POINT & SHOOT @70 MPH - Ellen Jantzen
​I took a series of photos out of the passenger window while on a 6,000 mile road trip in spring from Missouri to California and back using a point and shoot camera. I used this type of camera deliberately to capture images in a very spontaneous way. Ma ...
​I took a series of photos out of the passenger window while on a 6,000 mile road trip in spring from Missouri to California and back using a point and shoot camera. I used this type of camera deliberately to capture images in a very spontaneous way. Ma ...
Watertower Geldern (Germany) - Matthijs Muller
The idea was to give this former water tower a bright icecap on top, which would have changed its appearance dramatically, making it look more like an alp. Bringing the water, which used to be stored inside the tower, to the outside, illustrates its (form ...
The idea was to give this former water tower a bright icecap on top, which would have changed its appearance dramatically, making it look more like an alp. Bringing the water, which used to be stored inside the tower, to the outside, illustrates its (form ...
Remembering Imagination - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Painting as a Pastime 2001  - Cornford & Cross
Painting as a Pastime 2001 Brett Prestidge Compton Verney, Oxfordshire, England (2000) Courtesy of Stanton Williams Architects We were invited to submit a proposal for Compton Verney, Oxfordshire, England. Our proposal was to offer a single first priz ...
Painting as a Pastime 2001 Brett Prestidge Compton Verney, Oxfordshire, England (2000) Courtesy of Stanton Williams Architects We were invited to submit a proposal for Compton Verney, Oxfordshire, England. Our proposal was to offer a single first priz ...
Sempervirens - Matthijs Muller
Notes Toward a Temple - The Legacy
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
On the hour, as many clouds as hours. Drifting above city and/or landscape. Warm smoke of high density - such as is used for air shows (see image attached). Should preferably be realized in city or country with clear skies. ...
On the hour, as many clouds as hours. Drifting above city and/or landscape. Warm smoke of high density - such as is used for air shows (see image attached). Should preferably be realized in city or country with clear skies. ...
Proposed Future - Ann Marie Webb
Proposed Future Architecture is the most visible sign of a society's faith and trust in the future. The ability to move forward and construct a future is greatly effected by how our views are framed. This work explores the built landsc ...
Proposed Future Architecture is the most visible sign of a society's faith and trust in the future. The ability to move forward and construct a future is greatly effected by how our views are framed. This work explores the built landsc ...
Ice zebra - Matthijs Muller
This ice zebra offers a dry crossing over the river. 2006 ...
This ice zebra offers a dry crossing over the river. 2006 ...
Breakdown: A Prototypical Monument to the Open Road - John Landewe
Proposal John Landewe 152 Douglass St. Brooklyn, NY 917.676.950 Breakdown: A Prototypical Monument to the Open Road Breakdown is a self-contained, nomadic monument dedicated to industrial-strength mobility and the acceleration of the postmodern c ...
Proposal John Landewe 152 Douglass St. Brooklyn, NY 917.676.950 Breakdown: A Prototypical Monument to the Open Road Breakdown is a self-contained, nomadic monument dedicated to industrial-strength mobility and the acceleration of the postmodern c ...
Open tunnel - Matthijs Muller
A hilly landscape makes lines of trees disappear behind nearby hills or offers a view at a tree from above. In the Netherlands the flatness of the landscape makes that impossible. But, since the whole country is manmade, the solution for this is also ma ...
A hilly landscape makes lines of trees disappear behind nearby hills or offers a view at a tree from above. In the Netherlands the flatness of the landscape makes that impossible. But, since the whole country is manmade, the solution for this is also ma ...
Apartamentul / Infobox for Bucharest - mona vatamanu & florin tudor
Apartamentul / Infobox for Bucharest This architectural space was thought as a place where the memory of the city should had been activated through different initiatives and projects. The need to link our present, our memory with our recent past led us ...
Apartamentul / Infobox for Bucharest This architectural space was thought as a place where the memory of the city should had been activated through different initiatives and projects. The need to link our present, our memory with our recent past led us ...
The action of breaking and turning over earth with a plow always fascinated me, the clods of earth being the result of this action, a simple 'gesture' from a machine which nevertheless brings about a dramatic change to the landscape, an awesome ephemeral ...
The action of breaking and turning over earth with a plow always fascinated me, the clods of earth being the result of this action, a simple 'gesture' from a machine which nevertheless brings about a dramatic change to the landscape, an awesome ephemeral ...
Cultivating the Field of the Absurd - Barbara Nemitz
Title: " Cultivating the Field of the Absurd" The work is to be made in the landscape. In an open part with a large plain - some shrubberies and trees may be around - an extensive embroidery is to be seen on the ground. It is made out of silky shimmer ...
Title: " Cultivating the Field of the Absurd" The work is to be made in the landscape. In an open part with a large plain - some shrubberies and trees may be around - an extensive embroidery is to be seen on the ground. It is made out of silky shimmer ...
Mapping Obscura - a Proposal for a Memorial to Partition Mapping obscura is a mobile memorial, a camera obscura that travels through landscape and into communities. Visitors are invited to enter the camera to compose photograms, arranging objects of pe ...
Mapping Obscura - a Proposal for a Memorial to Partition Mapping obscura is a mobile memorial, a camera obscura that travels through landscape and into communities. Visitors are invited to enter the camera to compose photograms, arranging objects of pe ...
Downriver - Jonathan Parsons
proposal for the 2010 Spitalfields Sculpture Prize Downriver further develops my established practice of making ‘dissected’ map sculptures. Previously, I have taken actual source maps and cut away everything from them except one particular visual e ...
proposal for the 2010 Spitalfields Sculpture Prize Downriver further develops my established practice of making ‘dissected’ map sculptures. Previously, I have taken actual source maps and cut away everything from them except one particular visual e ...
M86 - Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski
A Proposal – M86 As the end of the year is culled, we invite a fresh adventure. A journey, to the heart of the UK landscape. A journey, through the blood metaphor. We propose: a one-week road trip in which we will visit the site of all 86 of the se ...
A Proposal – M86 As the end of the year is culled, we invite a fresh adventure. A journey, to the heart of the UK landscape. A journey, through the blood metaphor. We propose: a one-week road trip in which we will visit the site of all 86 of the se ...
Floating Web - Rietveld Landscape
Floating Web Radio Kootwijk used to be the symbol of vision and innovation. However, the last couple of years it became the symbol of vacancy and stagnation. “The Web” – Radio Kootwijk revitalizes the alien innovation landscape from 1920. The Web ...
Floating Web Radio Kootwijk used to be the symbol of vision and innovation. However, the last couple of years it became the symbol of vacancy and stagnation. “The Web” – Radio Kootwijk revitalizes the alien innovation landscape from 1920. The Web ...
 - Rick Buckley
‘Tyburn Tree’ is a site‐specific (powder coated) steel structure. Elevated upon three vertical beams, measuring approx 6 metres in height. To stand at the original site of the infamous historical location for state executions, situated on a partiall ...
‘Tyburn Tree’ is a site‐specific (powder coated) steel structure. Elevated upon three vertical beams, measuring approx 6 metres in height. To stand at the original site of the infamous historical location for state executions, situated on a partiall ...
BUILDING DRAWING V: “LOST” (A Porcelain Landscape Room) - Ann Daly
Ann Daly adaly@aya.yale.edu BUILDING DRAWING V: “LOST” (A Porcelain Landscape Room) Part of a larger project "Looking for the Labyrinth: Re-collecting Versailles". Cast white porcelain, sculptural walls, total size approximately 16 feet x 12 ...
Ann Daly adaly@aya.yale.edu BUILDING DRAWING V: “LOST” (A Porcelain Landscape Room) Part of a larger project "Looking for the Labyrinth: Re-collecting Versailles". Cast white porcelain, sculptural walls, total size approximately 16 feet x 12 ...
"5.9-by-8.5-inch Exhibition" - Toru Hayashi
"5.9-by-8.5-inch Exhibition" Selecting one of sketchbooks from my drawing project Equivocal Landscape* Publishing the same format (5.9 x 8.5 in. and 72 images of 144 pages) book as the sketchbook of Equivocal Landscape (at least 72 copies) ...
"5.9-by-8.5-inch Exhibition" Selecting one of sketchbooks from my drawing project Equivocal Landscape* Publishing the same format (5.9 x 8.5 in. and 72 images of 144 pages) book as the sketchbook of Equivocal Landscape (at least 72 copies) ...
APOTHEOSIS - Kristin Jones / Andrew Ginzel
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL APOTHEOSIS, 1994 Proposal for Pier 32, Hudson River, New York City ,Urban Paradise: Gardens in the City, Public Art Fund, Paine Webber Gallery, New York, NY (catalogue) Project Description: We are ch ...
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL APOTHEOSIS, 1994 Proposal for Pier 32, Hudson River, New York City ,Urban Paradise: Gardens in the City, Public Art Fund, Paine Webber Gallery, New York, NY (catalogue) Project Description: We are ch ...
Niemandsland - Hans Haacke
Unbuilt Roads
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Eine Kreisfläche von ca. 30m Durchmesser ist auf dem offenen zum Ministerium für Bildung und Wiesenschaft und dem Ministerium für Justiz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehörenden ebenen Gelände in Bonn-BadGodesberg zu markieren, wenn möglich auf d ...
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 - A12 Star Museum in Sharjah
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 Our proposal for Sharjah Art Foundation Production Programme was to build a temporary pavilion to host the first stage of the Star Museum, a travelling museum dedicated to the stars. The stars in this museum are not inten ...
Star Museum in Sharjah by A12 Our proposal for Sharjah Art Foundation Production Programme was to build a temporary pavilion to host the first stage of the Star Museum, a travelling museum dedicated to the stars. The stars in this museum are not inten ...
ENIGMA - Sebastian Tedesco
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
SOPORTE - Gabriel Rico Jimenez
It will realize a sonorous performance in the place in which I live, will take record on video and examples of the place of natural type, as land or stones and with this to construct a model similar to a table, in which it will show the material obtained ...
It will realize a sonorous performance in the place in which I live, will take record on video and examples of the place of natural type, as land or stones and with this to construct a model similar to a table, in which it will show the material obtained ...