Vladimar and Rosa (2011) - Anne Colvin
Vladimar and Rosa (2011) is a fictional dance company created and produced by artist Anne Colvin. Their first production "The Kids Play Russian" will never be realized. A hybrid dance installation influenced by experimental film strategies plays out as f ...
Vladimar and Rosa (2011) is a fictional dance company created and produced by artist Anne Colvin. Their first production "The Kids Play Russian" will never be realized. A hybrid dance installation influenced by experimental film strategies plays out as f ...
Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson
Two Barges is a proposal for a pair of illuminated signs to be ferried around the island of Manhattan using the Hudson, Harlem and East Rivers.   The signs will be made from panels of tungsten lightbulbs fixed to a supporting metal rig.   The letters wi ...
Two Barges is a proposal for a pair of illuminated signs to be ferried around the island of Manhattan using the Hudson, Harlem and East Rivers.   The signs will be made from panels of tungsten lightbulbs fixed to a supporting metal rig.   The letters wi ...
Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson
The Blame is a proposal for an inflatable sign to be ferried around the island of Cyprus by Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot tug boats. The sign will be made from multi-coloured letters mounted on a floating pontoon and stand around 4 metres high. ...
The Blame is a proposal for an inflatable sign to be ferried around the island of Cyprus by Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot tug boats. The sign will be made from multi-coloured letters mounted on a floating pontoon and stand around 4 metres high. ...
The Warhol Machine - Johanna Thompson
The Warhol Machine is a mechanism that will bring 15 minutes of fame to everyone. It is an installation in Times Square, New York City, consisting of a video camera in a booth, a visitor inside the booth and in front of the camera and the already installe ...
The Warhol Machine is a mechanism that will bring 15 minutes of fame to everyone. It is an installation in Times Square, New York City, consisting of a video camera in a booth, a visitor inside the booth and in front of the camera and the already installe ...
An Island - jeroen doorenweerd
An Island' is a proposal for a large scale work in public space, commissioned by the province of North-Holland in the Netherlands. 'Kunstgebouw' was involved with the choice of artists. My proposal will not be realised. How many kubic metres of soil ca ...
An Island' is a proposal for a large scale work in public space, commissioned by the province of North-Holland in the Netherlands. 'Kunstgebouw' was involved with the choice of artists. My proposal will not be realised. How many kubic metres of soil ca ...
A Lighthouse - Goran Tomcic
“A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls c ...
“A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls c ...
eine Sound-Installation im öffentlichen Raum Konzept: Annabel Lange The course of the installation The Cage of Britney I As a bastard of perception the visitor confronts the installation which is stituated onto some urban waste land. One ha ...
eine Sound-Installation im öffentlichen Raum Konzept: Annabel Lange The course of the installation The Cage of Britney I As a bastard of perception the visitor confronts the installation which is stituated onto some urban waste land. One ha ...
The 3 Muses of West Hollywood - Phil Tarley
Public Art For Street Installation in the City of West Hollywood, California ARTIST’S STATEMENT: THE 3 MUSES OF WEST HOLLYWOOD Who are we, the people of West Hollywood? Where do we come from? What do we do? As we live out our lives here ...
Public Art For Street Installation in the City of West Hollywood, California ARTIST’S STATEMENT: THE 3 MUSES OF WEST HOLLYWOOD Who are we, the people of West Hollywood? Where do we come from? What do we do? As we live out our lives here ...
In the Realm of Self - Shaun David Myles
Sculptural installation: This installation is an offshoot from a project developed over a number of years using the symbol of the heart, explored through multiple materials, for an investigation of the human condition. The two sculptures here, each ...
Sculptural installation: This installation is an offshoot from a project developed over a number of years using the symbol of the heart, explored through multiple materials, for an investigation of the human condition. The two sculptures here, each ...
Thanasis Chondros & Alexandra Katsiani
In July 1981, and again in February 1989, we proposed to friends of ours and other artists and to everyone it may concern-through texts in the magazines “Sin kai Plin” and “To Bitoni”, to found a football team. We made this proposal because of ...
In July 1981, and again in February 1989, we proposed to friends of ours and other artists and to everyone it may concern-through texts in the magazines “Sin kai Plin” and “To Bitoni”, to found a football team. We made this proposal because of ...
If you meet Buddha on the path, kill him, 2004-2011 - Shannon Bellum
Technical aspects ​This is an installation made out of suspended fabric panels going from the floor, to 7 feet high at the entrance and finishing off at 9 feet high at the center of the maze. The panels are attached to plastic tubing that is suspe ...
Technical aspects ​This is an installation made out of suspended fabric panels going from the floor, to 7 feet high at the entrance and finishing off at 9 feet high at the center of the maze. The panels are attached to plastic tubing that is suspe ...
Heman Chong
I wanted to purchase the coffee table in Room 503, Hong Lou Hotel, Lianzhou, China and to mount it as a monument for all the shady deals that have been worked out over this table at a solo at Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou. ...
I wanted to purchase the coffee table in Room 503, Hong Lou Hotel, Lianzhou, China and to mount it as a monument for all the shady deals that have been worked out over this table at a solo at Vitamin Creative Space in Guangzhou. ...
Marmangios in the city - Ana Fernández (Miranda Texidor)
I am interested in the poetic research, finding and wonderment of other worlds. I find the keeping and tending of imaginary spaces fascinating. These spaces are playful moments of time or matter, which exist mainly in children’s play as marvelous secret ...
I am interested in the poetic research, finding and wonderment of other worlds. I find the keeping and tending of imaginary spaces fascinating. These spaces are playful moments of time or matter, which exist mainly in children’s play as marvelous secret ...
Proposal to an open call for the 2011 Emdash Award - Boris Dornbusch
The following project was a proposal to an open call for the 2011 Emdash Award. However, it is an idea I have developed in response to any Art Fair: A smaller-scale replica of the Frieze's exhibition tent is pitched in the exhibition pavilion. ...
The following project was a proposal to an open call for the 2011 Emdash Award. However, it is an idea I have developed in response to any Art Fair: A smaller-scale replica of the Frieze's exhibition tent is pitched in the exhibition pavilion. ...
Green Architecture - Francesco Fossati
wall installation variable dimensions water pain on wall and oil on paper transfered on wooden tables (26 x 19 cm each element) The project consists of a large installation that runs on the walls, creating a visually stunning work of able to relate g ...
wall installation variable dimensions water pain on wall and oil on paper transfered on wooden tables (26 x 19 cm each element) The project consists of a large installation that runs on the walls, creating a visually stunning work of able to relate g ...
Umfassung (verborgen) - Sabine Hagmann
Idee Der Perimeter des St. Johanns-Platz wird während einem Jahr exakt mit einer zweieinhalb Meter hohen Wand eingefasst. Sie schliesst das ganze Gelände ein, mit Rasen, Wegen und Parkbänken. Die kleine Rasenfläche wird durch die Wand als Volu ...
Idee Der Perimeter des St. Johanns-Platz wird während einem Jahr exakt mit einer zweieinhalb Meter hohen Wand eingefasst. Sie schliesst das ganze Gelände ein, mit Rasen, Wegen und Parkbänken. Die kleine Rasenfläche wird durch die Wand als Volu ...
Nihal Yesil
Passage, 2008 Model for a architectural installation Construction: Simple reductive construction Walls: Black heavy rubber sheets suspended from simple linked frames Dimensions: Circa 280cm height x 450cm wide x 800cm + length variable depending on ...
Passage, 2008 Model for a architectural installation Construction: Simple reductive construction Walls: Black heavy rubber sheets suspended from simple linked frames Dimensions: Circa 280cm height x 450cm wide x 800cm + length variable depending on ...
Diary - Brocken Column, 1989 - Dan Mihaltianu
Brocken Column belongs to a series of works produced in the late 80s with the generic title "Diary", drawings, lithographs, artist books and installations, using as symbols the initials of the week days ...
Brocken Column belongs to a series of works produced in the late 80s with the generic title "Diary", drawings, lithographs, artist books and installations, using as symbols the initials of the week days ...
Nyela Saeed
I was born in Mumbai and received my Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from Sir J.J School of Art, Mumbai in 2004 and Post Baccalaureate Diploma from Pont Aven School of Art, Brittany, France in 2006. My last solo show titled ‘Impositions’ was held in Switzer ...
I was born in Mumbai and received my Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from Sir J.J School of Art, Mumbai in 2004 and Post Baccalaureate Diploma from Pont Aven School of Art, Brittany, France in 2006. My last solo show titled ‘Impositions’ was held in Switzer ...
MOROSO Prize 2010 Proposal - Gabriele De Santis
Introduction Before this opportunity, I knew of Moroso, but I was not fortunate enough to fully engage with it in-depth. The first step was obviously to carefully explore the website. Through the images and literature offered I gained a better underst ...
Introduction Before this opportunity, I knew of Moroso, but I was not fortunate enough to fully engage with it in-depth. The first step was obviously to carefully explore the website. Through the images and literature offered I gained a better underst ...
natascha seideneck
This sculpture was proposed for a crime lab and addresses elements of visibility and invisibly of the building itself, similar to physical evidence uncovering unknown facts. ...
This sculpture was proposed for a crime lab and addresses elements of visibility and invisibly of the building itself, similar to physical evidence uncovering unknown facts. ...
Liberties - Esin Turan
Abstract Liberties is an experiment in giving and receiving and working together peacefully to create something of universal value and at the same time benefit individually. It is an interactive lear- ning experience, in which each participant learns tha ...
Abstract Liberties is an experiment in giving and receiving and working together peacefully to create something of universal value and at the same time benefit individually. It is an interactive lear- ning experience, in which each participant learns tha ...
Morality - Peter Dickinson
An interactive painting installation titled Morality The project is outlined at this link and a pdf with instructions on how morality would be managed can also be found on this page. http://www.peter-dickinson.co.uk/Morality.html ...
An interactive painting installation titled Morality The project is outlined at this link and a pdf with instructions on how morality would be managed can also be found on this page. http://www.peter-dickinson.co.uk/Morality.html ...
CITY IS DEAD / BACK TO INDOOR Art of recent decades experienced deeply the idea of „Escape from institutions to the streets”. It gave the birth to countless artistic projects in public spaces, interventions and site-specific installations. B ...
CITY IS DEAD / BACK TO INDOOR Art of recent decades experienced deeply the idea of „Escape from institutions to the streets”. It gave the birth to countless artistic projects in public spaces, interventions and site-specific installations. B ...
L'art mis à nu par ses artistes, même... Rifiuto della Creazione / Everything has been done, so why do „everything” ? - Gregor Rozanski
working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings. this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri. Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is be ...
working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings. this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri. Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is be ...
The Pagoda - Michael Jantzen
Would be made from sustainably grown Western Red Cedar wood. Approximately twenty one feet wide, fifteen feet deep, and eighteen feet tall. ...
Would be made from sustainably grown Western Red Cedar wood. Approximately twenty one feet wide, fifteen feet deep, and eighteen feet tall. ...