Working for the Revolution. - Romulo Banares
  • Working for the Revolution. This project consists in working for the Revolution, with small actions, small changes, words. All artists work in some kind of misunderstood revolution around some personal or collective utopia. Revolution is a work in prog ...

    Working for the Revolution. This project consists in working for the Revolution, with small actions, small changes, words. All artists work in some kind of misunderstood revolution around some personal or collective utopia. Revolution is a work in progress, an infinite experiment and always incomplete. Revolution as a collective work, a web of desire and solidarity where people can meet and feel something new. Sometimes something happens, like in Madrid, you can feel the Revolution. It is a word you can pronounce properly, without shame. Revolution is evolution

    Working for the Revolution. This project consists in working for the Revolution, with small actions, small changes, words. All artists work in some kind of misunderstood revolution around some personal or collective utopia. Revolution is a work in prog ...

    Working for the Revolution. This project consists in working for the Revolution, with small actions, small changes, words. All artists work in some kind of misunderstood revolution around some personal or collective utopia. Revolution is a work in progress, an infinite experiment and always incomplete. Revolution as a collective work, a web of desire and solidarity where people can meet and feel something new. Sometimes something happens, like in Madrid, you can feel the Revolution. It is a word you can pronounce properly, without shame. Revolution is evolution