Wheatfields - Carlo Marcucci
Large imaginary sculptures made of pasta strands. These non-existent structures are based on the "Wheatfields" body of work. "Wheatfields" are existent wall-mounted sculptures made of spaghetti and various kinds on noodles applied to wood. "The Gate" ...
Large imaginary sculptures made of pasta strands. These non-existent structures are based on the "Wheatfields" body of work. "Wheatfields" are existent wall-mounted sculptures made of spaghetti and various kinds on noodles applied to wood. "The Gate" ...
NON REALIZED PROJECTS - Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Unbuilt Roads
1964-66 Two Lower Manhattan Wrapped Buildings, Project for New York, U.S.A. 1967 Wrapped Galleria Nazionale, Project for Rome, Italy. Ponte Sant' Angelo Wrapped, Project for Rome, Italy. Wrapped Trees, Project for Washington Pa ...
1964-66 Two Lower Manhattan Wrapped Buildings, Project for New York, U.S.A. 1967 Wrapped Galleria Nazionale, Project for Rome, Italy. Ponte Sant' Angelo Wrapped, Project for Rome, Italy. Wrapped Trees, Project for Washington Pa ...
C.Q - Ioanna Pantazopoulou
C.Q., 2010 honey jars, cosmetic containers, lipsticks, glue, mirror C.Q. is a maquette study for a fantastical monument, a ‘Disney Palace on acid’, a tribute to Beauty. It is an arrangement of cosmetics that are used as pigments to add tones to ...
C.Q., 2010 honey jars, cosmetic containers, lipsticks, glue, mirror C.Q. is a maquette study for a fantastical monument, a ‘Disney Palace on acid’, a tribute to Beauty. It is an arrangement of cosmetics that are used as pigments to add tones to ...
Tomb of the Unknown Broker - Andreas Kopp
To the unknown Broker / Tomb of the Unknown Broker ( Dem unbekannten Broker ) a monument about artistic vision as social comment The installation (Tomb of an Unknown Broker) is dedicated to the virtual character of an Unidentified Broker. It highl ...
To the unknown Broker / Tomb of the Unknown Broker ( Dem unbekannten Broker ) a monument about artistic vision as social comment The installation (Tomb of an Unknown Broker) is dedicated to the virtual character of an Unidentified Broker. It highl ...
Sculpture Center In Practice  - Kristin Jones / Andrew Ginzel
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL Sculpture Center In Practice PROPOSAL In the open-air volume of the garden courtyard adjacent to the mass of the main building we propose to draw three precise geometries that the site itself suggests: Two planes of pa ...
KRISTIN JONES / ANDREW GINZEL Sculpture Center In Practice PROPOSAL In the open-air volume of the garden courtyard adjacent to the mass of the main building we propose to draw three precise geometries that the site itself suggests: Two planes of pa ...
Transitional Monument - David Mabb
Transitional Monument (2004). Digital montage. Dimensions variable. Transitional Monument was made as a proposal for a public artwork. The two images show photos of a now demolished sixties tower block, Linosa Close, Liverpool, with William Morris d ...
Transitional Monument (2004). Digital montage. Dimensions variable. Transitional Monument was made as a proposal for a public artwork. The two images show photos of a now demolished sixties tower block, Linosa Close, Liverpool, with William Morris d ...
The Cube - Lisa Hein
Proposal Rockaway 9/11 memorial Lisa Hein 2002 THE CUBE A bleacher faces the water on Jamaica Bay. It watches the Manhattan skyline to the northwest. The center of the bleacher is cut out in a square. A black cube rises through. ...
Proposal Rockaway 9/11 memorial Lisa Hein 2002 THE CUBE A bleacher faces the water on Jamaica Bay. It watches the Manhattan skyline to the northwest. The center of the bleacher is cut out in a square. A black cube rises through. ...
1000 Alexandras - Zoran Poposki
Made up of randomly chosen female names found on social networks of current citizens of Skopje named Alexandra, "1000 Alexandras" is conceived as a multimedia monument to all Alexandras currently living in Skopje, Macedonia. ...
Made up of randomly chosen female names found on social networks of current citizens of Skopje named Alexandra, "1000 Alexandras" is conceived as a multimedia monument to all Alexandras currently living in Skopje, Macedonia. ...
On cherche à la lumière ce que l'on a perdu dans le noir - Nadine Lère
Mon projet est de construire et d’installer un dispositif éclairant, une source de lumière propre à voir. Le dispositif, un espace pénétrable, prend la fonction de point d’attraction, comme un phare. Il se veut être un point de repère, de rasse ...
Mon projet est de construire et d’installer un dispositif éclairant, une source de lumière propre à voir. Le dispositif, un espace pénétrable, prend la fonction de point d’attraction, comme un phare. Il se veut être un point de repère, de rasse ...
Project for the Initiative Mahnmal Homosexuellenverfolgung, Frankfurt  - Jeff Wall
Unbuilt Roads
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
My monument would be a free-standing structure, a life-size open air cafe-terrace that the public could enter. It is a 12-sided ellipse with two entrances, and would be a careful recreation of such a place in a style typical of the 1920s. It would be made ...
Steve Kado
In March 2007 I was the artist in residence at the Department of Safety in Anacortes, WA, USA. Anacortes is a really small town. Partially out of frustration with me, my big city ways & my de-skilled & "post-conceptual" approach to the art task OLIVER ORI ...
In March 2007 I was the artist in residence at the Department of Safety in Anacortes, WA, USA. Anacortes is a really small town. Partially out of frustration with me, my big city ways & my de-skilled & "post-conceptual" approach to the art task OLIVER ORI ...
Prototype of an opportunistic monument or a monument on call - Sylvie Boisseau
Prototype of an opportunistic monument or a monument on call (in memory of the Stasi* victims) The monument consist of an orthogonal concrete block of 200 x 150 x 50 cm which is embedded under the ground, It should be erected at places where the orig ...
Prototype of an opportunistic monument or a monument on call (in memory of the Stasi* victims) The monument consist of an orthogonal concrete block of 200 x 150 x 50 cm which is embedded under the ground, It should be erected at places where the orig ...
To Two Too; Hypothetical Monument for a Natural Disaster - Jeffrey Wisniewski
Unbuilt Roads
(222) steel, wire mesh containers, 'gitter boxes', half filled with architectural and cultural debris with other miscellaneous rubble (22) solar panels with battery bank, etc. (solar system) (6) LCD video projectors; video and live television broad ...
(222) steel, wire mesh containers, 'gitter boxes', half filled with architectural and cultural debris with other miscellaneous rubble (22) solar panels with battery bank, etc. (solar system) (6) LCD video projectors; video and live television broad ...
Monuments to Real Life - Inga Burrows
Monuments to Real Life Monument 2. Twins Digital Video installation research phase began Autumn 2008 in Nuertingen Germany and was aborted in May 2009. Monument 2. ‘Twins’ is the unrealized sibling to Monument 1 ‘Well I Never…’ 2007(www.w ...
Monuments to Real Life Monument 2. Twins Digital Video installation research phase began Autumn 2008 in Nuertingen Germany and was aborted in May 2009. Monument 2. ‘Twins’ is the unrealized sibling to Monument 1 ‘Well I Never…’ 2007(www.w ...
Ephemeral - Tomasz Domanski
I call my "ice actions", consisting in placing objects in principal downtown squares, the Monuments of Time. I find this title appropriately noble, considering in whose honor they are erected. In each case, I seek an adequate form to celebrate time as wel ...
I call my "ice actions", consisting in placing objects in principal downtown squares, the Monuments of Time. I find this title appropriately noble, considering in whose honor they are erected. In each case, I seek an adequate form to celebrate time as wel ...
Minaret Project - Joanna Rajkowska
Minaret Project ‘What is absolutely crucial for me is the relationship between the work, a real work in real space, and the body. One can hardly discuss a project’s impact on the public sphere if the project is not physically there, if everyone onl ...
Minaret Project ‘What is absolutely crucial for me is the relationship between the work, a real work in real space, and the body. One can hardly discuss a project’s impact on the public sphere if the project is not physically there, if everyone onl ...
Free to Choose - Erik Wenzel
FOTA (Festival of the Arts) 2010 APPLICATION Title of Project: Free to Choose Name: Erik Wenzel
 Location: The Chicago Theological Seminary Duration: Installed for the length of FOTA, subject to CTS schedule STATEMENT I propose to make a ...
FOTA (Festival of the Arts) 2010 APPLICATION Title of Project: Free to Choose Name: Erik Wenzel
 Location: The Chicago Theological Seminary Duration: Installed for the length of FOTA, subject to CTS schedule STATEMENT I propose to make a ...
Round Table - Raoul Marek
The “freedom and democracy monument” is designed in the shape of an oversized transparent round table: People make use of the elements of that round table by their presence and help bring life into it.The round table is the symbol of the democratic id ...
The “freedom and democracy monument” is designed in the shape of an oversized transparent round table: People make use of the elements of that round table by their presence and help bring life into it.The round table is the symbol of the democratic id ...
Monument to the Iraq War Dead - Scott Sorli
Conservative estimates are that over one hundred thousand men, women, and children died in the Iraq War. Weapons of mass destruction that were used as justification for this illegal war were launched by the Americans and the British forces themselves. The ...
Conservative estimates are that over one hundred thousand men, women, and children died in the Iraq War. Weapons of mass destruction that were used as justification for this illegal war were launched by the Americans and the British forces themselves. The ...
Dog Jaw Monument - A Futurist Tele-introject - Leon Golub
Unbuilt Roads
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
Years: A.D 2096, A.D. 2777, A.D. 3096 See drawing (to be submitted if desired) note: time - 2096 - becoming a critical exponential extension of the artist's hand (eventual reasons why the work has not been realised) Project has not reached a cri ...
ENIGMA - Sebastian Tedesco
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
The project is the installation in the Antarctic Pole of an object, a magnet, an object that itself has a symbolic and enigmatic load. The proposal is to install in the Antarctic territory a magnet horseshoe 1 m high by 60 cm base and 3 cm thick at it ...
Central Park Monument to the Nimbus of Victory, 2009 - Peter Joslyn
The monument is one of a series of proposals for large scale public sculptures to celebrate the visionary nature of the artist. The aim is to bring to the world an understanding of the artists point of view by providing the spectacular, and by sharing the ...
The monument is one of a series of proposals for large scale public sculptures to celebrate the visionary nature of the artist. The aim is to bring to the world an understanding of the artists point of view by providing the spectacular, and by sharing the ...
Place Jacques-Cartier, Montréal 1990 (with Tony Fretton) - Mark Pimlott
This project proposed a monumental surface for Place Jacques-Cartier that resembled the streets an unconscious places that were typical of Montréal’s topography. The ground was conceived of as a portion of the granite shield that the city is built on, ...
This project proposed a monumental surface for Place Jacques-Cartier that resembled the streets an unconscious places that were typical of Montréal’s topography. The ground was conceived of as a portion of the granite shield that the city is built on, ...
fly-though - Kasper Kovitz
‘fly-though’ animation of this project at: http://www.re-title.com/artists/Kasper-Kovitz3.asp ‘witchbunker’, a project begun in 2001, is a walk-in sculpture. It consists of a one-room traditional American pioneer log cabin encased in a concret ...
‘fly-though’ animation of this project at: http://www.re-title.com/artists/Kasper-Kovitz3.asp ‘witchbunker’, a project begun in 2001, is a walk-in sculpture. It consists of a one-room traditional American pioneer log cabin encased in a concret ...
Monument to civilization - Pablo Angel Lugo
A patinated plaster sculpture marble natural scale, contains two characters, the first is a riot police in position conqueror in one hand have a coat of riot police and the other as if it were a weapon, a piece of post and finally this a video surveillanc ...
A patinated plaster sculpture marble natural scale, contains two characters, the first is a riot police in position conqueror in one hand have a coat of riot police and the other as if it were a weapon, a piece of post and finally this a video surveillanc ...
Heman Chong
I wanted to purchase the coffee table in Room 503, Hong Lou Hotel, Lianzhou, China and to mount it as a monument for all the shady deals that have been worked out over this table at a solo at Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou. ...
I wanted to purchase the coffee table in Room 503, Hong Lou Hotel, Lianzhou, China and to mount it as a monument for all the shady deals that have been worked out over this table at a solo at Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou. ...