Random Identity Forum (“RIF”) - ANNA LASCARI
  • The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...

    The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF

    Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policies of the European Union (EU) by way of developing a classic symbol of group identity—a new flag. This installation provides users with a laptop, a printer, and hi-speed Internet access. “RIF” is organized as a Web site. Users may select whether they would like to create an “EU identity flag” or to express their opinion on current EU debates by accessing the “opinion flag” page. “RIF’s” flag is a computer-composed image of randomly placed, equally sized blocks, (10 pixels X 10 pixels per block), which reflects the users' individual choices.

    “Identity Flag” The “Identity Flag’s” home page shows a display of the 27 EU Member States flags, symbolic of each Member’s identity and interests, on the map of Europe, in addition to several links to “RIF”’s informational pages. Upon accessing the “go play” page, users are able to create their own "EU identity flag" by typing the percentage of the selected country’s identity they wish to preserve in the Union in a text box next to each Member’s flag. Upon totaling 100%, users submit their selections for computation, the result of which produces their unique “EU identity flag,” which is then projected onto a large screen. Users may distribute their image to others via the e-mail function or print it on-site. These results are not archived by the system. “RIF” also includes an instruction page, pages containing basic geopolitical information about each EU Member State and its geographic position on the continent’s map.

    “Opinion Flag” In this selection users may agree or disagree with EU proposals, for example EU’s constitution. EU proposals would always be presented with a flag, produced in “RIF,” corresponding to an equal representation of all Member States. The opposition would be expressed with a flag created by the artist. The user may agree or disagree by selecting 100% of the displayed flags or play with percentages to create a new image. When the exhibition is over the input data would be calculated and sent to the appropriate EU office, as the visual vote of the exhibition.

    To complete the installation, the flags of the 27 Member States will be displayed at one wall of the installation area, while 27 flags based on the pattern of the flag created by the equal representation of all Member States will be at the opposite wall.

    The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policie ...

    The “Identity Flag” can be reviewed at: www.annalascari.net/RIF

    Project Description “RIF” (Random Identity Forum) is an interactive installation that allows users to participate in and comment on the political and socio-economic policies of the European Union (EU) by way of developing a classic symbol of group identity—a new flag. This installation provides users with a laptop, a printer, and hi-speed Internet access. “RIF” is organized as a Web site. Users may select whether they would like to create an “EU identity flag” or to express their opinion on current EU debates by accessing the “opinion flag” page. “RIF’s” flag is a computer-composed image of randomly placed, equally sized blocks, (10 pixels X 10 pixels per block), which reflects the users' individual choices.

    “Identity Flag” The “Identity Flag’s” home page shows a display of the 27 EU Member States flags, symbolic of each Member’s identity and interests, on the map of Europe, in addition to several links to “RIF”’s informational pages. Upon accessing the “go play” page, users are able to create their own "EU identity flag" by typing the percentage of the selected country’s identity they wish to preserve in the Union in a text box next to each Member’s flag. Upon totaling 100%, users submit their selections for computation, the result of which produces their unique “EU identity flag,” which is then projected onto a large screen. Users may distribute their image to others via the e-mail function or print it on-site. These results are not archived by the system. “RIF” also includes an instruction page, pages containing basic geopolitical information about each EU Member State and its geographic position on the continent’s map.

    “Opinion Flag” In this selection users may agree or disagree with EU proposals, for example EU’s constitution. EU proposals would always be presented with a flag, produced in “RIF,” corresponding to an equal representation of all Member States. The opposition would be expressed with a flag created by the artist. The user may agree or disagree by selecting 100% of the displayed flags or play with percentages to create a new image. When the exhibition is over the input data would be calculated and sent to the appropriate EU office, as the visual vote of the exhibition.

    To complete the installation, the flags of the 27 Member States will be displayed at one wall of the installation area, while 27 flags based on the pattern of the flag created by the equal representation of all Member States will be at the opposite wall.