“The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. The metal box illuminated, panel with buttons and, in some cases, a mirror, gives the vertical displacement in a very simple way, and requires us to share our living space with stranger ...

“The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. The metal box illuminated, panel with buttons and, in some cases, a mirror, gives the vertical displacement in a very simple way, and requires us to share our living space with strangers, putting to test our ability to communicate”.

I’m dealing with a sound work. 'Gorges' is a poetic metaphor for the frantic sound of big cities, imagined as a 'chorus of voices' to be held in the silence of the tunnels crossing the elevators. This 'song', composed of sounds and noises produced by the activity of the support cables and gears of the elevators, is then returned in real time to the outside, in the central hall, simultaneously.

The sound is picked up from inside the pit where the elevators moving up and down in response to button press by passengers, so that set the pace 'chorus of voices' canyons of concrete, according to their wishes and choices. The work was thought to be carried out in a busy office building with many floors, lifts, a central hall, sound equipment to capture and acoustic resonance, and public participation, which are active flyers on the displacement process. The gap in the concrete and the cables are well thought of as large urban gorges of concrete, and the elevator and its supporting cables a metaphor of the throat and vocal cords, which emit or regret his song when open and close the doors, or could be thought as 'mouths' of these singers in the central hall. The beginning, middle and end of the 'symphony', rhythm, beat or lag, the pauses and the silence of sound composition happens in the very flow that passengers require, by choosing their floor and rush the movement. Passengers would then be the DJs and co-authors of this symphony. The work aims to provoke the senses and engage the public.

The origin of the work

The work 'Gorges' emerged as an outgrowth of research based on sound experimental projects of artists, avant-garde of the twentieth century, such as Futurism with Russolo, Kandinsky and the 'opera in yellow', Mondrian and jazz, silence and noise with Fluxus and John Cage, and contemporary electronic music. In interweaving of ideas also contributed theories of Pythagoras on the 'music of the highest levels. " The philosopher who turned everything in numbers, believed there is a harmonious symphony in the universe, coming from the displacement of the planets in outer space. As we all know that the sounds do not propagate in vacuum, it is noteworthy that both science and art is even here, when dealing with some sort of science as fiction. A kind of poetic imagination understood as pertaining to the art world.

Equipment needed

I intend to define the sound equipment, as well as the utilization of existing resources in the lift, which may be incorporated to work in partnership with professional maintenance and security of the building and elevators.

The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. There are those who feel themselves masters of the situation, precisely because they are in a restricted area. Others experience the discomfort of sharing living space, so tiny, with unknown and intimidated, they hope to soon reach the floor target. There are still those who use the place for sex games. The fact is that each of us has a way of facing the elevator. Many are placed at the door. Show a certain impatience and seem to miss the time to leave. Things change when it comes to elevator already occupied by one or more passengers. Some stress the situation forcing the other to squeeze in one of two angles, simulating a sort of turf war.

Say Without Words

Being on the elevator with other people means sharing a confined space, in the sense that we are constrained to relating to other individuals, usually strangers, at a physical distance that normally would not be so short. There are variations among individuals and from one culture to another. Naturally, the distance is smaller in the case of intimate relationships and larger in social relations.

In the elevator we are forced to violate rules that can cause severe discomfort in some people and aversive sensations. To try to hide the discomfort when you're in the elevator with strangers, it is common for people to focus on the inscription on the maximum allowed weight, reading it and rereading it several times, or look forward to the panel lights. The elevator has therefore rules that relate to communication - in particular the non-verbal. Then, let’s make and listen to the music of these concerns!

“The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. The metal box illuminated, panel with buttons and, in some cases, a mirror, gives the vertical displacement in a very simple way, and requires us to share our living space with stranger ...

“The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. The metal box illuminated, panel with buttons and, in some cases, a mirror, gives the vertical displacement in a very simple way, and requires us to share our living space with strangers, putting to test our ability to communicate”.

I’m dealing with a sound work. 'Gorges' is a poetic metaphor for the frantic sound of big cities, imagined as a 'chorus of voices' to be held in the silence of the tunnels crossing the elevators. This 'song', composed of sounds and noises produced by the activity of the support cables and gears of the elevators, is then returned in real time to the outside, in the central hall, simultaneously.

The sound is picked up from inside the pit where the elevators moving up and down in response to button press by passengers, so that set the pace 'chorus of voices' canyons of concrete, according to their wishes and choices. The work was thought to be carried out in a busy office building with many floors, lifts, a central hall, sound equipment to capture and acoustic resonance, and public participation, which are active flyers on the displacement process. The gap in the concrete and the cables are well thought of as large urban gorges of concrete, and the elevator and its supporting cables a metaphor of the throat and vocal cords, which emit or regret his song when open and close the doors, or could be thought as 'mouths' of these singers in the central hall. The beginning, middle and end of the 'symphony', rhythm, beat or lag, the pauses and the silence of sound composition happens in the very flow that passengers require, by choosing their floor and rush the movement. Passengers would then be the DJs and co-authors of this symphony. The work aims to provoke the senses and engage the public.

The origin of the work

The work 'Gorges' emerged as an outgrowth of research based on sound experimental projects of artists, avant-garde of the twentieth century, such as Futurism with Russolo, Kandinsky and the 'opera in yellow', Mondrian and jazz, silence and noise with Fluxus and John Cage, and contemporary electronic music. In interweaving of ideas also contributed theories of Pythagoras on the 'music of the highest levels. " The philosopher who turned everything in numbers, believed there is a harmonious symphony in the universe, coming from the displacement of the planets in outer space. As we all know that the sounds do not propagate in vacuum, it is noteworthy that both science and art is even here, when dealing with some sort of science as fiction. A kind of poetic imagination understood as pertaining to the art world.

Equipment needed

I intend to define the sound equipment, as well as the utilization of existing resources in the lift, which may be incorporated to work in partnership with professional maintenance and security of the building and elevators.

The lift is the most widely used means of transport in big cities. There are those who feel themselves masters of the situation, precisely because they are in a restricted area. Others experience the discomfort of sharing living space, so tiny, with unknown and intimidated, they hope to soon reach the floor target. There are still those who use the place for sex games. The fact is that each of us has a way of facing the elevator. Many are placed at the door. Show a certain impatience and seem to miss the time to leave. Things change when it comes to elevator already occupied by one or more passengers. Some stress the situation forcing the other to squeeze in one of two angles, simulating a sort of turf war.

Say Without Words

Being on the elevator with other people means sharing a confined space, in the sense that we are constrained to relating to other individuals, usually strangers, at a physical distance that normally would not be so short. There are variations among individuals and from one culture to another. Naturally, the distance is smaller in the case of intimate relationships and larger in social relations.

In the elevator we are forced to violate rules that can cause severe discomfort in some people and aversive sensations. To try to hide the discomfort when you're in the elevator with strangers, it is common for people to focus on the inscription on the maximum allowed weight, reading it and rereading it several times, or look forward to the panel lights. The elevator has therefore rules that relate to communication - in particular the non-verbal. Then, let’s make and listen to the music of these concerns!