francine LeClercq
image 1: Exit, local law 26, study for an un-threaded stair. image 2: study for spatial composition of laser levels in exhibition space ...
image 1: Exit, local law 26, study for an un-threaded stair. image 2: study for spatial composition of laser levels in exhibition space ...
Dislocations - Iain McPherson
Object: To create a system of signage which illustrates and informs city centre travellers. Areas are colour coded and image coded according to local history and culture. Works are wall mounted and 3 dimensional. Project could be self-funded by u ...
Object: To create a system of signage which illustrates and informs city centre travellers. Areas are colour coded and image coded according to local history and culture. Works are wall mounted and 3 dimensional. Project could be self-funded by u ...
Armenie ville - Claudio Gobbi
Armenie ville * Armenie ville is a photo installation and artist's book project conceived originally during my artist's residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in 2007, Year of Armenia in France. The images presented here are pages of the ...
Armenie ville * Armenie ville is a photo installation and artist's book project conceived originally during my artist's residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in 2007, Year of Armenia in France. The images presented here are pages of the ...
Eileen Neff
This work was originally submitted to 1.5 Million, a 2009 re-enactment of the Lucy Lippard's 1970 exhibition of the same name, when artists were invited to present ideas for work that could, but didn't necessarily exist. The work is an index size, 4"x6", ...
This work was originally submitted to 1.5 Million, a 2009 re-enactment of the Lucy Lippard's 1970 exhibition of the same name, when artists were invited to present ideas for work that could, but didn't necessarily exist. The work is an index size, 4"x6", ...
Pentahedrices - Stephen Da Lay
Stephen M. Da Lay has met the requirements for the Marjorie Schiele Prize. He received his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1989, and his work has been shown nationally and internationally. Stephen’s work has been exhibited at 2nd Penang I ...
Stephen M. Da Lay has met the requirements for the Marjorie Schiele Prize. He received his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1989, and his work has been shown nationally and internationally. Stephen’s work has been exhibited at 2nd Penang I ...
francine LeClercq
in memoriam of a work not yet done ...
in memoriam of a work not yet done ...
Giraffe  - Eduardo Villanueva
Giraffe A film idea by Eduardo Villanueva. The main idea depart from one story to creat another one. The piece is simple and consist in release a Giraffe in the streets of Venice, Italy and make a film with the Giraffe interacting with the people and ...
Giraffe A film idea by Eduardo Villanueva. The main idea depart from one story to creat another one. The piece is simple and consist in release a Giraffe in the streets of Venice, Italy and make a film with the Giraffe interacting with the people and ...
Post Photographic apparatus - Steven Pippin
Unbuilt Roads
Description: The impetus came from , or was initially inspired by the endless stream of monotonous images created by the exponential growth in the amount of photographic apparatus. In an effort to counteract this mediocre use of such a powerfull medium ...
Description: The impetus came from , or was initially inspired by the endless stream of monotonous images created by the exponential growth in the amount of photographic apparatus. In an effort to counteract this mediocre use of such a powerfull medium ...
La clinique - Serge
contemporary visual art productions do create a fusion & annihilation of passions? After several filmed phone calls to selected random people, the main idea here was to build an anti-dialectical frame, so as to separate a speech of an image that are re ...
contemporary visual art productions do create a fusion & annihilation of passions? After several filmed phone calls to selected random people, the main idea here was to build an anti-dialectical frame, so as to separate a speech of an image that are re ...
SOL: project for a single channel HD video installation, stereo sound. 2010 - Diego Zuelli
A video installation for a private gallery. A single video projection on the far side of a long room. A prepared wall, with black paint around a white circle, where the "image" will be projected. The sense of sight is the mean we use the most to know ...
A video installation for a private gallery. A single video projection on the far side of a long room. A prepared wall, with black paint around a white circle, where the "image" will be projected. The sense of sight is the mean we use the most to know ...