Western Gateway to Iowa - Andrew Leicester
Western Gateway to Iowa – The Energy State Iowa is the largest US producer of corn which is increasing devoted to ethanol production. Iowa is also a leader in wind power generation especially in the western edges of the state. Iowa’s most famous ...
Western Gateway to Iowa – The Energy State Iowa is the largest US producer of corn which is increasing devoted to ethanol production. Iowa is also a leader in wind power generation especially in the western edges of the state. Iowa’s most famous ...
Bed-line - Efi Spyrou
Efi’s video “bed-line” invites us to mentally traverse a sterile, claustrophobic environment that includes more than one single spatial dimension in its space and more than one single temporal dimension in time. It emanates the energy of the absent, ...
Efi’s video “bed-line” invites us to mentally traverse a sterile, claustrophobic environment that includes more than one single spatial dimension in its space and more than one single temporal dimension in time. It emanates the energy of the absent, ...
Fish Food Living - Eugene Soler
Fish Food Living By Eugene Soler AUP Submission Three-quarters of the world’s ocean is over fished and with food prices soaring and energy resource depleting, we are constantly living in a society where our food resource is unsustainable, unaffor ...
Fish Food Living By Eugene Soler AUP Submission Three-quarters of the world’s ocean is over fished and with food prices soaring and energy resource depleting, we are constantly living in a society where our food resource is unsustainable, unaffor ...
Long Distance Relationship For the exhibition, I am proposing to run a series of 100ft long connected extension cords powered from my studio (the creative place of production) to the exhibition space 2.2 miles away. The energy it takes to sustain so ...
Long Distance Relationship For the exhibition, I am proposing to run a series of 100ft long connected extension cords powered from my studio (the creative place of production) to the exhibition space 2.2 miles away. The energy it takes to sustain so ...
Electron Self-Portrait - Lauren Jo
An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to illuminate a specimen and produce a magnified image. In particular, a scanning electron microscope shoots focused electron beams that rather than carrying an image itself back to the lens, probes the spec ...
An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to illuminate a specimen and produce a magnified image. In particular, a scanning electron microscope shoots focused electron beams that rather than carrying an image itself back to the lens, probes the spec ...
Golnar Adili
A conversation I had years ago with my late father’s friend about the overwhelming energy with which they fought the Shah of Iran has fuled my desire to do a project on my father's life. Elated by the memories, the friend said, "we felt like we were cha ...
A conversation I had years ago with my late father’s friend about the overwhelming energy with which they fought the Shah of Iran has fuled my desire to do a project on my father's life. Elated by the memories, the friend said, "we felt like we were cha ...
T h e S o l a r E n e r g y F i e l d - Michael Jantzen
T h e S o l a r E n e r g y F i e l d Michael Jantzen © 2010 www.michaeljantzen.com ​My design inspiration for this alternative energy producing sculpture in the desert, comes from a conceptual symbolic representation of the micro energe ...
T h e S o l a r E n e r g y F i e l d Michael Jantzen © 2010 www.michaeljantzen.com ​My design inspiration for this alternative energy producing sculpture in the desert, comes from a conceptual symbolic representation of the micro energe ...
Solar City Tower for Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics - Rafael Schmidt, RAFAA
International Architecture Competition for the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. „The project under consideration should be located in the bay of the city of Rio de Janeiro on the Cotonduba Island, which is the obligatory approach for aircraft la ...
International Architecture Competition for the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. „The project under consideration should be located in the bay of the city of Rio de Janeiro on the Cotonduba Island, which is the obligatory approach for aircraft la ...
Notes Toward a Temple - The Legacy
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
This proposal seeks to confront problems in the disciplines of art and architecture in an ecological age. (1) Our infrastructure and aesthetic culture does not attune itself to the ever present crisis of nuclear waste, the bi-product of nuclear energy, wh ...
Center of Cosmic Energy - Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
Proposal, Essen, Kolkerei 2001 -see attached pdfs- ...
Proposal, Essen, Kolkerei 2001 -see attached pdfs- ...
Sempervirens - Matthijs Muller
The Pagoda - Michael Jantzen
Would be made from sustainably grown Western Red Cedar wood. Approximately twenty one feet wide, fifteen feet deep, and eighteen feet tall. ...
Would be made from sustainably grown Western Red Cedar wood. Approximately twenty one feet wide, fifteen feet deep, and eighteen feet tall. ...
AN ENTROPIC LINE BECOMES HOLONIC SPRAY (Highlights from my notes on the subject) Jane Boyer © 2011 Contrary to Mondrian’s idea of the immutable as expressed by two parallel lines, I see them as a perfectly ripe relationship for transference and ...
AN ENTROPIC LINE BECOMES HOLONIC SPRAY (Highlights from my notes on the subject) Jane Boyer © 2011 Contrary to Mondrian’s idea of the immutable as expressed by two parallel lines, I see them as a perfectly ripe relationship for transference and ...
The Sounds of the Sun Pavilion - Michael Jantzen
​The Sounds of the Sun Pavilion is a conceptual proposal for a large structure made of many small, pre-fabricated, square, curved, steel tube components. These components are joined together to form thirteen large interwoven curved elements. One side o ...
​The Sounds of the Sun Pavilion is a conceptual proposal for a large structure made of many small, pre-fabricated, square, curved, steel tube components. These components are joined together to form thirteen large interwoven curved elements. One side o ...
Eislandschaft - P. Fischli und D. Weiss
Unbuilt Roads
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
HEIZKRAFTWERK RÖMERBRUCKE STADTWERKE SAARBROCKEN - KUNSTPROJEKT - Bauherr: Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Projekt 3: "Eislandschaft" Künstler: P. Fischli und D. Weiss, Zürich Architekten: PAS, Jourdan und Müller Lage und Baubeschreibung ...
Placid Earth: A Project for the Meeting of Millennia - Cai Guo Quiang
Unbuilt Roads
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...
Observed from space, the Earth at night is ablaze with lights. During the last second of this century and the first second of the next century--the two seconds when the millennia meet-all inhabitants of the Earth should turn off their lights, letting t ...