Humans Make Mountains - Stefano
my project is paint a series of works witch explore the relationship between humans and landscapes. All info on my pdf catalouge ...
my project is paint a series of works witch explore the relationship between humans and landscapes. All info on my pdf catalouge ...
The Collider - Ivan Isaev, Nikita Spiridonov
At all times man’s course of life as a whole and spiritual in particular embodies in the art. There was many attempts in the history of art to curb the human essence, to understand the meaning of life, purpose, place in nature finally all human natur ...
At all times man’s course of life as a whole and spiritual in particular embodies in the art. There was many attempts in the history of art to curb the human essence, to understand the meaning of life, purpose, place in nature finally all human natur ...
On lap - Lubomyr Tymkiv
On lap. The exhibition, which is on his knees in an outstanding person. It can be knee President of the State, or the Dalai Lama or the Pope or Anders Breivik. Exhibition itself is a cardboard box in which are my work. Duration of action of 15 to 30 ...
On lap. The exhibition, which is on his knees in an outstanding person. It can be knee President of the State, or the Dalai Lama or the Pope or Anders Breivik. Exhibition itself is a cardboard box in which are my work. Duration of action of 15 to 30 ...
Trespassing - Ole Brodersen
The series “Trespassing” explores encounters between human and nature. Human-made objects are placed into a landscape, where their interactions with the natural elements are recorded. The photographer harnesses the forces of wind, currents and wave ...
The series “Trespassing” explores encounters between human and nature. Human-made objects are placed into a landscape, where their interactions with the natural elements are recorded. The photographer harnesses the forces of wind, currents and wave ...
Transit/Stasis - Danielle Giudici Wallis
A proposal for the entrance of the San Francisco Public Library based on the Principle of Least Effort (George Kingsley Zipf, 1949) Transit/Stasis As I emerged from the BART station, I was taken with the sight of a commuter who opted to walk up the ...
A proposal for the entrance of the San Francisco Public Library based on the Principle of Least Effort (George Kingsley Zipf, 1949) Transit/Stasis As I emerged from the BART station, I was taken with the sight of a commuter who opted to walk up the ...
Park a person - Heidi Stokes
Park a person traces an individual’s life and their highs and lows. The piece offers an unusual treatment. Every individual troubled, can go to a space were you can park yourself, as a place for refuge or time out. Based on a true documented account. ...
Park a person traces an individual’s life and their highs and lows. The piece offers an unusual treatment. Every individual troubled, can go to a space were you can park yourself, as a place for refuge or time out. Based on a true documented account. ...