Pool Sweep - Lisa Hein
POOL SWEEP Proposal for a Polluted River 2004 A kidney-shaped pool rim floats in an eddy of the Housatonic River. The pool has no bottom; the river fills it. Inside this enclosure, an animated buoy chugs about, trailing strings of floats ...
POOL SWEEP Proposal for a Polluted River 2004 A kidney-shaped pool rim floats in an eddy of the Housatonic River. The pool has no bottom; the river fills it. Inside this enclosure, an animated buoy chugs about, trailing strings of floats ...
Dear Earth - Lisa Hein and Robert Seng
DEAR EARTH Proposal for a Construction Fence 2007 DEAR is a salutation to strangers and intimates alike. The word began all written communication in English at one time. Now that friendly discourse travels electronically, the word DEAR is reserved ...
DEAR EARTH Proposal for a Construction Fence 2007 DEAR is a salutation to strangers and intimates alike. The word began all written communication in English at one time. Now that friendly discourse travels electronically, the word DEAR is reserved ...
Subway Turnstile Sounds - Sasha Sumner
Subway Turnstile Sounds - Sasha Sumner © 2011 Imagine paying/swiping your subway card, and instead of hearing the generic beep of the NYC subway turnstile, you hear a strange or beautiful or fun sound. In a row of turnstiles, as more people go through, ...
Subway Turnstile Sounds - Sasha Sumner © 2011 Imagine paying/swiping your subway card, and instead of hearing the generic beep of the NYC subway turnstile, you hear a strange or beautiful or fun sound. In a row of turnstiles, as more people go through, ...
CORONA (Socket Set) - Lisa Hein
CORONA (Socket Set) is a temporary installation for an existing pair of lanterns. The first lantern functions normally, but has a swarm of empty light sockets covering its glass. The second lantern looks burnt out because the inside of its glass panels ...
CORONA (Socket Set) is a temporary installation for an existing pair of lanterns. The first lantern functions normally, but has a swarm of empty light sockets covering its glass. The second lantern looks burnt out because the inside of its glass panels ...
Sterling Crispin
My project involves a globally connected network of participants wearing EEG brain-computer interfaces. By displaying the average of thousands of live readings back to the participants their minds will slowly become closer to the average. Emerging brai ...
My project involves a globally connected network of participants wearing EEG brain-computer interfaces. By displaying the average of thousands of live readings back to the participants their minds will slowly become closer to the average. Emerging brai ...
The Cube - Lisa Hein
Proposal Rockaway 9/11 memorial Lisa Hein 2002 THE CUBE A bleacher faces the water on Jamaica Bay. It watches the Manhattan skyline to the northwest. The center of the bleacher is cut out in a square. A black cube rises through. ...
Proposal Rockaway 9/11 memorial Lisa Hein 2002 THE CUBE A bleacher faces the water on Jamaica Bay. It watches the Manhattan skyline to the northwest. The center of the bleacher is cut out in a square. A black cube rises through. ...
Counting Time - Catherine Cullen
Counting Time is a proposal for seven precious and semi-precious stones in colors that range from red to yellow, to be rough hewn into lumpy orbs. Counting stones hover in the mist of the pre-verbal yet bear an acute understanding of the imprecision inevi ...
Counting Time is a proposal for seven precious and semi-precious stones in colors that range from red to yellow, to be rough hewn into lumpy orbs. Counting stones hover in the mist of the pre-verbal yet bear an acute understanding of the imprecision inevi ...
Transferable skills / Compétances transfèrables - Erin Fortier and Scott Soullière
Transferable skills | Compétances transfèrables A site-specific installation in Ford City, Windsor-Detroit in the aftermath of the North American automotive industry crash. Both Soullière and Fortier were born and raised in Windsor.... ...
Transferable skills | Compétances transfèrables A site-specific installation in Ford City, Windsor-Detroit in the aftermath of the North American automotive industry crash. Both Soullière and Fortier were born and raised in Windsor.... ...
I never said I was deep - Marcela Torres
“I never said I was deep” is the name of a project that deals with notions such as How can we retell History? And how can we manage to live with the official facts in History and ap-ply them to our everyday life and our own notions of them. Some of ...
“I never said I was deep” is the name of a project that deals with notions such as How can we retell History? And how can we manage to live with the official facts in History and ap-ply them to our everyday life and our own notions of them. Some of ...
Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen
As part of my residency at L’appartement 22 between November 24th - December 14th, 2009 I intended to conduct a research-based residency. The residency studio/apartment is located across the street from the Moroccan Parliament.... ...
As part of my residency at L’appartement 22 between November 24th - December 14th, 2009 I intended to conduct a research-based residency. The residency studio/apartment is located across the street from the Moroccan Parliament.... ...
The Bastard Academy - Jon Rubin
The Bastard Academy public project for Stanford University and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (unrealized) A think tank about a think tank. The Bastard Academy is a site and situation for research about Stanford University's right-wing think ...
The Bastard Academy public project for Stanford University and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (unrealized) A think tank about a think tank. The Bastard Academy is a site and situation for research about Stanford University's right-wing think ...
Color Choices. Participatory Sculptures - Richard Jochum
Color Choices. Participatory Sculptures Short Description In 2005 I've participated in an open call for a public art project. The project included the redesign of 5 station buildings along a railroad connecting small villages in the middle of the Au ...
Color Choices. Participatory Sculptures Short Description In 2005 I've participated in an open call for a public art project. The project included the redesign of 5 station buildings along a railroad connecting small villages in the middle of the Au ...
Giancarlo Massaro
This investigation began with the study of how the power of darkness creates an illusion of endless space. The photographic study's create moments of compression with intent to push the inhabitant towards a fabricated horizon line. ...
This investigation began with the study of how the power of darkness creates an illusion of endless space. The photographic study's create moments of compression with intent to push the inhabitant towards a fabricated horizon line. ...
a flower every day - Nina Meledandri
a flower every day was a multi-media response to Marina Abramovic’s Museum of Modern Art retrospective and performance piece: The Artist Is Present (March 14-May 31 2010). It remains an unfinished project i often respond to the work of others, not ...
a flower every day was a multi-media response to Marina Abramovic’s Museum of Modern Art retrospective and performance piece: The Artist Is Present (March 14-May 31 2010). It remains an unfinished project i often respond to the work of others, not ...
Arachne - Miranda Leigh
"Arachne" 2001-present 50 x 11 x 60 inches Bull penis, Ingas wood, fulgurite, titanium, aluminum, brass, enamels, and artist's hair "Arachne" is an allegorical portrait of the intense struggle between pride and humility, courage and fear, that nearl ...
"Arachne" 2001-present 50 x 11 x 60 inches Bull penis, Ingas wood, fulgurite, titanium, aluminum, brass, enamels, and artist's hair "Arachne" is an allegorical portrait of the intense struggle between pride and humility, courage and fear, that nearl ...
George W. Bush Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity ...
George W. Bush Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity ...
instant coffee artist collective
Instant Coffee is a service oriented collective of artists, curator and designers based in Vancouver and Toronto. Its frequent practice is to build architectural installations, which become venues for a series of organized events from formal lectures and ...
Instant Coffee is a service oriented collective of artists, curator and designers based in Vancouver and Toronto. Its frequent practice is to build architectural installations, which become venues for a series of organized events from formal lectures and ...
UNSOLICITED - Laszlo Marsch
UNSOLICITED Dear H.U.O. and G.T., I own a copy of "Unbuild Roads". It is exciting that "residuals" and "failures" see the daylight. Going through the book and reading the intro it is obvious that most of the projects, even if unrealized, were based on c ...
UNSOLICITED Dear H.U.O. and G.T., I own a copy of "Unbuild Roads". It is exciting that "residuals" and "failures" see the daylight. Going through the book and reading the intro it is obvious that most of the projects, even if unrealized, were based on c ...
Kim Cook
Inspired by the sinking Carteret Islands, the Island Flotation Device responds to the changing environment by raising islands with the sea level. The IFD places inhabitants in control of the water level. A simple design allows them to control the amount o ...
Inspired by the sinking Carteret Islands, the Island Flotation Device responds to the changing environment by raising islands with the sea level. The IFD places inhabitants in control of the water level. A simple design allows them to control the amount o ...
August Ventimiglia
An action to be executed in a large open area. "Common red building brick units stacked then tossed outward to form scatter -- stacked units at center -- scatter dissipates. Survey grid laid over scatter. Create drawings of scatter then collect bricks at ...
An action to be executed in a large open area. "Common red building brick units stacked then tossed outward to form scatter -- stacked units at center -- scatter dissipates. Survey grid laid over scatter. Create drawings of scatter then collect bricks at ...
1. Corners from "The New York Times" front page. - Linda Stillman
Unrealized projects 1. Corners from "The New York Times" front page. I have been tearing and storing a piece of paper, the capsule weather report, from "The New York Times" for years. I once made a wall installation with a year of these corners (see ph ...
Unrealized projects 1. Corners from "The New York Times" front page. I have been tearing and storing a piece of paper, the capsule weather report, from "The New York Times" for years. I once made a wall installation with a year of these corners (see ph ...
Artist Statement  - barbara greene mann
Artist Statement These drawings are a new series about the ladies who shopped and shopped and lost their heads. Their necks were used as a periscope.and finally someone said, Put your money where your mouth is. Voila they became known as the Purse Heads. ...
Artist Statement These drawings are a new series about the ladies who shopped and shopped and lost their heads. Their necks were used as a periscope.and finally someone said, Put your money where your mouth is. Voila they became known as the Purse Heads. ...
forever pets  - Gregory Alan Thornbury
forever pets The other day I found myself delighted with how well behaved my friends dog was. Their dog, Molly, was not up on the couch sniffing my crotch or licking me in the face, but laid neatly curled asleep beside the hearth. After an hour of uni ...
forever pets The other day I found myself delighted with how well behaved my friends dog was. Their dog, Molly, was not up on the couch sniffing my crotch or licking me in the face, but laid neatly curled asleep beside the hearth. After an hour of uni ...
B/M/E: time reconfigured onsite & online 2002-2032  - Robert Lawrence
B/M/E: time reconfigured onsite & online 2002-2032 Beginning/Middle/End is a 30 year series of site-specific installations/performances/interventions, with augmenting web components. Choreographing threads of multiple strategies through physical and vir ...
B/M/E: time reconfigured onsite & online 2002-2032 Beginning/Middle/End is a 30 year series of site-specific installations/performances/interventions, with augmenting web components. Choreographing threads of multiple strategies through physical and vir ...
Heads in Starlight - Kathryn Macdonald
Heads in Starlight, a closing event, for Feel Felt (see background on page 2) night performance for up to 100. We bring pre-cut unassembled tall paper-cone hats and on site we thread tall grass stalks and fine light-optic cables through the tips of the h ...
Heads in Starlight, a closing event, for Feel Felt (see background on page 2) night performance for up to 100. We bring pre-cut unassembled tall paper-cone hats and on site we thread tall grass stalks and fine light-optic cables through the tips of the h ...
Heads in Starlight - TARO ZORRILLA
Heads in Starlight, a closing event, for Feel Felt (see background on page 2) night performance for up to 100. We bring pre-cut unassembled tall paper-cone hats and on site we thread tall grass stalks and fine light-optic cables through the tips of the h ...
Heads in Starlight, a closing event, for Feel Felt (see background on page 2) night performance for up to 100. We bring pre-cut unassembled tall paper-cone hats and on site we thread tall grass stalks and fine light-optic cables through the tips of the h ...