Nikki White
  • Both pieces I have submitted were started when I was feeling a certain way. I began making the sketches (which is what you see here) then I stopped working on the sketches and the paintings were never born. The reason for this is that since both were cr ...

    Both pieces I have submitted were started when I was feeling a certain way. I began making the sketches (which is what you see here) then I stopped working on the sketches and the paintings were never born. The reason for this is that since both were cr

    Both pieces I have submitted were started when I was feeling a certain way. I began making the sketches (which is what you see here) then I stopped working on the sketches and the paintings were never born. The reason for this is that since both were cr ...

    Both pieces I have submitted were started when I was feeling a certain way. I began making the sketches (which is what you see here) then I stopped working on the sketches and the paintings were never born. The reason for this is that since both were cr