'HANOI DUCKS' - Dao Anh Khanh & Tamas Jovanovics
Dao Anh Khanh & Tamas Jovanovics 'HANOI DUCKS' (work title) PUBLIC ART PROJECT - in order to seek general awareness for ecological topics in Hanoi/Vietnam Project status: seeking for fundings Background of the project: After a long period of po ...
Dao Anh Khanh & Tamas Jovanovics 'HANOI DUCKS' (work title) PUBLIC ART PROJECT - in order to seek general awareness for ecological topics in Hanoi/Vietnam Project status: seeking for fundings Background of the project: After a long period of po ...
Unterirdischer Birkenwald / Subterranean Birch Forest - Römer + Römer
Unterirdischer Birkenwald / Subterranean Birch Forest Unrealized: Land Art Project Realized: Print of Wallpaper (1.80 m x 150 m) RÖMER + RÖMER, 2005 „Unterirdischer Birkenwald”
 Als Landartprojekt planten RÖMER & RÖMER den Bau eines Deich ...
Unterirdischer Birkenwald / Subterranean Birch Forest Unrealized: Land Art Project Realized: Print of Wallpaper (1.80 m x 150 m) RÖMER + RÖMER, 2005 „Unterirdischer Birkenwald”
 Als Landartprojekt planten RÖMER & RÖMER den Bau eines Deich ...
Fireflies - Fani Zguro
“Fireflies” is a site-specific installation, I got the idea while traveling for Bogota to Medellin by land, through the mountain. For the first time after sever years I saw groups of fireflies in the woods. Why there are not so many fireflies around t ...
“Fireflies” is a site-specific installation, I got the idea while traveling for Bogota to Medellin by land, through the mountain. For the first time after sever years I saw groups of fireflies in the woods. Why there are not so many fireflies around t ...
The insurer - Fabrice Hybert
Unbuilt Roads
Monsieur l'Abbe Pierre, il y a sans doute d'autres points que je n'ai pas imagines mais une conversation permettrait sans doute d'apporter des rectifications. Je sollicite votre bienveillance et votre engagement pour pouvoir m'autoriser a vous rencontr ...
Monsieur l'Abbe Pierre, il y a sans doute d'autres points que je n'ai pas imagines mais une conversation permettrait sans doute d'apporter des rectifications. Je sollicite votre bienveillance et votre engagement pour pouvoir m'autoriser a vous rencontr ...
Pool Sweep - Lisa Hein
POOL SWEEP Proposal for a Polluted River 2004 A kidney-shaped pool rim floats in an eddy of the Housatonic River. The pool has no bottom; the river fills it. Inside this enclosure, an animated buoy chugs about, trailing strings of floats ...
POOL SWEEP Proposal for a Polluted River 2004 A kidney-shaped pool rim floats in an eddy of the Housatonic River. The pool has no bottom; the river fills it. Inside this enclosure, an animated buoy chugs about, trailing strings of floats ...
Black Fountain - Maarten Daudeij
Title: Black Fountain Artist: Maarten Daudeij (The Netherlands, Australia) Year of origination of the idea: 2010 Concept: To colour the water in the Three Rivers Fountain on Victoria Square in the middle of Adelaide, South Australia black. Theme: The ...
Title: Black Fountain Artist: Maarten Daudeij (The Netherlands, Australia) Year of origination of the idea: 2010 Concept: To colour the water in the Three Rivers Fountain on Victoria Square in the middle of Adelaide, South Australia black. Theme: The ...