WATERWORKS - Mona Hatoum
Unbuilt Roads
Extracts from an unpublished interview with Michael Archer for Phaidon press: ...Around the same period I made a proposal for the New Contemporaries exhibition which was going to be held at the ICA. In those days the toilets were on either side of the ...
Extracts from an unpublished interview with Michael Archer for Phaidon press: ...Around the same period I made a proposal for the New Contemporaries exhibition which was going to be held at the ICA. In those days the toilets were on either side of the ...
Batta Mon - OKAMOTO Mitsuhiro
In this case, I mean unaccomplished exhibition period as 'unrealized project'. After the show started, Louis Vuitton has asked KOBE FASHION MUSEUM to stop showing my artwork 'Batta Mon', to stop selling the show catalog and also to remove the show poster ...
In this case, I mean unaccomplished exhibition period as 'unrealized project'. After the show started, Louis Vuitton has asked KOBE FASHION MUSEUM to stop showing my artwork 'Batta Mon', to stop selling the show catalog and also to remove the show poster ...
POP GOES THE WEASEL - Anne O'Callaghan & Barbara Sternberg
The following is a brief synopsis of the proposal, POP GOES THE WEASEL, that we submitted for 2011 Nuit Blanche, Toronto, Ontario Canada. This proposal was rejected due to censorship by the local Business Improvement Association (BIA), see emails below** ...
The following is a brief synopsis of the proposal, POP GOES THE WEASEL, that we submitted for 2011 Nuit Blanche, Toronto, Ontario Canada. This proposal was rejected due to censorship by the local Business Improvement Association (BIA), see emails below** ...
Cut - Perce Jerrom
Perce Jerrom 8 Kashmir House, 66 Gibbon Road, SE15 3XE percejerrom@gmail.com 07760392651 www.percejerrom.com My unrealized project would be entitled “Cut” the piece would be a single channel video installation of ...
Perce Jerrom 8 Kashmir House, 66 Gibbon Road, SE15 3XE percejerrom@gmail.com 07760392651 www.percejerrom.com My unrealized project would be entitled “Cut” the piece would be a single channel video installation of ...
Water and air - Marisa Prefer
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.  -Jacques Yves Cousteau I am working using well-known objects as well as invisible devices. Creating multidimensional collage using public space and a ...
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.  -Jacques Yves Cousteau I am working using well-known objects as well as invisible devices. Creating multidimensional collage using public space and a ...
Elections are a Con ("Wahlen sind Betrug") - Oliver Ressler
“Elections are a Con” ("Wahlen sind Betrug"), series of posters to be displayed in Innsbruck (Austria); unrealized due to censorship by the provincial government of Tyrol, 2011 “Elections are a Con” – Censorship by the provincial government ...
“Elections are a Con” ("Wahlen sind Betrug"), series of posters to be displayed in Innsbruck (Austria); unrealized due to censorship by the provincial government of Tyrol, 2011 “Elections are a Con” – Censorship by the provincial government ...