Evidence of Difference - Sarah Hemm
Evidence of Difference criteria: must take one photograph every day of 2011 that will represent evidence of my difference
work must answer the question, “what makes me different? what am I doing today that is different than everyone else? what se ...
Evidence of Difference criteria: must take one photograph every day of 2011 that will represent evidence of my difference
work must answer the question, “what makes me different? what am I doing today that is different than everyone else? what se ...
Cove - Jerry Monteith
Cove Cove is a site work that would be made of earth, concrete and aluminum. The bulk of the mass is earth, which would be compacted and finished with a layer of topsoil. The curved wall, two orange vertical panels and the cone would all need to have s ...
Cove Cove is a site work that would be made of earth, concrete and aluminum. The bulk of the mass is earth, which would be compacted and finished with a layer of topsoil. The curved wall, two orange vertical panels and the cone would all need to have s ...
democraticrain.net - c a l c (omi - Thomas Scheiderbauer)
democraticrain.net is based on the idea of giving a “printed voice” to people in a concrete context on the interface between inside > < outside and the individual > < collective. it allows to create and send black and white A4-statements or -images t ...
democraticrain.net is based on the idea of giving a “printed voice” to people in a concrete context on the interface between inside > < outside and the individual > < collective. it allows to create and send black and white A4-statements or -images t ...
I never said I was deep - Marcela Torres
“I never said I was deep” is the name of a project that deals with notions such as How can we retell History? And how can we manage to live with the official facts in History and ap-ply them to our everyday life and our own notions of them. Some of ...
“I never said I was deep” is the name of a project that deals with notions such as How can we retell History? And how can we manage to live with the official facts in History and ap-ply them to our everyday life and our own notions of them. Some of ...
The Reverse Grand Tour - Valerio Rocco Orlando
The Reverse Grand Tour 2012 Inspired by the Grand Tour and the experiments conducted by the philosopher of science Bruno Latour, Valerio Rocco Orlando analyzes how context and relationships influence an artist’s practice in Rome today. In order to ...
The Reverse Grand Tour 2012 Inspired by the Grand Tour and the experiments conducted by the philosopher of science Bruno Latour, Valerio Rocco Orlando analyzes how context and relationships influence an artist’s practice in Rome today. In order to ...
Transferable skills / Compétances transfèrables - Erin Fortier and Scott Soullière
Transferable skills | Compétances transfèrables A site-specific installation in Ford City, Windsor-Detroit in the aftermath of the North American automotive industry crash. Both Soullière and Fortier were born and raised in Windsor.... ...
Transferable skills | Compétances transfèrables A site-specific installation in Ford City, Windsor-Detroit in the aftermath of the North American automotive industry crash. Both Soullière and Fortier were born and raised in Windsor.... ...
Laissez-Passer - Ilana Salama Ortar
Laissez-Passer Introduction I was born in Alexandria. In the early 1950s my family was forced to leave Egypt with a one-way pass (laissez-passer). On the way to Israel we passed through Marseilles. Due to the circumstances, since post-war Marseilles ...
Laissez-Passer Introduction I was born in Alexandria. In the early 1950s my family was forced to leave Egypt with a one-way pass (laissez-passer). On the way to Israel we passed through Marseilles. Due to the circumstances, since post-war Marseilles ...
Stairway to Heaven - Alex Murdin
Stairway to Heaven Sometime in the 1800's steps were cut into it on Haytor, a rocky belvedere on Dartmoor in Devon, and an iron handrail was erected alongside. A Doctor Coker, a visitor in 1851, noted the "...stair step to enable the enervated and ping ...
Stairway to Heaven Sometime in the 1800's steps were cut into it on Haytor, a rocky belvedere on Dartmoor in Devon, and an iron handrail was erected alongside. A Doctor Coker, a visitor in 1851, noted the "...stair step to enable the enervated and ping ...
Art School - Cornford & Cross
Art School would have occupied the Chisenhale Gallery, London, for one month to facilitate an explicit and implicit enquiry into notions of the art school. With contributions from artists, writers and curators, the project would have encouraged participa ...
Art School would have occupied the Chisenhale Gallery, London, for one month to facilitate an explicit and implicit enquiry into notions of the art school. With contributions from artists, writers and curators, the project would have encouraged participa ...