Katya Fialkova
The project was supposed to be a video in which an absurd woman tries to ‘fix’ nature. She puts skirts on trees, makeup on flowers and sunscreen on branches. She throws fabric over a gnarly tree stump to make it ‘prettier’. She measures a wide tre ...
The project was supposed to be a video in which an absurd woman tries to ‘fix’ nature. She puts skirts on trees, makeup on flowers and sunscreen on branches. She throws fabric over a gnarly tree stump to make it ‘prettier’. She measures a wide tre ...
Kristin Tollefson
Designed for the White Center YWCA Resource Center, White Center, WA, this wall was intended to reference the growing and diverse community who are patrons of the center. Botanical forms are universally recognized in cultures around the world.... ...
Designed for the White Center YWCA Resource Center, White Center, WA, this wall was intended to reference the growing and diverse community who are patrons of the center. Botanical forms are universally recognized in cultures around the world.... ...
A Sculpture on Another Sculpture - Eduardo Villanueva
A SCULPTURE ON ANOTHER SCULPTURE An artwork by Eduardo Villanueva. Through the appropriation of an existing sculpture, I will intervene the same sculpture by altering it and doing another sculpture above the pre-existing one, acting as the pattern of ...
A SCULPTURE ON ANOTHER SCULPTURE An artwork by Eduardo Villanueva. Through the appropriation of an existing sculpture, I will intervene the same sculpture by altering it and doing another sculpture above the pre-existing one, acting as the pattern of ...
The Cactus Room - Javier Tapia
THE CAUCUS ROOM Project proposal for OVERGADEN By Javier Tapia The authentic moment of discovery, the breakthrough, occurs when a properly universal dimension explodes from within a particular context and becomes “for itself”, and is directly ex ...
THE CAUCUS ROOM Project proposal for OVERGADEN By Javier Tapia The authentic moment of discovery, the breakthrough, occurs when a properly universal dimension explodes from within a particular context and becomes “for itself”, and is directly ex ...
A Walk in Paradise - Andreas Gedin
Andreas Gedin: Plan for Berlin: ”A Walk in Paradise”, 1997 This project concerned the specific conditions for the fauna in the No mans land (or what is left of it) surrounding the former Berlin wall. It was neither a city park or a forest. What int ...
Andreas Gedin: Plan for Berlin: ”A Walk in Paradise”, 1997 This project concerned the specific conditions for the fauna in the No mans land (or what is left of it) surrounding the former Berlin wall. It was neither a city park or a forest. What int ...
“Agency of Unrealized Projects” Szymon Kobylarz (Polen) ŻAK BRANICKA FOUNDATION DEUTSCH Bild 1. Das 1. Bild zeigt eine nicht-­‐realisierte, ortspezifische Installation in einer Galerie. Der Besucher eines mit Büchern vollgestopften Raum ...
“Agency of Unrealized Projects” Szymon Kobylarz (Polen) ŻAK BRANICKA FOUNDATION DEUTSCH Bild 1. Das 1. Bild zeigt eine nicht-­‐realisierte, ortspezifische Installation in einer Galerie. Der Besucher eines mit Büchern vollgestopften Raum ...
Thistlegarden Project - Rob Voerman
Thistlegarden-project My plan is to create a garden consisting of only of wild thistles. Sown, but mainly re-planted from the wild in early spring, they will be placed in lines and patterns. The overall form will be a grafic representation of an explosi ...
Thistlegarden-project My plan is to create a garden consisting of only of wild thistles. Sown, but mainly re-planted from the wild in early spring, they will be placed in lines and patterns. The overall form will be a grafic representation of an explosi ...
LISTE ROUGE [MEMORIAL FOR THE DISAPPEARED]  - spmb [Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski]
LISTE ROUGE [MEMORIAL FOR THE DISAPPEARED] is a proposal by spmb for the City of Geneva’s 2011 Neons Competition. Starting from the observation that the Geneva Ecological Region has lost seven flower species to urban development in the past decades, we ...
LISTE ROUGE [MEMORIAL FOR THE DISAPPEARED] is a proposal by spmb for the City of Geneva’s 2011 Neons Competition. Starting from the observation that the Geneva Ecological Region has lost seven flower species to urban development in the past decades, we ...
Scott Rogers
While I realize that Walter De Maria's Earth Room in New York is continuously groomed and manicured to prevent any trace of change, I wish / fantasize that it could be planted (if only for a very brief growing season). I don't think of this as iconoclasti ...
While I realize that Walter De Maria's Earth Room in New York is continuously groomed and manicured to prevent any trace of change, I wish / fantasize that it could be planted (if only for a very brief growing season). I don't think of this as iconoclasti ...