battlefield #56 / sugar
Project description.
During the week of Belluard Festival of Fribourg 2010, I proposed to remove and take out the product "sugar" from the sale of the most stores in Fribourg Switzeralnd (Coop, Migros, Denner, grocery stores, etc.). The project was accepted (as a project) but anyway i didn’t manage to convince dealers to execute it (after phone call, letters, meetings, etc) They were afraid about this lack in their own stores and afraid of losing money (even if i proposed a deal with them).
One of the interest for me would have been each small scenario of the reason for this lack create by each costumers.
battlefield #56 / sugar
Project description.
During the week of Belluard Festival of Fribourg 2010, I proposed to remove and take out the product "sugar" from the sale of the most stores in Fribourg Switzeralnd (Coop, Migros, Denner, grocery stores, etc.). The project was accepted (as a project) but anyway i didn’t manage to convince dealers to execute it (after phone call, letters, meetings, etc) They were afraid about this lack in their own stores and afraid of losing money (even if i proposed a deal with them).
One of the interest for me would have been each small scenario of the reason for this lack create by each costumers.