A Lighthouse - Goran Tomcic
  • “A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls c ...

    “A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls covered with one million blue heart-shaped sequins; 3. A model of a lighthouse covered in silver holographic films with a lighthouse light on the top. The light from the lighthouse rotates and reflects on the already shimmering sea of hearts on the floor and on the three walls.

    “A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls c ...

    “A Lighthouse” is an installation consisting of three main parts: 1. Three walls (each wall app. 15’ long/20’ high) completely wallpapered with cut outs of many different designs of gold holographic films; 2. The floor space in between the walls covered with one million blue heart-shaped sequins; 3. A model of a lighthouse covered in silver holographic films with a lighthouse light on the top. The light from the lighthouse rotates and reflects on the already shimmering sea of hearts on the floor and on the three walls.