Wall - Jeanne Friscia
"Wall" is a text-based installation of each of George Bush's State of the Union Addresses alphabetized and shown in consecutive order. The project is unfinished because I have only printed one of the speeches and have not found a venue interested. In ...
"Wall" is a text-based installation of each of George Bush's State of the Union Addresses alphabetized and shown in consecutive order. The project is unfinished because I have only printed one of the speeches and have not found a venue interested. In ...
Siphon Puti Fountain - Michael Arata
Siphon Puti Fountain, Styrofoam, paper, wood and plastic tubing penis, two water containers. The siphon Puti Fountain (suck it) directly references European Puti fountains. This Fountain was meant to be realized as a manual fountain based on the same ...
Siphon Puti Fountain, Styrofoam, paper, wood and plastic tubing penis, two water containers. The siphon Puti Fountain (suck it) directly references European Puti fountains. This Fountain was meant to be realized as a manual fountain based on the same ...
Chain Link Fence - Michael Arata
Chain Link Fence(space between) Graphite and paint on diamond shapes made of styrofoam and masking tape. The Chain Link Fence project represents the negative space between the wires that make up the steel fence material. The diamond shapes are some tim ...
Chain Link Fence(space between) Graphite and paint on diamond shapes made of styrofoam and masking tape. The Chain Link Fence project represents the negative space between the wires that make up the steel fence material. The diamond shapes are some tim ...
Doug Fogelson
This is a project to make a house shape out of chain link fence material, razor wire, fluorescent lights and plants. It was intended as a comment on Guantanamo Prison and the promise of American society. 10.4.06 Dear Mr. Littman, We would l ...
This is a project to make a house shape out of chain link fence material, razor wire, fluorescent lights and plants. It was intended as a comment on Guantanamo Prison and the promise of American society. 10.4.06 Dear Mr. Littman, We would l ...
Fucked by the Torque of the Turning Earth - Unknown
A Foucault pendulum is hung from the ceiling of the NYC Guggenheim. The pendulum is connected to a small set of gears that are attached to a fake penis built into a chair. As the earth turns on its axis, the Foucault pendulum turns. As the earth turns, ...
A Foucault pendulum is hung from the ceiling of the NYC Guggenheim. The pendulum is connected to a small set of gears that are attached to a fake penis built into a chair. As the earth turns on its axis, the Foucault pendulum turns. As the earth turns, ...
my unrealized project is an extra-scientific contribution to the GRAND UNIFICATION THEORY in physics. DISCOVERY of the GRAND UNIFICATION THEORY, or CHOOSE DETERMINISM, the Unrealized Project of Alyce Santoro Physicists are working around the cloc ...
my unrealized project is an extra-scientific contribution to the GRAND UNIFICATION THEORY in physics. DISCOVERY of the GRAND UNIFICATION THEORY, or CHOOSE DETERMINISM, the Unrealized Project of Alyce Santoro Physicists are working around the cloc ...
GLASS WIND - Beatrice Crastini
Project presented to Basilea Committee, year 2008 Project GLASS WIND Starting from the sentence “in the electric technology’s regime, the duty of the man becomes that to learn and to know; all the forms of wealth derive from the move of inform ...
Project presented to Basilea Committee, year 2008 Project GLASS WIND Starting from the sentence “in the electric technology’s regime, the duty of the man becomes that to learn and to know; all the forms of wealth derive from the move of inform ...
¿Che pasa?/Doesn't matter! - Beatrice Crastini
Project presented to Frieze Committee, year 2009 In any case i think that this project was in advance before of the Italian "bungabunga" scandal. Project: ¿Che pasa?/Doesn't matter! Recession, crisis, war, record price per barrel, unemployment, ...
Project presented to Frieze Committee, year 2009 In any case i think that this project was in advance before of the Italian "bungabunga" scandal. Project: ¿Che pasa?/Doesn't matter! Recession, crisis, war, record price per barrel, unemployment, ...
lucciola.net - Beatrice Crastini
Project to create a bright jewel, presented to the "Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest", 2006 Name: lucciola.net Lucciola.net is an jewel whimsical assembled and balanced. Feature: vision in motion. In a little piece of glass ...
Project to create a bright jewel, presented to the "Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest", 2006 Name: lucciola.net Lucciola.net is an jewel whimsical assembled and balanced. Feature: vision in motion. In a little piece of glass ...
Balancing Act - Tricia McLaughlin
This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities ...
This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities ...
The Triumph of Oil Painting (TOP) - Mo Abd-Ulla
99 Iraqi artists will be invited to make 99 paintings of oil/ petroleum on paper or canvas. TOP is structured to take place at 99-public spaces for 33 days. It is an independently curated multi-site-showcasing 99 Oil painting of 99 emerging and establi ...
99 Iraqi artists will be invited to make 99 paintings of oil/ petroleum on paper or canvas. TOP is structured to take place at 99-public spaces for 33 days. It is an independently curated multi-site-showcasing 99 Oil painting of 99 emerging and establi ...
A Drummer's Pavilion - Olivia Booth
The drummers pavilion is meant to dilate a window plane- in fact wrench it open- and counteract the glib overuse of glass in urban architecture. Glass is a lateral horizon into which we can compose and in this single person pavilion one does just that; id ...
The drummers pavilion is meant to dilate a window plane- in fact wrench it open- and counteract the glib overuse of glass in urban architecture. Glass is a lateral horizon into which we can compose and in this single person pavilion one does just that; id ...
R. Marcos Mota
DESCRIPTION The project consists of built inside the Civic Centre Sant Andreu a toilet for the disabled who do not meet standards of accessibility measures.

 It will build a separate room of existing toilets within the Civic Center that the dynamics ...
DESCRIPTION The project consists of built inside the Civic Centre Sant Andreu a toilet for the disabled who do not meet standards of accessibility measures.

 It will build a separate room of existing toilets within the Civic Center that the dynamics ...
LETTER OF INTEREST for “Art Mediator” - Verina Gfader
The attached letter bears witness to a mail exchange following the Manifesta 8 (in the region of Murcia, Spain) announcement and job vacancies within education there. The proposal tries to create a space of uncertainty for the Manifesta organisers. ...
The attached letter bears witness to a mail exchange following the Manifesta 8 (in the region of Murcia, Spain) announcement and job vacancies within education there. The proposal tries to create a space of uncertainty for the Manifesta organisers. ...
John Roloff
The works presented here are part of a large group of 'unrealized' projects engaging landscape, metaphor, geologic/human time and natural systems. The descriptive text for each project submitted is included with each image. ...
The works presented here are part of a large group of 'unrealized' projects engaging landscape, metaphor, geologic/human time and natural systems. The descriptive text for each project submitted is included with each image. ...
No Vacancy 2008 - ANNA LASCARI
“No Vacancy” is a multi-layer installation. It has obvious references to Led Zeppelin’s song “Stairway to Heaven,” to crystal utopias of fairy tales and to the stairways of Louise Bourgeois, which lead to dark attics. ...
“No Vacancy” is a multi-layer installation. It has obvious references to Led Zeppelin’s song “Stairway to Heaven,” to crystal utopias of fairy tales and to the stairways of Louise Bourgeois, which lead to dark attics. ...
Random Identity Forum (“RIF”) - ANNA LASCARI
The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...
The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...
AN ENTROPIC LINE BECOMES HOLONIC SPRAY (Highlights from my notes on the subject) Jane Boyer © 2011 Contrary to Mondrian’s idea of the immutable as expressed by two parallel lines, I see them as a perfectly ripe relationship for transference and ...
AN ENTROPIC LINE BECOMES HOLONIC SPRAY (Highlights from my notes on the subject) Jane Boyer © 2011 Contrary to Mondrian’s idea of the immutable as expressed by two parallel lines, I see them as a perfectly ripe relationship for transference and ...
Denkzeichen Rosa Luxemburg - Oliver Ressler
My design for the competition “Denkzeichen Rosa Luxemburg” (Memory Marker Rosa Luxemburg; Berlin 2003) drew upon the Revolution Monument by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which was commissioned in 1926 by the German Communist Party as the central memorial ...
My design for the competition “Denkzeichen Rosa Luxemburg” (Memory Marker Rosa Luxemburg; Berlin 2003) drew upon the Revolution Monument by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which was commissioned in 1926 by the German Communist Party as the central memorial ...
Proposal for Witches Memorial in Salem MA - Ed Levine
Proposal for Witches Memorial in Salem MA Giving voice to Witches Each of the 17 sculptural element is a musical instrument. Compressed air is cycled randomly through the internal pipe in each element. Consequently the sound will project around the si ...
Proposal for Witches Memorial in Salem MA Giving voice to Witches Each of the 17 sculptural element is a musical instrument. Compressed air is cycled randomly through the internal pipe in each element. Consequently the sound will project around the si ...
Sameena Azam
The idealization of a perceived space is explored through the use of fluid materials. Materials of a liquid consistency have ‘no fixed shape and yield to external pressure’. The use of such materials has enabled for movement to be captured. ...
The idealization of a perceived space is explored through the use of fluid materials. Materials of a liquid consistency have ‘no fixed shape and yield to external pressure’. The use of such materials has enabled for movement to be captured. ...
Art at the service of … Short history - Alina and Jeff Bliumis
2010-present “Art at the service of …,Short history”- a series of 5-7 sculptures represents monuments that were destroyed at various times around the world. Each sculpture consists of a scaled down replica of a monument on a pedestal. A short not ...
2010-present “Art at the service of …,Short history”- a series of 5-7 sculptures represents monuments that were destroyed at various times around the world. Each sculpture consists of a scaled down replica of a monument on a pedestal. A short not ...
The Second Man - Carolyn McKay
Original Proposal: At Darlinghurst courthouse in 2008, Gordon Wood was found guilty of murdering Caroline Byrne by throwing her from The Gap, a notorious suicide spot in Sydney, Australia. Witnesses claim to have seen a second man at the crime scene but ...
Original Proposal: At Darlinghurst courthouse in 2008, Gordon Wood was found guilty of murdering Caroline Byrne by throwing her from The Gap, a notorious suicide spot in Sydney, Australia. Witnesses claim to have seen a second man at the crime scene but ...
Europe Park / sculpture and landscape - THEODOULOS Gregoriou
The proposal was prepared for the international sculpture and landscaping competition for the Europe Park, which the Municipality of Nicosia (Cyprus) held in 2006 for the design of a grove on a central road in Nicosia. The motive was the accession of Cypr ...
The proposal was prepared for the international sculpture and landscaping competition for the Europe Park, which the Municipality of Nicosia (Cyprus) held in 2006 for the design of a grove on a central road in Nicosia. The motive was the accession of Cypr ...
Gorica Orsholits
This is one of my first projects where I tried to reflect on my personal emotional state towards the war in Bosnia (1992-1995), and the notion of constantly “living between two wars" experiences by many generations born in the turmoil Balkan region. ...
This is one of my first projects where I tried to reflect on my personal emotional state towards the war in Bosnia (1992-1995), and the notion of constantly “living between two wars" experiences by many generations born in the turmoil Balkan region. ...
Girl lists - David
David Hornback Spain 2alex.neutron@gmail.com My older brother’s excessive, obsessive list-making of girls when we were young used to drive me nuts. He made lists of all the girls he had danced with, he had kissed, he had touched, he desired, he h ...
David Hornback Spain 2alex.neutron@gmail.com My older brother’s excessive, obsessive list-making of girls when we were young used to drive me nuts. He made lists of all the girls he had danced with, he had kissed, he had touched, he desired, he h ...