L'art mis à nu par ses artistes, même... Rifiuto della Creazione / Everything has been done, so why do „everything” ? - Gregor Rozanski
  • working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings. this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri. Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is be ...

    working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings.

    this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri.

    Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is better to don't create/work at all than to produce or overproduce (art)work ! Duchamp refused to create (or overcreate for "pleasure" of art world or for pumping up his fame) and Negri called for work refusal as refusal to exploitation - "rejection of this type of work to transform the labour" (or art) .

    (see concept drawings)

    the main part of this installation is a typical theoretical visualisation of economic phenomena of inflation - relation between factors of demand and supply. More art objects = less "value"... Frames, glass and construction designed to remind the famous Duchamps : "La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même" - „The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even”, modified into „Art stripped bare by its artists, even”.

    too much art (sentence inspired by song of LCD Soundsystem "Too much love") : Too much love, too much love (...) / No memories to get cloudy / To get cloudy when you can't see / What you can't see ... It's all the same when it's morning / And you're boring / Still ignoring everything ..”

    gregor rozanski, 2010

    working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings. this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri. Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is be ...

    working title and object(s) as complex game of meanings.

    this is a meeting of ideas of two rebels form different backgrounds - artist Marcel Duchamp and theoretican and activist Antonio Negri.

    Negri and Duchamp have one the same opinion that is better to don't create/work at all than to produce or overproduce (art)work ! Duchamp refused to create (or overcreate for "pleasure" of art world or for pumping up his fame) and Negri called for work refusal as refusal to exploitation - "rejection of this type of work to transform the labour" (or art) .

    (see concept drawings)

    the main part of this installation is a typical theoretical visualisation of economic phenomena of inflation - relation between factors of demand and supply. More art objects = less "value"... Frames, glass and construction designed to remind the famous Duchamps : "La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même" - „The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even”, modified into „Art stripped bare by its artists, even”.

    too much art (sentence inspired by song of LCD Soundsystem "Too much love") : Too much love, too much love (...) / No memories to get cloudy / To get cloudy when you can't see / What you can't see ... It's all the same when it's morning / And you're boring / Still ignoring everything ..”

    gregor rozanski, 2010