Balancing Act - Tricia McLaughlin
  • This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities ...

    This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities always remain level. The structure speaks more theoretically than practically. Although it could be physically realized, it is doubtful that it would be utilized as a true living space.

    — Tricia McLaughlin

    This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities ...

    This living space design is for two people trying to balance their lives together. Every movement in this precarious space shifts that balance. Fortunately the furniture is all hinged. Even when the floor is falling out from under you, the basic amenities always remain level. The structure speaks more theoretically than practically. Although it could be physically realized, it is doubtful that it would be utilized as a true living space.

    — Tricia McLaughlin