Inês Buruguete
3 diaries 9x14 cm (3.5 x 5.5 inches) This project consists in 3 self reflexive diaries about the Sisyphus Myth. The drawings collection aims to explore the internal process of the self in his cyclically task. A call for unrealized projects Inês B ...
3 diaries 9x14 cm (3.5 x 5.5 inches) This project consists in 3 self reflexive diaries about the Sisyphus Myth. The drawings collection aims to explore the internal process of the self in his cyclically task. A call for unrealized projects Inês B ...
Proposal for an Art-Science cooperation for solar lighting a Lebanese village - roula sorour
My project was a proposal to light up a village in Lebanon using solar power in cooperation with a local University. My proposal was hurried and could have been written better. I never did receive a reply to my proposal. From: Roula Sorour <r@roula ...
My project was a proposal to light up a village in Lebanon using solar power in cooperation with a local University. My proposal was hurried and could have been written better. I never did receive a reply to my proposal. From: Roula Sorour <r@roula ...
Nicole Mortiboys
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
The images submitted to AUP are pages taken from a book on how to draw cartoons. (The title of the book has been forgotten). The book was found at Central Library, whilst studying on the MA fine Art course at, Birmingham City University, Margaret S ...
THE LIBRARY - Liliana Gelman
The library is a project about books and readers. It consist of two parts, one is the photographic register of books rescued from the street, the beach, or even from the garbage, over my years of immigrant in Israel. los libros de la biblioteca no tie ...
The library is a project about books and readers. It consist of two parts, one is the photographic register of books rescued from the street, the beach, or even from the garbage, over my years of immigrant in Israel. los libros de la biblioteca no tie ...