art Fund, Paine Webber Gallery, New York, NY (catalogue) Project Description: We are ch ...
ENIGMA - Sebastian Tedesco
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
Europe Park / sculpture and landscape - THEODOULOS Gregoriou
The proposal was prepared for the international sculpture and landscaping competition for the Europe Park, which the Municipality of Nicosia (Cyprus) held in 2006 for the design of a grove on a central road in Nicosia. The motive was the accession of Cypr ...
The proposal was prepared for the international sculpture and landscaping competition for the Europe Park, which the Municipality of Nicosia (Cyprus) held in 2006 for the design of a grove on a central road in Nicosia. The motive was the accession of Cypr ...
POINT & SHOOT @70 MPH - Ellen Jantzen
​I took a series of photos out of the passenger window while on a 6,000 mile road trip in spring from Missouri to California and back using a point and shoot camera. I used this type of camera deliberately to capture images in a very spontaneous way. Ma ...
​I took a series of photos out of the passenger window while on a 6,000 mile road trip in spring from Missouri to California and back using a point and shoot camera. I used this type of camera deliberately to capture images in a very spontaneous way. Ma ...
Where are the California Rolls from? - Maki Na Kamura
To exhibit art works which revision the Japonisume. The title of the show is "Where are the California Rolls from"? My idea is the exploration of a non-literal and ahistorical portrayal of landscape, which has been presumed as most unspectaclar genre o ...
To exhibit art works which revision the Japonisume. The title of the show is "Where are the California Rolls from"? My idea is the exploration of a non-literal and ahistorical portrayal of landscape, which has been presumed as most unspectaclar genre o ...
Queen Anne Island  - Kurt Kiefer
Queen Anne Island As the earth warms, the waters rise and our world becomes a very different place, we need to start making the changes to our cities, towns and neighborhoods that will allow us to move seamlessly into new realities. Locavorism will be ...
Queen Anne Island As the earth warms, the waters rise and our world becomes a very different place, we need to start making the changes to our cities, towns and neighborhoods that will allow us to move seamlessly into new realities. Locavorism will be ...
Ice zebra - Matthijs Muller
This ice zebra offers a dry crossing over the river. 2006 ...
This ice zebra offers a dry crossing over the river. 2006 ...
THORAX - Marion Inglessi
When we are sick, we are vulnerable. Increasingly assailed by medicine, we maintain a fearful and passive attitude towards our health and therapy, an attitude of hopeful expectation which often has an uncertain outcome. The Sotiria Project, Memory and ...
When we are sick, we are vulnerable. Increasingly assailed by medicine, we maintain a fearful and passive attitude towards our health and therapy, an attitude of hopeful expectation which often has an uncertain outcome. The Sotiria Project, Memory and ...
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 - A12 Star Museum in Sharjah
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 Our proposal for Sharjah Art Foundation Production Programme was to build a temporary pavilion to host the first stage of the Star Museum, a travelling museum dedicated to the stars. The stars in this museum are not inten ...
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 Our proposal for Sharjah Art Foundation Production Programme was to build a temporary pavilion to host the first stage of the Star Museum, a travelling museum dedicated to the stars. The stars in this museum are not inten ...
Niemandsland - Hans Haacke
Unbuilt Roads
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Golf course - Matthijs Muller
Golf courses are artificial landscapes with artificial hills and small artificial sand dunes. Now imagine a golf course (in the Netherlands, in the meadows), without those artificial hills and the small sand dunes replaced by metal versions on poles to pu ...
Golf courses are artificial landscapes with artificial hills and small artificial sand dunes. Now imagine a golf course (in the Netherlands, in the meadows), without those artificial hills and the small sand dunes replaced by metal versions on poles to pu ...
No manʼs land - Constanza Alarcón Tennen
No manʼs land This installation was projected for Sala SAM, a gallery in Santiago de Chile, to be exhibited in August 2010. Because of the abrupt closure of the gallery, the Project was stoped a month before opening. No manʼs land was based in the obs ...
No manʼs land This installation was projected for Sala SAM, a gallery in Santiago de Chile, to be exhibited in August 2010. Because of the abrupt closure of the gallery, the Project was stoped a month before opening. No manʼs land was based in the obs ...
Open tunnel - Matthijs Muller
A hilly landscape makes lines of trees disappear behind nearby hills or offers a view at a tree from above. In the Netherlands the flatness of the landscape makes that impossible. But, since the whole country is manmade, the solution for this is also ma ...
A hilly landscape makes lines of trees disappear behind nearby hills or offers a view at a tree from above. In the Netherlands the flatness of the landscape makes that impossible. But, since the whole country is manmade, the solution for this is also ma ...
Light Savers - John Ruggieri
JOHN RUGGIERI PROPOSAL: Light Savers The following was submitted in 2003 in response to an invitation to artists to participate in THE FOUR ELEMENTS by The Forest Hills Educational Trust. This juried outdoor exhibition consists of temporary installa ...
JOHN RUGGIERI PROPOSAL: Light Savers The following was submitted in 2003 in response to an invitation to artists to participate in THE FOUR ELEMENTS by The Forest Hills Educational Trust. This juried outdoor exhibition consists of temporary installa ...
Sempervirens - Matthijs Muller
Cultivating the Field of the Absurd - Barbara Nemitz
Title: " Cultivating the Field of the Absurd" The work is to be made in the landscape. In an open part with a large plain - some shrubberies and trees may be around - an extensive embroidery is to be seen on the ground. It is made out of silky shimmer ...
Title: " Cultivating the Field of the Absurd" The work is to be made in the landscape. In an open part with a large plain - some shrubberies and trees may be around - an extensive embroidery is to be seen on the ground. It is made out of silky shimmer ...
Ann Daly adaly@aya.yale.edu BUILDING DRAWING III: “NO-PLACE SPACE” A house or room, housed elsewhere. A large room or rectangular structure set within another space, so that one can see the outside of it and move into its interior. A more ambit ...
Ann Daly adaly@aya.yale.edu BUILDING DRAWING III: “NO-PLACE SPACE” A house or room, housed elsewhere. A large room or rectangular structure set within another space, so that one can see the outside of it and move into its interior. A more ambit ...
Myopian fields - Stephanie Gerner
Myopian fields , proposal (2010) This exhibition uses the notion of a virtual landscape as its structural foundation, materialised as a small theatre set or abstract film studio, playing with our conceptions of the natural and the man-made, the environ ...
Myopian fields , proposal (2010) This exhibition uses the notion of a virtual landscape as its structural foundation, materialised as a small theatre set or abstract film studio, playing with our conceptions of the natural and the man-made, the environ ...