Comedy Routine A, is a comedy routine that was written but never performed, due to shyness and perhaps bad material...
So, its been gettin’ real cold lately, jeez.
[Optional: Have you guys been feeling this?]
We went out and
Comedy Routine A, is a comedy routine that was written but never performed, due to shyness and perhaps bad material...
So, its been gettin’ real cold lately, jeez.
[Optional: Have you guys been feeling this?]
We went out and
After catching the revamped Art Attack series on the Disney Channel, I came across the character ‘Vincent Van Coconut’. I felt that this was a poor parody and wanted to create a better teaching aid. So I built a maquette for a character called ‘Polo
After catching the revamped Art Attack series on the Disney Channel, I came across the character ‘Vincent Van Coconut’. I felt that this was a poor parody and wanted to create a better teaching aid. So I built a maquette for a character called ‘Polo