Empire - Elena Dubrova
We would like to introduce to Your attention our short non embodied project. The project itself can be incarnate but his idea is reverse. We named it ‘Empire’. Project consist series of photo ( 5 pieces) and 1 gif. image. It consists awareness, ...
We would like to introduce to Your attention our short non embodied project. The project itself can be incarnate but his idea is reverse. We named it ‘Empire’. Project consist series of photo ( 5 pieces) and 1 gif. image. It consists awareness, ...
Ardfert “Miracle Hill”  - Julie Forrester
THEMES The theme will be Ardfert “Miracle Hill”. Ideas about miracles will be explored playfully by posing questions: What exactly is a miracle? Do you know any miracles? Are miracles real? Do we need them? Who are the people who inhabit miracles? ...
THEMES The theme will be Ardfert “Miracle Hill”. Ideas about miracles will be explored playfully by posing questions: What exactly is a miracle? Do you know any miracles? Are miracles real? Do we need them? Who are the people who inhabit miracles? ...
Transitional Monument - David Mabb
Transitional Monument (2004). Digital montage. Dimensions variable. Transitional Monument was made as a proposal for a public artwork. The two images show photos of a now demolished sixties tower block, Linosa Close, Liverpool, with William Morris d ...
Transitional Monument (2004). Digital montage. Dimensions variable. Transitional Monument was made as a proposal for a public artwork. The two images show photos of a now demolished sixties tower block, Linosa Close, Liverpool, with William Morris d ...
Photographs of Common Objects - Bradley Olson
For the series of black and white still life’s, Photographs of Common Objects, I used a 4” x 5” view camera to capture in fine detail, the form and surface of relics from daily life. Among them - adding machines, ceramic, glass, and plastic cups, ki ...
For the series of black and white still life’s, Photographs of Common Objects, I used a 4” x 5” view camera to capture in fine detail, the form and surface of relics from daily life. Among them - adding machines, ceramic, glass, and plastic cups, ki ...
Things For An Urban Neighbourhood Cleansing (After Kinmont) - Ann Fuata
Things For An Urban Neighbourhood Cleansing (After Kinmont) is a series of 11 photographs of the artist holding a collection of domestic objects for an urban cleansing. These photographs were meant to become a unified image using a lenticular printing... ...
Things For An Urban Neighbourhood Cleansing (After Kinmont) is a series of 11 photographs of the artist holding a collection of domestic objects for an urban cleansing. These photographs were meant to become a unified image using a lenticular printing... ...
Michael Tsegaye
This images are of grave stones.In Ethiopia when a person dies the relatives places a photograph into the tomb stone and inscribes a short history of the deceased. Inspired by Ethiopian poet and painter Gebrekirstos Desta. ...
This images are of grave stones.In Ethiopia when a person dies the relatives places a photograph into the tomb stone and inscribes a short history of the deceased. Inspired by Ethiopian poet and painter Gebrekirstos Desta. ...
Dead but not gone - Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
Dead but not gone …. Dead but not gone is a project about the dead things that once was live and living in this world. This was unrealized photography project that, recently I found as going back to my photography archive from 2005 to 2011, I have take ...
Dead but not gone …. Dead but not gone is a project about the dead things that once was live and living in this world. This was unrealized photography project that, recently I found as going back to my photography archive from 2005 to 2011, I have take ...
Surgical Intervention (Intervençao cirurgica) - Kelly Tavares
English translation from Portuguese: This project is still underway. It started to be developed in Brasil, in 2007. The work has the modular unit, consisting of “cubificated” photographs cased in an acrylic transparent cube that is turned into art ...
English translation from Portuguese: This project is still underway. It started to be developed in Brasil, in 2007. The work has the modular unit, consisting of “cubificated” photographs cased in an acrylic transparent cube that is turned into art ...
nigal goodship
They say, art no longer produces beauty, she produces meaning. I say, one cannot paint a picture or make an image of a woman and not deal with the concept of beauty. Marlene Dumas Assignment 5fp001 Contemporary photographic practice, The Venus project ...
They say, art no longer produces beauty, she produces meaning. I say, one cannot paint a picture or make an image of a woman and not deal with the concept of beauty. Marlene Dumas Assignment 5fp001 Contemporary photographic practice, The Venus project ...
Portrait of a village in contemporary art - Eugen Alupopanu
My project proposal was "Portrait of a village in contemporary art" in which I wanted to use typical means of photography as document and translate them into visual art language, namely painting. In short, I wanted to photograph all the people in the vill ...
My project proposal was "Portrait of a village in contemporary art" in which I wanted to use typical means of photography as document and translate them into visual art language, namely painting. In short, I wanted to photograph all the people in the vill ...
cara judea alhadeff
Since the early 90s, my photographs have been publicly defended by freedom of speech organizations such as artsave/People for the American Way, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and the ACLU. By witnessing first hand people's reactionary tendencies and ...
Since the early 90s, my photographs have been publicly defended by freedom of speech organizations such as artsave/People for the American Way, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and the ACLU. By witnessing first hand people's reactionary tendencies and ...
"The Well" by day and "The Cave" by night - Sissel Kardel
A four story tower, in the shape of a standing female figure, facade like that of a log cabin which you can enter and explore. Sissel Kardel works from documentary photographs that correspond to visions in which a contemplative female figure is set a ...
A four story tower, in the shape of a standing female figure, facade like that of a log cabin which you can enter and explore. Sissel Kardel works from documentary photographs that correspond to visions in which a contemplative female figure is set a ...
Unrealised proposal for Saatchi New Sensations, 2009 - Petra Swais and Najda El-Amriti
Having worked for three years alongside one another, but never producing work collaboratively, we have come to realise the strong connection between our individual practices. The most prominent link between our works is the notion of manipulation. By mani ...
Having worked for three years alongside one another, but never producing work collaboratively, we have come to realise the strong connection between our individual practices. The most prominent link between our works is the notion of manipulation. By mani ...
Prima del 73 - Fabio Mauri
Unbuilt Roads
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
see my letter (eventually reasons why the work has not been realised) Anxiety Previous Publications (?) This thing is mentioned in "Fabio Mauri Opere e Azioni 1954-1994" Giorgio Mondadori Ed. Exisiting Documents (photos, drawings, models): ...
Arhat - Mitya Nesterov & Lera Nibiru
Arhat is a project consisting of photographs of mutants and other anatomic material installed in round spaceship-like viewports ...
Arhat is a project consisting of photographs of mutants and other anatomic material installed in round spaceship-like viewports ...
‘Waiting for the Sunrise’ (To follow the light) - Betty Nigianni
‘Waiting for the Sunrise’ (To follow the light) - - Performance, digital photography, digital video, sculpture, varied dimensions (2011) Undertaken as a means for research, walking journeys in the city allowed for emerging themes, such as pilgrim ...
‘Waiting for the Sunrise’ (To follow the light) - - Performance, digital photography, digital video, sculpture, varied dimensions (2011) Undertaken as a means for research, walking journeys in the city allowed for emerging themes, such as pilgrim ...
Murat Germen
Photography is a powerful two dimensional representation tool to document three dimensional volumes like architecture. It is possible to manipulate photos with two dimensional tools like Photoshop in order to suggest new three dimensional re/formations an ...
Photography is a powerful two dimensional representation tool to document three dimensional volumes like architecture. It is possible to manipulate photos with two dimensional tools like Photoshop in order to suggest new three dimensional re/formations an ...
Cornflower tea and concealing chocolate - Alena Zhandarova
Alena Zhandarova was born in 1988 and lives in Russia. Meanwhile her marketing studies she decided to open her creative chakras and started to probe and go deeper to herself. This way her series “Cornflower tea and concealing chocolate” came up. It ...
Alena Zhandarova was born in 1988 and lives in Russia. Meanwhile her marketing studies she decided to open her creative chakras and started to probe and go deeper to herself. This way her series “Cornflower tea and concealing chocolate” came up. It ...
Transcendence , 2010 - Shuli Sade
Transcendence , 2010, by Shuli Sadé 60 photographic panels of 20 x 20 Inches each, printed on duraclear, fused glass/acrylic, natural light/ suspended to create moving shadows “Tran.scen.dence completes a cycle of the envisioned and the built. It ...
Transcendence , 2010, by Shuli Sadé 60 photographic panels of 20 x 20 Inches each, printed on duraclear, fused glass/acrylic, natural light/ suspended to create moving shadows “Tran.scen.dence completes a cycle of the envisioned and the built. It ...
Go Down Moses- Synopsis - Ahmad Hosni
Synopsis Go Down, Moses is book project that was conceived from the outset as a sequence of photographs existing in a relation to a parallel body of text.  The project is about a place in the process of becoming a tourist enclave and what has prec ...
Synopsis Go Down, Moses is book project that was conceived from the outset as a sequence of photographs existing in a relation to a parallel body of text.  The project is about a place in the process of becoming a tourist enclave and what has prec ...
Convention - David K. Ross
Convention' was an unsolicited, and as I found out in March of this year, unaccepted proposal to the promoters of the Toronto International Art Fair. ...
Convention' was an unsolicited, and as I found out in March of this year, unaccepted proposal to the promoters of the Toronto International Art Fair. ...
Fotografische Sammlung, Museum Folkwang - ANJA ROSS
Fotografische Sammlung, Museum Folkwang, Goethestraße 41, D-45128 Essen Stipendium der Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung für Zeitgenössische Fotografie 2008 Antragstellerin: ANJA ROSS Schon lange arbeite ich mit der Fotografie intu ...
Fotografische Sammlung, Museum Folkwang, Goethestraße 41, D-45128 Essen Stipendium der Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung für Zeitgenössische Fotografie 2008 Antragstellerin: ANJA ROSS Schon lange arbeite ich mit der Fotografie intu ...
I TO EYE - Jacek Smolicki
"I to eye" project is an unfinished photo- documentation of author's face to face confrontation with 400 CCTV cameras of Old Town of Jerusalem (2010) Confronting the unrealized city... Jacek Smolicki 2010 Jerusalem is a specific place. The parad ...
"I to eye" project is an unfinished photo- documentation of author's face to face confrontation with 400 CCTV cameras of Old Town of Jerusalem (2010) Confronting the unrealized city... Jacek Smolicki 2010 Jerusalem is a specific place. The parad ...
Untitled - Sky Fairchild-Waller
'Untitled' is a photo and text-based work that explores the poetics of a young mother raising a young girl. Meredith admired the speckles of flour that had landed on her apron. The print was floral; violet and pink flower buds, small and slightly fade ...
'Untitled' is a photo and text-based work that explores the poetics of a young mother raising a young girl. Meredith admired the speckles of flour that had landed on her apron. The print was floral; violet and pink flower buds, small and slightly fade ...
Reproductions - David Groot
Reproductions, apart from being a substitute for a genuine experience, may protect the vulnerable original for all too impudent eyes and inappropriate curiosity. In "Re-production" this idea is taken literally; the slide projector projects a photographic ...
Reproductions, apart from being a substitute for a genuine experience, may protect the vulnerable original for all too impudent eyes and inappropriate curiosity. In "Re-production" this idea is taken literally; the slide projector projects a photographic ...
UNTITLED - Sonia Foder
UNTITLED It was supposed to be a long-term project. I dreamed about it for long time. Portrait photography is one of the biggest challenges in photography. Photographers identity and relational dynamics between photographer and model are crucial. Por ...
UNTITLED It was supposed to be a long-term project. I dreamed about it for long time. Portrait photography is one of the biggest challenges in photography. Photographers identity and relational dynamics between photographer and model are crucial. Por ...