A Labyrinth of Illusions - Jerzy Olek
  • A Labyrinth of Illusions The exhibition would present my works from the series “The Dimensionslessness of Illusion”. Drawings, photographs, collages, computer graphics and stereomontages–all reflecting the variety of techniques used in the const ...

    A Labyrinth of Illusions

    The exhibition would present my works from the series “The Dimensionslessness of Illusion”. Drawings, photographs, collages, computer graphics and stereomontages–all reflecting the variety of techniques used in the construction of anamorphoses, impossible figures, optical illusions, distortions of perspective and multidimensional spaces. They should be exhibited in a several stories high building without an exit, and the arrangement of works in rooms, halls and corridors should change to confuse the viewers. All together, they would form a labyrinth without a clear beginning of end. The project is designed to overwhelm and worry by its visual density.

    copyright by Jerzy Olek My material does not infringe the rights of any third party.

    A Labyrinth of Illusions The exhibition would present my works from the series “The Dimensionslessness of Illusion”. Drawings, photographs, collages, computer graphics and stereomontages–all reflecting the variety of techniques used in the const ...

    A Labyrinth of Illusions

    The exhibition would present my works from the series “The Dimensionslessness of Illusion”. Drawings, photographs, collages, computer graphics and stereomontages–all reflecting the variety of techniques used in the construction of anamorphoses, impossible figures, optical illusions, distortions of perspective and multidimensional spaces. They should be exhibited in a several stories high building without an exit, and the arrangement of works in rooms, halls and corridors should change to confuse the viewers. All together, they would form a labyrinth without a clear beginning of end. The project is designed to overwhelm and worry by its visual density.

    copyright by Jerzy Olek My material does not infringe the rights of any third party.