Lost Heritage in Dark Museum  - Yochai Avrahami
Lost Heritage in Dark Museum - Yochai Avrahami The project suggests installation of few displays, that uses "left overs" of various practices of museology. these practices where inspired by research, observing, interviews and other methods in museums an ...
Lost Heritage in Dark Museum - Yochai Avrahami The project suggests installation of few displays, that uses "left overs" of various practices of museology. these practices where inspired by research, observing, interviews and other methods in museums an ...
Strayed in Schizophrenic Landscapes of a Celibate Machine - Atelier Uraiqat
Strayed in Schizophrenic Landscapes of a Celibate Machine Atelier Uraiqat “ The forces of living bodies,..... which exert their energy or force through the production of the new and create, through their efforts, networks, fields, territories that ...
Strayed in Schizophrenic Landscapes of a Celibate Machine Atelier Uraiqat “ The forces of living bodies,..... which exert their energy or force through the production of the new and create, through their efforts, networks, fields, territories that ...
Tabakalera - Taller Basico de Arquitectura [TBA]
Tabakalera (2008) LE VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE The trip Us astronomers, motivated by our curiosity and thirst of knowledge, we have design a capsule – the golden room- that will enable us to discover other realities. The great event takes place, finally, a ...
Tabakalera (2008) LE VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE The trip Us astronomers, motivated by our curiosity and thirst of knowledge, we have design a capsule – the golden room- that will enable us to discover other realities. The great event takes place, finally, a ...
Full Tr, Full Rf : The body posthuman, vol.1  - Mustafa Kemal Yurttas
The project proposal “Full Tr, Full Rf : The body posthuman, vol.1” highlightens the key concepts of identity, desire, simulation, cyborg through the materiality and immateriality of transformation, transition, transparency, transposition, trace a ...
The project proposal “Full Tr, Full Rf : The body posthuman, vol.1” highlightens the key concepts of identity, desire, simulation, cyborg through the materiality and immateriality of transformation, transition, transparency, transposition, trace a ...
The Screenshot Project - Lisa De Boeck
The Screenshot Project After years of photographing and digital manipulation, I felt that I needed a bit more roughness, the imperfect roughness you have when using software in an unconventional way. ...
The Screenshot Project After years of photographing and digital manipulation, I felt that I needed a bit more roughness, the imperfect roughness you have when using software in an unconventional way. ...
Rebecca king
Rebecca King RebeccakingArt@yahoo.co.uk RebeccaKingArt.co.uk I studied Fine Art Printmaking at the University of Brighton. I am constantly documenting my experiences in urban surroundings by taking photos, drawing and collecting imagery. These will ...
Rebecca King RebeccakingArt@yahoo.co.uk RebeccaKingArt.co.uk I studied Fine Art Printmaking at the University of Brighton. I am constantly documenting my experiences in urban surroundings by taking photos, drawing and collecting imagery. These will ...