CURTAIN CALL: Giant drawing as suspended sculpture - Derek Michael Besant
Client: Windspear Music Centre / City of Edmonton / Canada Date: 1996 Sculpture designed to hang suspended in new Windspear music Hall Tower The idea was to create a drawing in space that was linear, but described volume. The giant detail of fold ...
Client: Windspear Music Centre / City of Edmonton / Canada Date: 1996 Sculpture designed to hang suspended in new Windspear music Hall Tower The idea was to create a drawing in space that was linear, but described volume. The giant detail of fold ...
TERRITORY: Bank parking lot mural Canada - Derek Michael Besant
Client: Bank of Nova Scotia / Canada Date: 2010 Industrial UV ink imaging applications to large-scale alucobond curtainwall sheets at second storey level attached in sections that create a narrative of: • Out-of-focus faces • Everyday objects ...
Client: Bank of Nova Scotia / Canada Date: 2010 Industrial UV ink imaging applications to large-scale alucobond curtainwall sheets at second storey level attached in sections that create a narrative of: • Out-of-focus faces • Everyday objects ...
BIGSKY: nternational Airport Art Commission CANADA - Derek Michael Besant
Project: BIGSKY Client: Calgary International Airport / Canada Date: 2003 Gridded glass wall treatment of International Arrivals Wing Suspended edge-lit glass panels with sandblasted cloud information in three layers; where they majority of th ...
Project: BIGSKY Client: Calgary International Airport / Canada Date: 2003 Gridded glass wall treatment of International Arrivals Wing Suspended edge-lit glass panels with sandblasted cloud information in three layers; where they majority of th ...
CHINATOWN RUN - Derek Michael Besant
Project: CHINATOWN RUN Client: City of Calgary Development Dept. / Canada Date: 2010 Retrofit of elements into existing Centre Street Chinatown District of Calgary Alberta Canada. The idea was to enhance the 3 blocks along Centre Street with t ...
Project: CHINATOWN RUN Client: City of Calgary Development Dept. / Canada Date: 2010 Retrofit of elements into existing Centre Street Chinatown District of Calgary Alberta Canada. The idea was to enhance the 3 blocks along Centre Street with t ...
I TO EYE - Jacek Smolicki
"I to eye" project is an unfinished photo- documentation of author's face to face confrontation with 400 CCTV cameras of Old Town of Jerusalem (2010) Confronting the unrealized city... Jacek Smolicki 2010 Jerusalem is a specific place. The parad ...
"I to eye" project is an unfinished photo- documentation of author's face to face confrontation with 400 CCTV cameras of Old Town of Jerusalem (2010) Confronting the unrealized city... Jacek Smolicki 2010 Jerusalem is a specific place. The parad ...
Shimon Attie
I propose to create a site-specific Installation, to be sited in Oslo, Norway, and presented during the annual Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. The Artwork will be a large scale Installation that gives ethereal and arresting visual form to the story and tale o ...
I propose to create a site-specific Installation, to be sited in Oslo, Norway, and presented during the annual Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. The Artwork will be a large scale Installation that gives ethereal and arresting visual form to the story and tale o ...
Small room of expression - erik mavrič
Description of the project The idea of the project is making structures that are based on the interference between the flat surface and light source. An intense light will be directed at the surface which will be positioned against the wall. The projec ...
Description of the project The idea of the project is making structures that are based on the interference between the flat surface and light source. An intense light will be directed at the surface which will be positioned against the wall. The projec ...
Michal Murin
Michal Murin: Museum of Contemporary Art in My Signature, 2003 Concept: Michal Murin, 2002 Realized by: HNZL s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia, 2003 Realized in 3D VR by: Stanislav Veselovský, Richard Kitta, Michal Murin, 2009 ...
Michal Murin: Museum of Contemporary Art in My Signature, 2003 Concept: Michal Murin, 2002 Realized by: HNZL s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia, 2003 Realized in 3D VR by: Stanislav Veselovský, Richard Kitta, Michal Murin, 2009 ...
“The Good, The Bad, The Now” 350 word FRANKLIN FURNACE proposal - Chris Twomey
Using narrative structure that will engage potential viewers through the drama of the visual story telling, my project is essentially a visual memoir and performance piece with words. Using pre-determined amount of time, for instance 3 months, I will pub ...
Using narrative structure that will engage potential viewers through the drama of the visual story telling, my project is essentially a visual memoir and performance piece with words. Using pre-determined amount of time, for instance 3 months, I will pub ...
LABOR OF OTHERS - Donald Shambroom
The Labor of Others' is a sculptural project that places itself in the whirlpool of intellectual property rights questions. In this series the acts of conceiving and fabricating the work of art are removed from me, the artist. I have utilized, or stole ...
The Labor of Others' is a sculptural project that places itself in the whirlpool of intellectual property rights questions. In this series the acts of conceiving and fabricating the work of art are removed from me, the artist. I have utilized, or stole ...
23rd Street Station MTA PROPOSAL 5-5-00 - Chris Twomey
The concept for this proposal evolved from my own experience riding the subway line last year when I had to travel with my infant. I would board the train at rush hour with her sleeping snugly positioned in my body. Then, I noticed the harried and tired ...
The concept for this proposal evolved from my own experience riding the subway line last year when I had to travel with my infant. I would board the train at rush hour with her sleeping snugly positioned in my body. Then, I noticed the harried and tired ...
Nova Jiang
A rejected finalist proposal for a public sculpture designed by the public online. Each online participant determines the shape of a sculptural element, which can be assembled by visitors to the park. ...
A rejected finalist proposal for a public sculpture designed by the public online. Each online participant determines the shape of a sculptural element, which can be assembled by visitors to the park. ...
RE:BORN - Chris Twomey
“RE:BORN” is a futuristic art installation challenging our direction as a species, our choices in our lives, and our genetic choices for a future life and its ramifications. It is an opportunity to participate in a sci-fi art fantasy, perhaps soon to ...
“RE:BORN” is a futuristic art installation challenging our direction as a species, our choices in our lives, and our genetic choices for a future life and its ramifications. It is an opportunity to participate in a sci-fi art fantasy, perhaps soon to ...
WATER’, A Concept for Exhibition (to include the Site Specific Installation titled ‘Glint’)  - Kate Petley
Water: -As historical structure for migration, agriculture, and conflict -As political catalyst -Defining geography, location, and place or point of reference -As a poetic source for all kinds of inspiration -Mutable, shape-shifting substance that ca ...
Water: -As historical structure for migration, agriculture, and conflict -As political catalyst -Defining geography, location, and place or point of reference -As a poetic source for all kinds of inspiration -Mutable, shape-shifting substance that ca ...
Social Housing Concept - PRINZGAU/podgorschek
Um das Jahr 2000 gab es in Wien die Diskussion wieweit man den Gemeindebau für MigrantInnen öffnen soll. Mit einem Schlag wurde das Wiener Herz in tiefster Seele getroffen und ein heftiges Für und Wider entbrannte. Im Zuge der Geschehnisse legte ...
Um das Jahr 2000 gab es in Wien die Diskussion wieweit man den Gemeindebau für MigrantInnen öffnen soll. Mit einem Schlag wurde das Wiener Herz in tiefster Seele getroffen und ein heftiges Für und Wider entbrannte. Im Zuge der Geschehnisse legte ...
Waiting room: A History of Doing Nothing and a Long Tale of Useful Action - Guillermo E. Rodriguez Rivera
G A L E R I A M A N G O S T A 23 June – 31 July 2011 402 Muñoz Rivera Ave FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Galeria Mangosta is pleased to present Waiting room: a history of doing nothing and a long tale of useful action. Looking at the pivotal role of ...
G A L E R I A M A N G O S T A 23 June – 31 July 2011 402 Muñoz Rivera Ave FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Galeria Mangosta is pleased to present Waiting room: a history of doing nothing and a long tale of useful action. Looking at the pivotal role of ...
Cheryl K. Shurtleff
I propose to construct cat hair figures from fur collected from the cats housed at the Idaho Humane Shelter over a period of time. In order to realize this project I propose to visit the Humane Shelter twice per week over a period of one month. I will pet ...
I propose to construct cat hair figures from fur collected from the cats housed at the Idaho Humane Shelter over a period of time. In order to realize this project I propose to visit the Humane Shelter twice per week over a period of one month. I will pet ...
PAPEL PICADO 2009 - Joan Skelton Smith
In 2009 I began a series of tissue paper cut outs inspired by Mexican Day of the Dead papel picado banners drawing subject matter from news sources. I envision the banners as an ongoing series adding to the historical record. I would like to see them dis ...
In 2009 I began a series of tissue paper cut outs inspired by Mexican Day of the Dead papel picado banners drawing subject matter from news sources. I envision the banners as an ongoing series adding to the historical record. I would like to see them dis ...
THE SISTER COMPLEX - Jacob Stewart-Halevy
The Sister Complex is a film script written for captive audiences on Virgin America flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The forty minute length of the film is meant to correspond to the amount of time a traveler would have to watch their personal s ...
The Sister Complex is a film script written for captive audiences on Virgin America flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The forty minute length of the film is meant to correspond to the amount of time a traveler would have to watch their personal s ...
Rudi Stanzel
This project is a monument, planned to have been built on the grounds of a former trainstation, for thousands of Jews, Roma and Sinti which were deported during the WW II from there. Three tracks from different directions meet and rear up, building a kno ...
This project is a monument, planned to have been built on the grounds of a former trainstation, for thousands of Jews, Roma and Sinti which were deported during the WW II from there. Three tracks from different directions meet and rear up, building a kno ...
Yu-Hang Huang
I am always interested in “Transitional” or “In Between” -a process of transformation. I believe that the transitional state is one kind of human conditions that we all have to face sometime in our live. ...
I am always interested in “Transitional” or “In Between” -a process of transformation. I believe that the transitional state is one kind of human conditions that we all have to face sometime in our live. ...
Identity Correlations - Yu-Hang Huang
“Identity Correlations” is a series of documentaries of my journey while wearing various houses in different environments and searching for a place to fit in. ...
“Identity Correlations” is a series of documentaries of my journey while wearing various houses in different environments and searching for a place to fit in. ...
John Miserendino
a hot air balloon shaped like an inverted empire state building. ...
a hot air balloon shaped like an inverted empire state building. ...
WILE.E.ARTIST  - Nicole Mortiboys
Two artists Chris Hodson and Nicole Mortiboys, meet every Wednesday over a period of three years, to make plans and talk about Art. They name themselves WILE.E.ARTIST (since renamed TNT) based around the cartoon character Wile.E.Coyote.They work together ...
Two artists Chris Hodson and Nicole Mortiboys, meet every Wednesday over a period of three years, to make plans and talk about Art. They name themselves WILE.E.ARTIST (since renamed TNT) based around the cartoon character Wile.E.Coyote.They work together ...
The Trace of A Production Site - YU-HANG HUANG
is a performance based installation, which deals with memory, moving and production. The installation contains my hand-made copies of everyday objects from water-resistant polyethylene foam. ...
is a performance based installation, which deals with memory, moving and production. The installation contains my hand-made copies of everyday objects from water-resistant polyethylene foam. ...
Time and Presence - Kathryn Simon
Time and Presence imagines different ways of experiencing time and space (presence) through the agency of conceptual and earth art framed by philosophical writing from Barthes and Derrida. There are 9 galleries many installed with interactive features ...
Time and Presence imagines different ways of experiencing time and space (presence) through the agency of conceptual and earth art framed by philosophical writing from Barthes and Derrida. There are 9 galleries many installed with interactive features ...