Status: This project runs in the spirit of “concrete Utopia”, a project which is yet to be realized. This implies that it might take the duration of my lifetime to realize this work, but has to be realized at some point because I believe in its potent ...

Status: This project runs in the spirit of “concrete Utopia”, a project which is yet to be realized. This implies that it might take the duration of my lifetime to realize this work, but has to be realized at some point because I believe in its potential of realization and necessity of it taking concrete form. The concreteness of the possibility of it´s production gives me all reason to make sure this work will be produced, therefor I actually do not consider it utopian. Instead I understand that I have to investigate in the course of my future practice all considerable implication which are and will contribute to "nd the means for it to be "nally build. In fact this concept has just been born this summer 2012 and is growing with every new information I gather through research and conversation. Much of its conceptual and technical aspects still have to be explored and de"ned and details are in the process of being worked out.

General Idea: Cubical Progression is a concept of positioning sculptural object over the surface of the planet in a cartographic network. is network is established within the geographical coordinate system through a numerical progression. As suitable progression the Fibonacci sequence is used as the "rst model. Starting from the center of the system (0°, 0°) the network is progressing into the four directions of the coordination plane (x, y, -x, -y) and designating speci"c positions, of which each is to hold one part of a divided cube. The division of the cube takes four parts and resembles a spiral dynamic when view from top, where each piece equals a L-shape. The scale of the cube follows as well a numerical progression from the theoretically in"nite small to in"nite big. All pieces and positions are building together one piece. This means that although the pieces are located at many points, they can be only understood as one work, and therefor have to be combined in the recipients mind. Cubical Progression is translating a two dimensional idea onto a three dimensional body, as well as a cubical form onto a spherical one. The content of this work is its location, with which it occupies space on the physical scale as well as the numerical dimension. It exist in its physical presence on the location parallel to the verbal idea which is manifesting the whole piece in mental space and elevating the planets physicality and scale within the recipients mind. Cubical Progression is a project that aims to follow the urge to enfold the whole of earth´s physical extension into a work of art and is understanding at the same time the all but impossible attempt to touch upon the wholeness of earth. It intents to neutralize existing projections onto certain areas of the earth and to create a bridge between remote places. It is also a concept that can be applied onto other planets, with other geographical coordinate systems. But carried out on earth, when using the "bonacci sequence, positions are found in places such as: Senegal, Chad, Angola, Georgia, Siberia, north Canada, Antarctica and the Ocean.

Nov. 2012, Ada Avetist

Status: This project runs in the spirit of “concrete Utopia”, a project which is yet to be realized. This implies that it might take the duration of my lifetime to realize this work, but has to be realized at some point because I believe in its potent ...

Status: This project runs in the spirit of “concrete Utopia”, a project which is yet to be realized. This implies that it might take the duration of my lifetime to realize this work, but has to be realized at some point because I believe in its potential of realization and necessity of it taking concrete form. The concreteness of the possibility of it´s production gives me all reason to make sure this work will be produced, therefor I actually do not consider it utopian. Instead I understand that I have to investigate in the course of my future practice all considerable implication which are and will contribute to "nd the means for it to be "nally build. In fact this concept has just been born this summer 2012 and is growing with every new information I gather through research and conversation. Much of its conceptual and technical aspects still have to be explored and de"ned and details are in the process of being worked out.

General Idea: Cubical Progression is a concept of positioning sculptural object over the surface of the planet in a cartographic network. is network is established within the geographical coordinate system through a numerical progression. As suitable progression the Fibonacci sequence is used as the "rst model. Starting from the center of the system (0°, 0°) the network is progressing into the four directions of the coordination plane (x, y, -x, -y) and designating speci"c positions, of which each is to hold one part of a divided cube. The division of the cube takes four parts and resembles a spiral dynamic when view from top, where each piece equals a L-shape. The scale of the cube follows as well a numerical progression from the theoretically in"nite small to in"nite big. All pieces and positions are building together one piece. This means that although the pieces are located at many points, they can be only understood as one work, and therefor have to be combined in the recipients mind. Cubical Progression is translating a two dimensional idea onto a three dimensional body, as well as a cubical form onto a spherical one. The content of this work is its location, with which it occupies space on the physical scale as well as the numerical dimension. It exist in its physical presence on the location parallel to the verbal idea which is manifesting the whole piece in mental space and elevating the planets physicality and scale within the recipients mind. Cubical Progression is a project that aims to follow the urge to enfold the whole of earth´s physical extension into a work of art and is understanding at the same time the all but impossible attempt to touch upon the wholeness of earth. It intents to neutralize existing projections onto certain areas of the earth and to create a bridge between remote places. It is also a concept that can be applied onto other planets, with other geographical coordinate systems. But carried out on earth, when using the "bonacci sequence, positions are found in places such as: Senegal, Chad, Angola, Georgia, Siberia, north Canada, Antarctica and the Ocean.

Nov. 2012, Ada Avetist