Stage-Corridor +Secuestro Colectivo + Demolition with chronometred explosive-charges + Meeting Points  - DoloresZinny & Juan Maidagan
  • Stage-Corridor,1992 Theater director Palma asked us to design the stage for a theater piece. In a crossed confluence to meet at the stage four glass corridors corresponding to the 4 actors of the piece to make visible the transformation actor/characte ...

    Stage-Corridor,1992 Theater director Palma asked us to design the stage for a theater piece. In a crossed confluence to meet at the stage four glass corridors corresponding to the 4 actors of the piece to make visible the transformation actor/character in it's early beginning. The audience left seated in the 4 areas divided by the corridors.

    Secuestro Colectivo, 1993 (the bus-line in Argentina is called colective-collective-) For Buenos Aire City. The plan was to train a group to have a full ability to kidnap a bus. An action described in steps as to stop a bus somewhere in its daily raid, raping it with the passangers inside in the shortest possible time transforming the bus in a black volume -hole- in the cityscape. the training was previously throught to consider the develop strategies to hold the mude of the people inside the bus, how to make out from this experience an obvious artist artefact, it was dicussed to have people invited to be seated inside the bus, the reastions of the bus driver was of particular interest, intense and carefull debate. At the meeting with the general directo fo the ICI (Centro Cultural Espana Buenos Aires), the courner of Cordoba and Florida was chossen as the perfect location for the event to take place, and most important was the proposition of a meeting with the lawyers to the institution for legal advice and representation.

    Demolition with chronometred explosive-charges, 1994 Rejected project under a state of stupor. Planned for the city of Rosario. The proposition consist in the production of a poster to glue on the public space of the city anouncing - with specifics date and time - 1992 - inaugurated "Centro Cultural Parque de Espana" by the Spanish Government in conmemoration of the 500 years of colonization. The poster was a digital collage using photographs of the pillars that hapzardly include a dumpster - element that we placed in the same year on "March 27" 16 times at the front of the Centro Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia-. The project was not supported by any insitution. Authors declination. On the morning of July, 18th we were at the bus station Mariano Moreno taking a bus to Buenos Aires for a meeting with the printer. Seated, the images on the TV started to bring alive images of the attentat at the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association building - at 9:52am on July 18th 1994-, two years after that attenat against the embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on 17th 1992.

    Meeting Points, 2002 The galleries of the exhibition space are connection with an imprecise number of ways through walls. Each waythrough was composed by circular walls in the shape of an egg or parenthesis.

    Stage-Corridor,1992 Theater director Palma asked us to design the stage for a theater piece. In a crossed confluence to meet at the stage four glass corridors corresponding to the 4 actors of the piece to make visible the transformation actor/characte ...

    Stage-Corridor,1992 Theater director Palma asked us to design the stage for a theater piece. In a crossed confluence to meet at the stage four glass corridors corresponding to the 4 actors of the piece to make visible the transformation actor/character in it's early beginning. The audience left seated in the 4 areas divided by the corridors.

    Secuestro Colectivo, 1993 (the bus-line in Argentina is called colective-collective-) For Buenos Aire City. The plan was to train a group to have a full ability to kidnap a bus. An action described in steps as to stop a bus somewhere in its daily raid, raping it with the passangers inside in the shortest possible time transforming the bus in a black volume -hole- in the cityscape. the training was previously throught to consider the develop strategies to hold the mude of the people inside the bus, how to make out from this experience an obvious artist artefact, it was dicussed to have people invited to be seated inside the bus, the reastions of the bus driver was of particular interest, intense and carefull debate. At the meeting with the general directo fo the ICI (Centro Cultural Espana Buenos Aires), the courner of Cordoba and Florida was chossen as the perfect location for the event to take place, and most important was the proposition of a meeting with the lawyers to the institution for legal advice and representation.

    Demolition with chronometred explosive-charges, 1994 Rejected project under a state of stupor. Planned for the city of Rosario. The proposition consist in the production of a poster to glue on the public space of the city anouncing - with specifics date and time - 1992 - inaugurated "Centro Cultural Parque de Espana" by the Spanish Government in conmemoration of the 500 years of colonization. The poster was a digital collage using photographs of the pillars that hapzardly include a dumpster - element that we placed in the same year on "March 27" 16 times at the front of the Centro Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia-. The project was not supported by any insitution. Authors declination. On the morning of July, 18th we were at the bus station Mariano Moreno taking a bus to Buenos Aires for a meeting with the printer. Seated, the images on the TV started to bring alive images of the attentat at the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association building - at 9:52am on July 18th 1994-, two years after that attenat against the embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on 17th 1992.

    Meeting Points, 2002 The galleries of the exhibition space are connection with an imprecise number of ways through walls. Each waythrough was composed by circular walls in the shape of an egg or parenthesis.