Inside a Tesseract is a project for a polyptych of six installations placed inside the structure of an imaginary folding/unfolding cube. The content of the six installations will correlate to each other organically, by the composition of essential elements. Each side of the cube represents one installation. The cube is constructed in a way that when its faces fold in all the interior installations will be unified and geometrically accommodated within each other. Although each one of the installations on each cube face are to be built in a large size, the result of all the faces adapted onto each other will only be possible to visualize in a scaled model cube, which will represent the complete concept. Natural raw and semi-raw elements such as stone, petrol, magnets, ether, light, sound… will be the sculptural mediums I will work with. The reactive behaviour of such materials will be experimented with as possible triggers for a glimpse over a forth dimension perception of reality, aiming to understand how a hypercube of 4 dimensions, also called Tesseract, reaches its inter-dimensional formula, projecting an upgraded life system.
Inside a Tesseract is a project for a polyptych of six installations placed inside the structure of an imaginary folding/unfolding cube. The content of the six installations will correlate to each other organically, by the composition of essential elements. Each side of the cube represents one installation. The cube is constructed in a way that when its faces fold in all the interior installations will be unified and geometrically accommodated within each other. Although each one of the installations on each cube face are to be built in a large size, the result of all the faces adapted onto each other will only be possible to visualize in a scaled model cube, which will represent the complete concept. Natural raw and semi-raw elements such as stone, petrol, magnets, ether, light, sound… will be the sculptural mediums I will work with. The reactive behaviour of such materials will be experimented with as possible triggers for a glimpse over a forth dimension perception of reality, aiming to understand how a hypercube of 4 dimensions, also called Tesseract, reaches its inter-dimensional formula, projecting an upgraded life system.