You are invited to contribute your own unrealized projects to AUP’s growing archive. Contributions can include text (DOC) and image files (two JPEGs or PDFs up to 2MB each). Please fill out the form fully and tag the project accordingly. Once completed, your project will be submitted for approval.

My House - Uri Tzaig

No title, as the project only reached proposal stage - Rikrit Tiravanija

Ruderaltisch, 1994/95 Kunst am Bau - Projekt - Lois Weinberger

Visual Poem: Cap I Cua - Joan Brossa

Unbetitelt, Gänse-Projekt + Noch unbetitelt , " Durch den Mund sehen " + Kartoffeln  - Carsten Holler


Project for the Initiative Mahnmal Homosexuellenverfolgung, Frankfurt  - Jeff Wall

Jake and Dinos Chapman's five proposals for an empty plinth situated on central londons trafalgar square - Jake and Dinos Chapman

Battery Park City - Per Kirkeby

PROPOSALl + VOORSTEL - Guillame Bijl

Agency of Unrealised Projects
Logo by Liam Gillick