On Loan - Julie Rafalski
  • On Loan Proposal: The entire collection of copies (222 books) of Thomas More’s Utopia that belong to the British Library will be borrowed for a given time period.* All copies of the book will be physically removed from the library on a given ...

    On Loan


    The entire collection of copies (222 books) of Thomas More’s Utopia that belong to the British Library will be borrowed for a given time period.* All copies of the book will be physically removed from the library on a given day. The borrowed Utopias will be placed on a mobile bookshelf unit (with wheels) attached to a bicycle. A cyclist will then cycle with attached bookshelf from London to Leuven, Belgium (where Utopia was first published) and then return to London. The distance from London to Leuven is 222 miles. * However long it takes for a professional cyclist to cycle to Leuven from London and return.

    On Loan Proposal: The entire collection of copies (222 books) of Thomas More’s Utopia that belong to the British Library will be borrowed for a given time period.* All copies of the book will be physically removed from the library on a given ...

    On Loan


    The entire collection of copies (222 books) of Thomas More’s Utopia that belong to the British Library will be borrowed for a given time period.* All copies of the book will be physically removed from the library on a given day. The borrowed Utopias will be placed on a mobile bookshelf unit (with wheels) attached to a bicycle. A cyclist will then cycle with attached bookshelf from London to Leuven, Belgium (where Utopia was first published) and then return to London. The distance from London to Leuven is 222 miles. * However long it takes for a professional cyclist to cycle to Leuven from London and return.