We Prowl - Jodi Patterson
"We Prowl" series. Drew idealistic male forms on plastic as inspired by online personal profiles. Titles came from the tag lines used to lure a mate (submitting "Black Cat Hunting 4 Goddess" and "Wealth and Power"). Wealthy and Strong * 32- ...
"We Prowl" series. Drew idealistic male forms on plastic as inspired by online personal profiles. Titles came from the tag lines used to lure a mate (submitting "Black Cat Hunting 4 Goddess" and "Wealth and Power"). Wealthy and Strong * 32- ...
Interactive Playground - GH Hovagimyan
Abstract The interactive playground project consists of three works. 1. An interactive Seesaw 2. A jump rope machine 3. An interactive spiral slide The interactive seesaw has recently been completed as part of an LMCC residency at Governor’s ...
Abstract The interactive playground project consists of three works. 1. An interactive Seesaw 2. A jump rope machine 3. An interactive spiral slide The interactive seesaw has recently been completed as part of an LMCC residency at Governor’s ...
I want to do the laundry; or rather I want to finish the laundry - Svava Thordis Juliusson
TO: Agency of Unrealized Projects I want to do the laundry; or rather I want to finish the laundry. It is a project that poses vague theoretical and aesthetic questions, but to explore possible ways to put an end to this task could forever change the t ...
TO: Agency of Unrealized Projects I want to do the laundry; or rather I want to finish the laundry. It is a project that poses vague theoretical and aesthetic questions, but to explore possible ways to put an end to this task could forever change the t ...
Pamela Harris
"When I was at art school, everyone else would make art and find the best parts and then try to cover up everything else so that was all you saw. I was fascinated by the part that didn't appear to be working and I'd keep working on that part until it took ...
"When I was at art school, everyone else would make art and find the best parts and then try to cover up everything else so that was all you saw. I was fascinated by the part that didn't appear to be working and I'd keep working on that part until it took ...
BLIND SPOT - KimSu Theiler
dimensions variable Can we turn the horror of being dematerialized whether in the eyes of a beloved or in a community into the super-hero power of invisibility and back again. 8 cameras in a circle point out over the room. 8 grid camera view re ...
dimensions variable Can we turn the horror of being dematerialized whether in the eyes of a beloved or in a community into the super-hero power of invisibility and back again. 8 cameras in a circle point out over the room. 8 grid camera view re ...
God's ear wax - Janice Perry
"God's ear wax." Large sculpture for public space. Multiple media. Conceived 2004/2011. Janice Perry. B. 1950. USA. The sculpture is comprised of an extremely large ball of wax (with a very high melting point), 100-500 feet in diameter, dark golden br ...
"God's ear wax." Large sculpture for public space. Multiple media. Conceived 2004/2011. Janice Perry. B. 1950. USA. The sculpture is comprised of an extremely large ball of wax (with a very high melting point), 100-500 feet in diameter, dark golden br ...
One month of picnics. - Ding Ren
What better place for art and life to intersect, interweave, and co-mingle than in food? In the making, consumption, and presentation of food. Everyone needs to eat, and there are so many politics in this necessity. When art is food and food is art, t ...
What better place for art and life to intersect, interweave, and co-mingle than in food? In the making, consumption, and presentation of food. Everyone needs to eat, and there are so many politics in this necessity. When art is food and food is art, t ...
La Burqa Project. - Lode Kuylenstierna
La Burqa Parapluie:
Poster: 59,4 cm × 42 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 La Burqa Taxi:
Poster: 42 cm × 59,4 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 La Burqa Bandage:
Poster: 42 cm × 59,4 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 T ...
La Burqa Parapluie:
Poster: 59,4 cm × 42 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 La Burqa Taxi:
Poster: 42 cm × 59,4 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 La Burqa Bandage:
Poster: 42 cm × 59,4 cm 
Copyright Lode Kuylenstierna 2011 T ...
Nicole Mortiboys
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
Where are the California Rolls from? - Maki Na Kamura
To exhibit art works which revision the Japonisume. The title of the show is "Where are the California Rolls from"? My idea is the exploration of a non-literal and ahistorical portrayal of landscape, which has been presumed as most unspectaclar genre o ...
To exhibit art works which revision the Japonisume. The title of the show is "Where are the California Rolls from"? My idea is the exploration of a non-literal and ahistorical portrayal of landscape, which has been presumed as most unspectaclar genre o ...
‘Jsut Code - Winnie Soon
‘Jsut Code’ is a collaborative installation in which participants are invited to decode electronic texts written by a collective of distributed writers. ...
‘Jsut Code’ is a collaborative installation in which participants are invited to decode electronic texts written by a collective of distributed writers. ...
Maki Na Kamura
YKB : NYC Yves Klein Blue : A New York City Road. - Jeff Wood
" felt only night within me and it was then that I conceived the new art. " Kazimir Malevich YKB : NYC is a feature length art-film proposal in which 2 art-handlers driving a truck in New York city experience the city as a grand artwork while the ...
" felt only night within me and it was then that I conceived the new art. " Kazimir Malevich YKB : NYC is a feature length art-film proposal in which 2 art-handlers driving a truck in New York city experience the city as a grand artwork while the ...
Michael Tsegaye
This images are of grave stones.In Ethiopia when a person dies the relatives places a photograph into the tomb stone and inscribes a short history of the deceased. Inspired by Ethiopian poet and painter Gebrekirstos Desta. ...
This images are of grave stones.In Ethiopia when a person dies the relatives places a photograph into the tomb stone and inscribes a short history of the deceased. Inspired by Ethiopian poet and painter Gebrekirstos Desta. ...
The Black Diagram - Patrik Aarnivaara
"The Black Diagram", 2010 was a continuation of the work An “A” Surrounded by a Circle, 2009. In my earlier work I deconstructed anarchist signs. In the unfinished project "The Black Diagram" I worked with the idea of “Post-anarchism”. Anarchi ...
"The Black Diagram", 2010 was a continuation of the work An “A” Surrounded by a Circle, 2009. In my earlier work I deconstructed anarchist signs. In the unfinished project "The Black Diagram" I worked with the idea of “Post-anarchism”. Anarchi ...
Ephemeral - Tomasz Domanski
I call my "ice actions", consisting in placing objects in principal downtown squares, the Monuments of Time. I find this title appropriately noble, considering in whose honor they are erected. In each case, I seek an adequate form to celebrate time as wel ...
I call my "ice actions", consisting in placing objects in principal downtown squares, the Monuments of Time. I find this title appropriately noble, considering in whose honor they are erected. In each case, I seek an adequate form to celebrate time as wel ...
CrossSpot  - Tomasz Domanski
The work I called CrossSpot is a new project . I will try to place it outdoor in the town (Wroclaw) in the area of so called four temples. In one city district there are situated one synagogue, one orthodox Russian, catholic and protestant churches. ...
The work I called CrossSpot is a new project . I will try to place it outdoor in the town (Wroclaw) in the area of so called four temples. In one city district there are situated one synagogue, one orthodox Russian, catholic and protestant churches. ...
These installations are part of an ongoing series experimenting with light in 3 dimensional spaces. They are created using a high power laser, refracted in the space using mirrors. The effect is like drawing with pure light: intense, pure, random an ...
These installations are part of an ongoing series experimenting with light in 3 dimensional spaces. They are created using a high power laser, refracted in the space using mirrors. The effect is like drawing with pure light: intense, pure, random an ...
Unproduction Network - Stefan Riebel
10 | to not realise | media space effort, time | June 2009 After one month of intense research and conceptual effort I have fully worked out a new interactive crossmedia project. Kunst ist heute fast überall zu jeder Zeit und für jeden Zweck v ...
10 | to not realise | media space effort, time | June 2009 After one month of intense research and conceptual effort I have fully worked out a new interactive crossmedia project. Kunst ist heute fast überall zu jeder Zeit und für jeden Zweck v ...
Breath of Light - Kristin O'sullivan Peren
Breath of Light (LED,recycled plastic blocks,steel computer software) was the finalist in the Northern Gate way Sculpture for Wellington City Council, NZ. as one of 3 finalist where told, there would be a result announced 23 sept 2010. ...
Breath of Light (LED,recycled plastic blocks,steel computer software) was the finalist in the Northern Gate way Sculpture for Wellington City Council, NZ. as one of 3 finalist where told, there would be a result announced 23 sept 2010. ...
Thanatopolis / Solace grove - Rebecca Keller
This was a proposal for a project called "Thanatopolis" --asking for outdoor works that explored the rituals of interment and memorialization. (This proposal was for an outdoor art environment that was also a place of memory) Imagine walking though ...
This was a proposal for a project called "Thanatopolis" --asking for outdoor works that explored the rituals of interment and memorialization. (This proposal was for an outdoor art environment that was also a place of memory) Imagine walking though ...
ArtPOTLATCH - Exhibition as Test Lab/ Art as Gift - Rebecca Keller
POTLATCH A potlatch is a tradition carried on by many NW coast Indian tribes. The chief would celebrate a significant event (birth, marriage) by hosting a Potlatch. A huge feast would be provided, and gifts such as blankets, etc. would be given to the ...
POTLATCH A potlatch is a tradition carried on by many NW coast Indian tribes. The chief would celebrate a significant event (birth, marriage) by hosting a Potlatch. A huge feast would be provided, and gifts such as blankets, etc. would be given to the ...
raphaele cohen-bacry
This is an example of the 50 dolls I made between 2007 and 2010. I used ‘’ugly’’, standardized dolls made in China and was interested in turning them into unique ‘’hand-made’’ dolls with a lot of personality and character. Each measures 4X ...
This is an example of the 50 dolls I made between 2007 and 2010. I used ‘’ugly’’, standardized dolls made in China and was interested in turning them into unique ‘’hand-made’’ dolls with a lot of personality and character. Each measures 4X ...
Kelly Jazvac and Patrick Howlett
An abstract public sculpture that doubles as a large scale bike rack. Our proposal is for a large-scale, powder-coated steel sculpture to be installed in the outdoor sculpture garden at the SculptureCenter. The project will appear to be a prototypical ...
An abstract public sculpture that doubles as a large scale bike rack. Our proposal is for a large-scale, powder-coated steel sculpture to be installed in the outdoor sculpture garden at the SculptureCenter. The project will appear to be a prototypical ...
Pittsburgh Passion Project, (Mistaken ID) - Ayanah Moor
The Pittsburgh Passion Project (2008-2009) probed the relationship between gender identity and sports practices through contemporary performance. In the American imagination, the contours of helmet, football pads, and protective gear have historically ...
The Pittsburgh Passion Project (2008-2009) probed the relationship between gender identity and sports practices through contemporary performance. In the American imagination, the contours of helmet, football pads, and protective gear have historically ...
Igor Eugen Prokop
„Igor Eugen Prokop creates sumptuously colored images created with an unusual pairing of mixed media and acrylic on glass or canvas. These are incredibly energetic works, grasping our awareness and plunging us into a spectacular, glittering cosmos. ...
„Igor Eugen Prokop creates sumptuously colored images created with an unusual pairing of mixed media and acrylic on glass or canvas. These are incredibly energetic works, grasping our awareness and plunging us into a spectacular, glittering cosmos. ...