The Triumph of Oil Painting (TOP) - Mo Abd-Ulla
99 Iraqi artists will be invited to make 99 paintings of oil/ petroleum on paper or canvas. TOP is structured to take place at 99-public spaces for 33 days. It is an independently curated multi-site-showcasing 99 Oil painting of 99 emerging and establi ...
99 Iraqi artists will be invited to make 99 paintings of oil/ petroleum on paper or canvas. TOP is structured to take place at 99-public spaces for 33 days. It is an independently curated multi-site-showcasing 99 Oil painting of 99 emerging and establi ...
@Maarten141BOXES: Bilingual Digital Interactive Internet Artwork in Progress (Artist: Maarten van der Heijden, 1947) - Maarten van der Heijden (@Maarten141BOXES)
@Maarten141BOXES: Bilingual Digital Interactive Internet Artwork in Progress (Artist: Maarten van der Heijden, 1947) Introduction @Maarten141BOXES is a Bilingual Digital Interactive Internet Artwork in Progress. It is an egodocument: an autobiographi ...
@Maarten141BOXES: Bilingual Digital Interactive Internet Artwork in Progress (Artist: Maarten van der Heijden, 1947) Introduction @Maarten141BOXES is a Bilingual Digital Interactive Internet Artwork in Progress. It is an egodocument: an autobiographi ...
IMNOW (I-aM-NOW) - Shlomit Lehavi
IMNOW is an emergent identity composed of digital footprints across major social media platforms that challenges and explores current definitions of space (public vs. private, physical vs. virtual,) and time, with regard to contemporary notions of friends ...
IMNOW is an emergent identity composed of digital footprints across major social media platforms that challenges and explores current definitions of space (public vs. private, physical vs. virtual,) and time, with regard to contemporary notions of friends ...
The 103rd Kilometer - Sasha Tamarin
The 103rd Kilometer My work is driven by the need to return to my birthplace, in order to analyze the factors that affected my identity development. My childhood memories are built from stories, images and dreams. When I finally get physically to ...
The 103rd Kilometer My work is driven by the need to return to my birthplace, in order to analyze the factors that affected my identity development. My childhood memories are built from stories, images and dreams. When I finally get physically to ...
Transylvanian Pavilion  - horea
Transylvanian Pavilion Two proposals that requested the “presence” of a temporary pavilion representing Transylvania at the Venice Biannual. The first one was addressed to Professor Bonito-Oliva in 1993 and the second was addressed to Francesco ...
Transylvanian Pavilion Two proposals that requested the “presence” of a temporary pavilion representing Transylvania at the Venice Biannual. The first one was addressed to Professor Bonito-Oliva in 1993 and the second was addressed to Francesco ...
Sometimes I'm wrong - Teodoro Lupo
I was a male adolescent with a psychotherapist as a father. That lead to some conflicts. One of my favourite arguments that I can remember was: if you help a wicked person achieve a qualitative leap, does he become more or less bad? Which is the ladder yo ...
I was a male adolescent with a psychotherapist as a father. That lead to some conflicts. One of my favourite arguments that I can remember was: if you help a wicked person achieve a qualitative leap, does he become more or less bad? Which is the ladder yo ...
Samuel Gray Society  - Darryl Lauster
    The Samuel Gray Society is an educational foundation dedicated to the preservation of 18th century American history and to the life of Samuel Gray, the great patriot from whom the SGS takes its name. Forged in the crucible of hist ...
    The Samuel Gray Society is an educational foundation dedicated to the preservation of 18th century American history and to the life of Samuel Gray, the great patriot from whom the SGS takes its name. Forged in the crucible of hist ...
Homebodies - Annabelle von Girsewald
1 Homebodies originates from the American word homebody meaning a person who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home; stay-at-home. (1) The homebody resides inside the American suburban home and in particular in the basement. This sub ...
1 Homebodies originates from the American word homebody meaning a person who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home; stay-at-home. (1) The homebody resides inside the American suburban home and in particular in the basement. This sub ...
Tableau Vivant and the subversive Feminine - andreas guibert
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna PhD in Practice (Doctor of Philosophy in Practice) Personal number: 0003 Andres Guibert Abstract The proposed project analyses how individual gay identities contest cultural policies in repressive regimes reformulating ...
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna PhD in Practice (Doctor of Philosophy in Practice) Personal number: 0003 Andres Guibert Abstract The proposed project analyses how individual gay identities contest cultural policies in repressive regimes reformulating ...
White Point - Meeting Point - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Oslo, Norway, 2004 Permanent Installation In 2004 Esther Shalev-Gerz conceived White Point – Meeting Point as her invited proposal to the juried competition for a public artwork for Oslo’s new Centre for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Mi ...
Oslo, Norway, 2004 Permanent Installation In 2004 Esther Shalev-Gerz conceived White Point – Meeting Point as her invited proposal to the juried competition for a public artwork for Oslo’s new Centre for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Mi ...
democraticrain.net - c a l c (omi - Thomas Scheiderbauer)
democraticrain.net is based on the idea of giving a “printed voice” to people in a concrete context on the interface between inside > < outside and the individual > < collective. it allows to create and send black and white A4-statements or -images t ...
democraticrain.net is based on the idea of giving a “printed voice” to people in a concrete context on the interface between inside > < outside and the individual > < collective. it allows to create and send black and white A4-statements or -images t ...
Hadas Tapouchi
TadasTapouchiArtist_Statement. The main reason for myself to apply to this open call is to work in a new environment and to find (new) artistic ways of expression, and off course to Stimulate art on live, Create a beneficial environment for the deve ...
TadasTapouchiArtist_Statement. The main reason for myself to apply to this open call is to work in a new environment and to find (new) artistic ways of expression, and off course to Stimulate art on live, Create a beneficial environment for the deve ...
Museum Eddy Roos - Eddy Roos
Sterling Crispin
My project involves a globally connected network of participants wearing EEG brain-computer interfaces. By displaying the average of thousands of live readings back to the participants their minds will slowly become closer to the average. Emerging brai ...
My project involves a globally connected network of participants wearing EEG brain-computer interfaces. By displaying the average of thousands of live readings back to the participants their minds will slowly become closer to the average. Emerging brai ...
Unrealized Artist Identity - Katharina Galla
Unrealized Artist Identity This project is a life. Embodied by a person, who is frequently reckoned to be an artists. "So, you are an artist…", they say. Sometimes, I embrace my unrealized identity. It feels like a factoid, not a li ...
Unrealized Artist Identity This project is a life. Embodied by a person, who is frequently reckoned to be an artists. "So, you are an artist…", they say. Sometimes, I embrace my unrealized identity. It feels like a factoid, not a li ...
cat.rais - Jake Morton
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...
Remembering Imagination - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Die asporas - Lior Wilentzik
Die asporas « Young Israeli artists in Berlin« group installations curator: Lior Wilentzik www.dieasporas.com contact:dieasporas@gmail.com 015126857385 Recent years have been marked with a rising trend of young Israeli artists immigrating to Berlin. Par ...
Die asporas « Young Israeli artists in Berlin« group installations curator: Lior Wilentzik www.dieasporas.com contact:dieasporas@gmail.com 015126857385 Recent years have been marked with a rising trend of young Israeli artists immigrating to Berlin. Par ...
Museum of Rene's Contemptorary Art - Rene Price
MORCA Museum of Rene’s Contemporary Art Rene has produced too much Artstuff. He likes all of it and he has been able to afford to keep it all in storage. His website (www.reneprice.ca) presents 1000 of his more than 2000 3 ...
MORCA Museum of Rene’s Contemporary Art Rene has produced too much Artstuff. He likes all of it and he has been able to afford to keep it all in storage. His website (www.reneprice.ca) presents 1000 of his more than 2000 3 ...
CHROMA - spmb [Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski]
CHROMA [2011] was a proposal by spmb for a permanent public art project for the Mount Dennis Neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. It is derived from the neighbourhood’s desire to signify one entrance into Mount Dennis through art, more specifically marking ...
CHROMA [2011] was a proposal by spmb for a permanent public art project for the Mount Dennis Neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. It is derived from the neighbourhood’s desire to signify one entrance into Mount Dennis through art, more specifically marking ...
Chocolate Video - Erika Norris
PROJECT: CHOCOLATE VIDEO – September 2012 The idea is to create a video where I use the images of someone (myself) eating large quantities of chocolate. I then want to include images of my body interacting with chocolate. I am thinking of pouring cho ...
PROJECT: CHOCOLATE VIDEO – September 2012 The idea is to create a video where I use the images of someone (myself) eating large quantities of chocolate. I then want to include images of my body interacting with chocolate. I am thinking of pouring cho ...
El fracaso de Xochiquetzal - ana gallardo
El fracaso de Xochiquetzal Ensayo reflexionar sobre la vejez y su condición ante la cercanía de la muerte en el mundo contemporáneo. En nuestra cultura hay una imagen desfavorable del envejecimiento, esta etapa despierta sentimientos encontrados, ...
El fracaso de Xochiquetzal Ensayo reflexionar sobre la vejez y su condición ante la cercanía de la muerte en el mundo contemporáneo. En nuestra cultura hay una imagen desfavorable del envejecimiento, esta etapa despierta sentimientos encontrados, ...
ENIGMA - Sebastian Tedesco
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
Due to the vast number of building projects after fhe fall of the Berlin wall, German Reunification and the consequent transfer of the German government to Berlin there arose many debates, often heated, about the relationship between town and its evolut ...
Due to the vast number of building projects after fhe fall of the Berlin wall, German Reunification and the consequent transfer of the German government to Berlin there arose many debates, often heated, about the relationship between town and its evolut ...
Random Identity Forum (“RIF”) - ANNA LASCARI
The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...
The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...
KLAUS HU Studio Wildenbruch 77 12045 Berlin / Germany tel (49).30.68081524 em: klaushu[at]yahoo.de KLAUS HU IS REPRESENTED BY VG BILD-KUNST. TRILOGY MARS DESERT BEACH 2006/12 MARS DESERT BEACH 2006/10 http://klaushu.blogspot.com/ MAR ...
KLAUS HU Studio Wildenbruch 77 12045 Berlin / Germany tel (49).30.68081524 em: klaushu[at]yahoo.de KLAUS HU IS REPRESENTED BY VG BILD-KUNST. TRILOGY MARS DESERT BEACH 2006/12 MARS DESERT BEACH 2006/10 http://klaushu.blogspot.com/ MAR ...