Walter Benjamin Smith,
R118 G223 B209,
2010- 2035, 40” x 68”,
enamel on panel
R118 G223 B209 is a billboard-like panel that color matches, at full saturation, the scaffolding surrounding the Manhattanville demolition site. This color has multi
Walter Benjamin Smith,
R118 G223 B209,
2010- 2035, 40” x 68”,
enamel on panel
R118 G223 B209 is a billboard-like panel that color matches, at full saturation, the scaffolding surrounding the Manhattanville demolition site. This color has multivalent, programatic functions— employed for its sedative and amnesiac properties. The panel is intended for the city- facing, south wall of the Manhattanville scaffold. A fresh coat of the color coordinate R-118, G-223, B-209 is applied annually for the ensuing 25 years of planned demolition and construction.