"Panic Eternal" - David Hanes
  • "Panic Eternal", Single Channel Video Projection Loop, 16:00, 2011 Panic Eternal is a projection artwork that plays with both the emotional and visual stimuli of a viewer in its emphasizing of slapstick found in cinematic parody. Using found footage (f ...

    "Panic Eternal", Single Channel Video Projection Loop, 16:00, 2011

    Panic Eternal is a projection artwork that plays with both the emotional and visual stimuli of a viewer in its emphasizing of slapstick found in cinematic parody. Using found footage (f

    "Panic Eternal", Single Channel Video Projection Loop, 16:00, 2011 Panic Eternal is a projection artwork that plays with both the emotional and visual stimuli of a viewer in its emphasizing of slapstick found in cinematic parody. Using found footage (f ...

    "Panic Eternal", Single Channel Video Projection Loop, 16:00, 2011

    Panic Eternal is a projection artwork that plays with both the emotional and visual stimuli of a viewer in its emphasizing of slapstick found in cinematic parody. Using found footage (f