The Impossible Collection, Radio-made, and Vertical Reading - Georgi Gospodinov
Georgi Gospodinov 3 projects The Impossible Collection A gallery. Eight absolutely empty glass cubes (window displays) closed from each side, just with captions beneath, in the following order: apples – shrivel, rot cheese – begins to smell bad clouds ...
Georgi Gospodinov 3 projects The Impossible Collection A gallery. Eight absolutely empty glass cubes (window displays) closed from each side, just with captions beneath, in the following order: apples – shrivel, rot cheese – begins to smell bad clouds ...
we love live - Copa & Sordes
we love live an idea for an ornament in public space ...
we love live an idea for an ornament in public space ...
“Face2 eyes spin” - dineo seshee bopape
“Face2 eyes spin” is a 4 seconds video sketch- without sound, of a face whirling in itself….almost like a rabbit hole of sorts…the beginning of something…sketch was made for inclusion in a video, it was supposed to have been part of a bigger vid ...
“Face2 eyes spin” is a 4 seconds video sketch- without sound, of a face whirling in itself….almost like a rabbit hole of sorts…the beginning of something…sketch was made for inclusion in a video, it was supposed to have been part of a bigger vid ...
Unrealized Perfumes - Chaveli Sifre
Unrealized PerFumes: The following images depict a perfume bottle and its accompanying poem from a series of unrealized PerFumes—part of an ongoing collection of impossible aromas that engage in a cautious interplay between concepts of desire and ritua ...
Unrealized PerFumes: The following images depict a perfume bottle and its accompanying poem from a series of unrealized PerFumes—part of an ongoing collection of impossible aromas that engage in a cautious interplay between concepts of desire and ritua ...
traps as artworks and artworks as traps - Daniel Rubim
“There cannot be a hammer by itself; A hammer implies on nails to be hammered, Wood to hammer them into, saw to shape the wood And so forth.” Alfred Gell – Vogel’s net: traps as artworks and artworks as traps Migrations is the process of ...
“There cannot be a hammer by itself; A hammer implies on nails to be hammered, Wood to hammer them into, saw to shape the wood And so forth.” Alfred Gell – Vogel’s net: traps as artworks and artworks as traps Migrations is the process of ...
Theoretical Earth ... - John Andrew
This written work is a brief text scenario presenting an alternate reality for genuine observers: Theoretical Earth … If Sun Ra had been given the attention and opportunity instead of Elvis. ...
This written work is a brief text scenario presenting an alternate reality for genuine observers: Theoretical Earth … If Sun Ra had been given the attention and opportunity instead of Elvis. ...
No.2 - Jim Bay
No.2 Come on Jim, make it happen. Do it. Focus. You can do it. I know that what you do isn't easy, but you chose this path Jim and have been treading it a good many years now. This fear, is amateurish. Come on Jim, you have lived, loved and lost. You h ...
No.2 Come on Jim, make it happen. Do it. Focus. You can do it. I know that what you do isn't easy, but you chose this path Jim and have been treading it a good many years now. This fear, is amateurish. Come on Jim, you have lived, loved and lost. You h ...
Well, I do not know nevertheless I tend to imagine it being not. As for me, life seems to be a continuous experience. I suppose, if you’re only interested in the individual – arguably a rather crude segregation. But isn’t it also true ...
Well, I do not know nevertheless I tend to imagine it being not. As for me, life seems to be a continuous experience. I suppose, if you’re only interested in the individual – arguably a rather crude segregation. But isn’t it also true ...
Maria Over Mount Athos - Maria Papadimitriou
By Jennifer Allen Maria Over Mount Athos A hot air balloon floats silently over Mount Athos... Not just any balloon but one carrying an image of Maria's face. Much to the surprise of the monks living on the peninsula, the face does not belong to th ...
By Jennifer Allen Maria Over Mount Athos A hot air balloon floats silently over Mount Athos... Not just any balloon but one carrying an image of Maria's face. Much to the surprise of the monks living on the peninsula, the face does not belong to th ...
Visual Poem: Cap I Cua - Joan Brossa
Unbuilt Roads
When the project to built the AVE train (Madrid-Scville-Madrid) was getting started, a design team was put together to design the mobile units of this high-speed train. Visual Poet, Joan Brossa, was asked to collaborate in the final touches of this de ...
When the project to built the AVE train (Madrid-Scville-Madrid) was getting started, a design team was put together to design the mobile units of this high-speed train. Visual Poet, Joan Brossa, was asked to collaborate in the final touches of this de ...
Greeting Hand - Ullrich Laentzsch
The poem is originally dedicated to the 72.8% of citizens of New York City who 2 weeks past 9/11 who two weeks past 9/11 opposed revenge. Later this poem became not only the visual basis for music video like closing scene of a feature film project NO WIND ...
The poem is originally dedicated to the 72.8% of citizens of New York City who 2 weeks past 9/11 who two weeks past 9/11 opposed revenge. Later this poem became not only the visual basis for music video like closing scene of a feature film project NO WIND ...
The story of an aspirant - Eni Turkeshi
The story of an aspirant A waiting woman prolonged expectations delayed wishes nurtured hopes infidelity cracks broken hearts plastered again and again with love stripes unslaked fire never ending longing resurrecting Phoenix the story of a wo ...
The story of an aspirant A waiting woman prolonged expectations delayed wishes nurtured hopes infidelity cracks broken hearts plastered again and again with love stripes unslaked fire never ending longing resurrecting Phoenix the story of a wo ...