Legal Notices - Aniko Doman
Graphic design -- corporate communication Project title: Legal Notices Graphic designer: Aniko Doman Client/employer: Clark County School District, Nevada, US (a public K-12 educational institution, serving over 300,000 students) ...
Graphic design -- corporate communication Project title: Legal Notices Graphic designer: Aniko Doman Client/employer: Clark County School District, Nevada, US (a public K-12 educational institution, serving over 300,000 students) ...
AHIMSA  - Tiziana Pers
The project is composed by a series of photograph, a performance, and an installation that will remain after the action. Ahimsa is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning 'do not harm' (literally: the avoidance of violence - himsa). It is an important tenet of t ...
The project is composed by a series of photograph, a performance, and an installation that will remain after the action. Ahimsa is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning 'do not harm' (literally: the avoidance of violence - himsa). It is an important tenet of t ...
ñaña - Pablo David Rojas Mencias
Pablo David Rojas Mencias Kohlfurterstrasse 1, Berlin 10999 dadafoto@gmail.com Project Name: “ñaña” This project couldn’t be finished due to the fact that “ñaña” has passed away. In the native american language, quechua, “ñaña ...
Pablo David Rojas Mencias Kohlfurterstrasse 1, Berlin 10999 dadafoto@gmail.com Project Name: “ñaña” This project couldn’t be finished due to the fact that “ñaña” has passed away. In the native american language, quechua, “ñaña ...
imagined spaces - Stephen Cruise
Series entitled ‘imagined spaces’ begun in 2005 On-going. New works generated when site and form find their place. Stephen Cruise Willow dale ON Canada Image One 1 Raymond Drive - a re-visitation to a childhood home Image Two Blooming ...
Series entitled ‘imagined spaces’ begun in 2005 On-going. New works generated when site and form find their place. Stephen Cruise Willow dale ON Canada Image One 1 Raymond Drive - a re-visitation to a childhood home Image Two Blooming ...
Unbuilt Roads
AUSSICHTSTURM Auf der höchsten Erhebung einer Landschaft einen 33 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm in einer offenen Konstruktion (Stahlskelettbauweise) bauen. Mit standigen Offnungszeiten. HOLZHAUS (WOHNHAUS) In einer Gegend mit wenigen oder keinen Hau ...
AUSSICHTSTURM Auf der höchsten Erhebung einer Landschaft einen 33 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm in einer offenen Konstruktion (Stahlskelettbauweise) bauen. Mit standigen Offnungszeiten. HOLZHAUS (WOHNHAUS) In einer Gegend mit wenigen oder keinen Hau ...
(M)other - Alireza Labeshka
My mother says when I was a baby it was not easy to wean me off her breast. Later on in order to make me give up the pacifier, my mom pinned it to the curtain of my room so I would suppose it wounded and that it cannot be used again. I have heard that day ...
My mother says when I was a baby it was not easy to wean me off her breast. Later on in order to make me give up the pacifier, my mom pinned it to the curtain of my room so I would suppose it wounded and that it cannot be used again. I have heard that day ...
Festival du film de famille - Pierre Huyghe
Unbuilt Roads
Le Festival du film de famille est un événement qui séted sur 3 jours, c'est le pant de dipart d'une dénie partagée qui peut se répéter sur plusieurs [arnisé?]. Une communanté affactive [illisible] son [basan?] d'histories par sa propre producti ...
Le Festival du film de famille est un événement qui séted sur 3 jours, c'est le pant de dipart d'une dénie partagée qui peut se répéter sur plusieurs [arnisé?]. Une communanté affactive [illisible] son [basan?] d'histories par sa propre producti ...
THE SISTER COMPLEX - Jacob Stewart-Halevy
The Sister Complex is a film script written for captive audiences on Virgin America flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The forty minute length of the film is meant to correspond to the amount of time a traveler would have to watch their personal s ...
The Sister Complex is a film script written for captive audiences on Virgin America flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The forty minute length of the film is meant to correspond to the amount of time a traveler would have to watch their personal s ...
Untitled - Sky Fairchild-Waller
'Untitled' is a photo and text-based work that explores the poetics of a young mother raising a young girl. Meredith admired the speckles of flour that had landed on her apron. The print was floral; violet and pink flower buds, small and slightly fade ...
'Untitled' is a photo and text-based work that explores the poetics of a young mother raising a young girl. Meredith admired the speckles of flour that had landed on her apron. The print was floral; violet and pink flower buds, small and slightly fade ...
Way of the Closs - Branko Mejač
Presenting to you my nees project" Way of the Closs" which war taking shape from 1996 to 2003. Project was chosen for exhibition in a gallery "Family" in Ljubljana (Slovenia), but it was later turned down without any official explanation. Fourteen Stati ...
Presenting to you my nees project" Way of the Closs" which war taking shape from 1996 to 2003. Project was chosen for exhibition in a gallery "Family" in Ljubljana (Slovenia), but it was later turned down without any official explanation. Fourteen Stati ...
Sheli Lehadpasa (Mine for printing) - Tamar Lederberg
Sheli Lehadpasa (Mine for printing) Art constitutes a tool for contending with difficult psychological situations. A situation of loss and pain generates creative forces. An illness triggered fervent creativity in my mother. The trauma following her il ...
Sheli Lehadpasa (Mine for printing) Art constitutes a tool for contending with difficult psychological situations. A situation of loss and pain generates creative forces. An illness triggered fervent creativity in my mother. The trauma following her il ...
MOTHERS _ project - Tiziana Pers
MOTHERS _ project by Tiziana Pers ‘Mothers’ is a project composed by a series of photographs and an installation. During the ninth month of my pregnancy, one of the last days, I went into the wood, and I started painting my belly with three. ...
MOTHERS _ project by Tiziana Pers ‘Mothers’ is a project composed by a series of photographs and an installation. During the ninth month of my pregnancy, one of the last days, I went into the wood, and I started painting my belly with three. ...
The plan of scientific work « Russian branch Mecklenburg - Strelitz family. Russia - Germany. Sight of the artist of XXI century. » - Yuri Wassiliew
Wassiliew J.A., dozent of drawing department in A.I.Gertzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Sankt Petersburg, Russia. The plan of scientific work « Russian branch Mecklenburg - Strelitz family. Russia - Germany. Sight of the art ...
Wassiliew J.A., dozent of drawing department in A.I.Gertzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Sankt Petersburg, Russia. The plan of scientific work « Russian branch Mecklenburg - Strelitz family. Russia - Germany. Sight of the art ...