EMVS (2011)
Two planes
We build two thick and porous planes. Between them, there are contained 100 housings. The lobby emerges from the gap between the planes, and it is limited by two stairs. The planes open their porous cavities towards the best solar orientation, avoiding the north winds. These holes always join two levels in search of a porous density friendly to the street. The asymmetric fold of the planes offers changing views to the lobby.
Both planes are based on a wall – thick and central- which gives access to the elevators, and at its extremities to the stairs. This wall-base is flanked by the structure in the perimeter, and the complex generates a room opened for the access.
EMVS (2011)
Two planes
We build two thick and porous planes. Between them, there are contained 100 housings. The lobby emerges from the gap between the planes, and it is limited by two stairs. The planes open their porous cavities towards the best solar orientation, avoiding the north winds. These holes always join two levels in search of a porous density friendly to the street. The asymmetric fold of the planes offers changing views to the lobby.
Both planes are based on a wall – thick and central- which gives access to the elevators, and at its extremities to the stairs. This wall-base is flanked by the structure in the perimeter, and the complex generates a room opened for the access.