CHROMA - spmb [Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski]
CHROMA [2011] was a proposal by spmb for a permanent public art project for the Mount Dennis Neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. It is derived from the neighbourhood’s desire to signify one entrance into Mount Dennis through art, more specifically marking ...
CHROMA [2011] was a proposal by spmb for a permanent public art project for the Mount Dennis Neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. It is derived from the neighbourhood’s desire to signify one entrance into Mount Dennis through art, more specifically marking ...
Samuel Gray Society  - Darryl Lauster
    The Samuel Gray Society is an educational foundation dedicated to the preservation of 18th century American history and to the life of Samuel Gray, the great patriot from whom the SGS takes its name. Forged in the crucible of hist ...
    The Samuel Gray Society is an educational foundation dedicated to the preservation of 18th century American history and to the life of Samuel Gray, the great patriot from whom the SGS takes its name. Forged in the crucible of hist ...
Drapeaux : Symboles d’identité (Flags : Symbols of Identity) - Alfonso Arzapalo
Drapeaux : Symboles d’identité (Flags : Symbols of Identity) Flag No. 44 From the series: Flags The project was a proposal for the Manif d'Art 2008, in Quebec City whose theme was "la rencontre" (the get together) and was part of the 400 anniv ...
Drapeaux : Symboles d’identité (Flags : Symbols of Identity) Flag No. 44 From the series: Flags The project was a proposal for the Manif d'Art 2008, in Quebec City whose theme was "la rencontre" (the get together) and was part of the 400 anniv ...
Homebodies - Annabelle von Girsewald
1 Homebodies originates from the American word homebody meaning a person who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home; stay-at-home. (1) The homebody resides inside the American suburban home and in particular in the basement. This sub ...
1 Homebodies originates from the American word homebody meaning a person who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home; stay-at-home. (1) The homebody resides inside the American suburban home and in particular in the basement. This sub ...
White Point - Meeting Point - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Oslo, Norway, 2004 Permanent Installation In 2004 Esther Shalev-Gerz conceived White Point – Meeting Point as her invited proposal to the juried competition for a public artwork for Oslo’s new Centre for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Mi ...
Oslo, Norway, 2004 Permanent Installation In 2004 Esther Shalev-Gerz conceived White Point – Meeting Point as her invited proposal to the juried competition for a public artwork for Oslo’s new Centre for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Mi ...
Chocolate Video - Erika Norris
PROJECT: CHOCOLATE VIDEO – September 2012 The idea is to create a video where I use the images of someone (myself) eating large quantities of chocolate. I then want to include images of my body interacting with chocolate. I am thinking of pouring cho ...
PROJECT: CHOCOLATE VIDEO – September 2012 The idea is to create a video where I use the images of someone (myself) eating large quantities of chocolate. I then want to include images of my body interacting with chocolate. I am thinking of pouring cho ...
Remembering Imagination - Esther Shalev-Gerz
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Gävle, Sweden, 2003 In 2002 Esther Shalev-Gerz was invited to realize a project in Gävle, Sweden. “What is the portrait of a city? Is it the city today or is it both what it is today and what it could have been? When I first visited Gavle I w ...
Die asporas - Lior Wilentzik
Die asporas « Young Israeli artists in Berlin« group installations curator: Lior Wilentzik www.dieasporas.com contact:dieasporas@gmail.com 015126857385 Recent years have been marked with a rising trend of young Israeli artists immigrating to Berlin. Par ...
Die asporas « Young Israeli artists in Berlin« group installations curator: Lior Wilentzik www.dieasporas.com contact:dieasporas@gmail.com 015126857385 Recent years have been marked with a rising trend of young Israeli artists immigrating to Berlin. Par ...
The 103rd Kilometer - Sasha Tamarin
The 103rd Kilometer My work is driven by the need to return to my birthplace, in order to analyze the factors that affected my identity development. My childhood memories are built from stories, images and dreams. When I finally get physically to ...
The 103rd Kilometer My work is driven by the need to return to my birthplace, in order to analyze the factors that affected my identity development. My childhood memories are built from stories, images and dreams. When I finally get physically to ...
Pablo Jansana
People are normalized by depiction. It situates them in positions that, with the passing of time, become identities. Reality requires repetition in order for meaning to settle and artworks help to reinforce these positions. The supremacy of men over women ...
People are normalized by depiction. It situates them in positions that, with the passing of time, become identities. Reality requires repetition in order for meaning to settle and artworks help to reinforce these positions. The supremacy of men over women ...
cat.rais - Jake Morton
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...
AUP : Agency for un-realised projects : submission : 1.0 The A.U.P. - Agency for un-realised projects - open call invitation states: 1.1 “Though the state of being unrealized implies the potential for realization, not all projects are intended to ...